The total score is 830! This year, Jiujiang City will fully implement the reform of high school level exams-Jiujiang News Network


03/23/2021 18:00

Source: Jiujiang News Network

Jiujiang News Network (Kong Ying, Jiujiang Press reporter)On March 23, the reporter learned from the Municipal Education Directorate that, in accordance with the relevant requirements of the Provincial Department of Education, this year the city will fully implement the reform of the secondary and middle level examinations.

Under the agreement, starting in 2021, the city will fully implement the high school level exam. In 2021, the subjects and scores of the third grade academic proficiency test in the city are respectively,120 points for Chinese, 120 points for mathematics, 120 points for foreign language (including 20 points for listening), 80 points for ethics and rule of law, 80 points for history, 80 points for physics (not including experiments), 70 points for chemistry (excluding experiments), 50 points for geography, 50 points for biology (excluding experiments), 60 points for physical education and health, and the total score for junior and third grade subjects is 830 pointsHigh school sophomore proficiency test subject scores are 50 points in geography and 50 points in biology (experiments not included).Information technology, physics experiments, chemical experiments, biological experiments, music, and fine arts are the test subjects, which are presented in the form of grades (two grades of qualified and unskilled).Second grade students in the subjects of the provincial unified exam are geography and biology.Third-year students are divided into 7 subjects: Chinese, mathematics, foreign language, morality and the rule of law, history, physics, and chemistry.In 2020, due to the new corona pneumonia epidemic, the geography and biology level exams were not taken in the second year of high school. Students who have entered the third year of high school will be postponed to 2021 along with other subjects.Between them, ethics and the rule of law and history are combined (open-book examination), physics and chemistry are carried out in the same field test; geography and biology are combined book tests. All localities should urge schools to seriously implement the requirements of the national curriculum, deepen education and teaching reform, guide students to learn well in each course, and strive to improve the quality of education and learning. teaching.

In accordance with the spirit of the documents of the Provincial Directorate of Education, combined with the reality of our city,9 academic and scientific proficiency test proposals in 2021, including Chinese, mathematics, foreign languages, morality and rule of law, history, physics (excluding experiments), chemistry (excluding experiments), 2nd grade geography and 2nd grade biology (except experiments) The work is still in charge of the Provincial Institute of Education Examination,And it introduced unified requirements for exam time and exam room setup.The city independently establishes geography and biology in the third grade of high school and they are included in the grading subjects of the unified exam. Sport and health are tested using instruments, which are organized by the counties themselves (cities, districts).Information technology, physical experiments, chemical experiments, biological experiments, music and fine arts will be reported separately. All localities must make the necessary preparations in accordance with the arrangements of the provinces and cities to ensure smooth and stable progress of the secondary and high school level exams.

This year, our city will gradually build a high school admissions model based on high school placement test scores combined with a comprehensive quality assessment, based on “Chinese, math, foreign languages, ethics, and the state. Law, History, Physics, Chemistry, Sports and Health, Geography, “Biology” scores are used as the primary basis for admission to high school.“Actually establish high school comprehensive quality assessment files” and “pass other subjects” for reference. At present, the province’s Department of Education has established a comprehensive quality assessment information management system for the province’s junior high school students. This year, the Municipal Board of Education will organize training courses on the use of the system to improve the capacity of county administrators, school administrators and classroom teachers in the city to use the system. All local schools should attach great importance to comprehensive quality assessment work, formulate scientific, standardized and highly operable assessment systems and methods in accordance with relevant provincial and municipal requirements, actively implement comprehensive assessment of student quality high school and make realistic records. selection announcements, systematic entry, etc. jobs. In particular, activity records and typical factual materials used for enrollment should be objective, truthful, and easy to extract and use. The use of the system in schools should be included in the important content of the evaluation and supervision of school work, and the standardization of the use of the system should be promoted.

At the same time, our city will make steady progress on pilot reform of the elementary and middle school level exams. The reform of the high school level examination is an important measure to promote the overall development of students and cultivate comprehensive quality talents, and it is also a necessity for the comprehensive reform of the university entrance examination in Jiangxi Province in 2021 All locations should actively explore the enrollment model based on high school placement test scores combined with comprehensive quality assessment.Six counties (cities, districts), including Lianxi District, Pengze County, Hukou County, De’an County, Gongqing City and Lushan City, continue to submit their scores in the results of the high school level exams.At the same time, the comprehensive quality assessment should be used as the basis and reference for high school enrollment. All localities should urge and guide enrollment schools to formulate specific usage methods based on actual conditions and announce them to the public in advance, so that comprehensive quality assessment can really play a role in enrollment, overcome the theory of single points and promote the round-development of students.

Author: Ying hole

Editor-in-Charge: Yang Zhen, News Network
