The third CIIE is about to open in 20 days. What will the six exhibition areas show? | France_Sina


Original title: The third CIIE is about to open in 20 days. What will be exhibited in the six exhibition areas?

  Summary:The planned area of ​​the III CIIE business exhibition is 360,000 square meters, which includes trade in services, automobiles, technical equipment, consumer goods, medical equipment and medicines.Agricultural productsSix exhibition areas.

The third CIIE will be held in Shanghai from November 5 to 10, 2020. The reporter learned from the China International Import Expo Bureau that preparations for the third CIIE have entered the sprint stage and that recruitment of the business trade show has been fully completed. , The signed exhibition area has exceeded the exhibition area last year. Basically, the exhibitors have completed the booth confirmation work and have proceeded with the booth design and construction. Some exhibitors have already started transporting the exhibition. The world’s top 500 companies and industry-leading companies are actively participating in the exhibition. Most of the world’s top ten companies in pharmaceuticals, medical equipment, dairy products, cosmetics, high-end consumer goods, automobiles and construction machinery have signed up to participate in the expo. Dozens of companies have signed up for the next three sessions. At the Expo, many companies will bring new products, new technologies and new services for the world premiere and the first exhibition in China.

The planned area of ​​the 3rd CIIE Business Exhibition is 360,000 square meters.There are six exhibition areas for trade in services, automobiles, technical equipment, consumer goods, medical equipment and medicine and health care, food and agricultural products.. Among them, the exhibition areas of food and agricultural products are in Hall 1.1, 2.1 and 2.2 of the National Exhibition and Convention Center (Shanghai), the automobile exhibition area is in Hall 1.2, the exhibition area of Technical equipment is in Pavilion 3, Pavilion 4.1 and North Pavilion, and the consumer goods exhibition area is in 5.1 and 6.1. And hall 6.2, the medical equipment and medicine and healthcare exhibition area is in hall 7.1, 7.2 and 8.1, and the service trade exhibition area is in hall 8.2. Based on the six exhibition areas,The 3rd CIIE is also subdivided into four special zones, namely, Public Health Zone, Smart Travel Zone, Energy Conservation and Environmental Protection Zone, and Sports Zone.

  Agri-food products exhibition areaThe exhibition area is 90,000 square meters, which is divided into dairy products, fruits and vegetables, meat and aquatic products, snacks, condiments, wines and beverages, whole foods, etc .; The display area of ​​the car show area is 30,000 square meters, and the brand cars and cars are reserved. Spare parts and support services are traditionally advantageous sectors, and a new smart travel zone has been launched, with a planned area of ​​3,000 square meters. The world’s seven largest vehicle groups and top 500 auto parts companies such as Bosch, Aisin Seiki and Webasto will bring the latest trends and cutting-edge technologies in the automotive field.

  Technical equipment exhibition areaMany of the exhibits represent the highest level of the global equipment manufacturing industry. The scale of the exhibition of this CIIE will be expanded based on the second 60,000 square meters. On the basis of automation and intelligent manufacturing, it will focus on integrating high-speed precision, Industry development trends, such as flexible integration and green energy saving. The energy saving and environmental protection zone, which is heavily built into the exhibition area, will focus on industry critical points such as energy saving, water saving and new energy, comprehensive resource recycling and environmental protection, and will establish Comprehensive exhibition scenes around themes such as clean heating and beautiful landscapes, inviting visitors to experience interaction. During the exhibition, supporting activities such as policy interpretation and corporate matchmaking will take place simultaneously to promote international cooperation in “green manufacturing”.

  Consumer Goods PavilionThe exhibition area is 90,000 square meters, with a total of smart home appliances and appliances, furniture and household items, sporting goods and contests, maternal and child products, gifts and crafts, gem and jade areas, beauty and personal care , fashion and trendy clothes. Wait for the eight main dishes. The area dedicated to events and sporting goods in the Consumer Goods Pavilion will present internationally renowned sporting events, sports brands and sports technology companies to participate in the exhibition, and will create a collection of basketball, running, badminton, cycling, sailing, triathlon, indoor fitness and electronic sports. A viewing area.

  Exhibition area for medical and healthcare equipmentThe planned exhibition area is 60,000 square meters, and the actual exhibition area far exceeds the planned area. About 340 exhibitors, including more than 70 Fortune 500 companies and leading companies will participate in the expo. Topics such as medical services. The exhibition area focuses on the area of ​​public health and epidemic prevention, intensely displaying advanced international hot products, technologies, services and products of public health and epidemic prevention that play an important role in the prevention and control of pneumonia. of new crown. The exhibition area is more than 10,000 square meters, and there will be almost 40. Fortune 500 and leading companies in the world participated in the exhibition.

  Commercial exhibition area of ​​servicesThe exhibition area is 30,000 square meters. According to the different categories of services, it will be divided into areas such as business logistics services, consulting, auditing, legal services, supply chain management services, financial services, inspection and testing services, integrated platform services and tourism services. cultural.

  The six main exhibition areas of the 3rd CIIE held pre-show matchmaking meetings to provide an opportunity for both parties to the transaction to contact each other in advance.

The preparations for the third CIIE marked the beginning of a sprint, which is inseparable from the active participation of foreign exhibition organizations. At the 3rd CIIE, the “Pavilion in Pavilion” created by overseas exhibition organizers is also quite distinctive.French Investment and Business AgencyIt was the first time that it participated as a corporate exhibition organization and a French food pavilion was installed in the food and agricultural products exhibition area of ​​the 3rd CIIE. The French Food Pavilion is reported to be 200 square meters and located at booth B604 at booth 1.1 French products brought together under the “Taste France” brand to show visitors the richness, high quality and traceability of French agricultural foods . During the exhibition, the French Food Pavilion will have non-stop live events every day, such as holding wine and spirits master classes in the “French Wine Tasting Room”, and in the “Cooking Demonstration Area” , French chefs will conduct cooking demonstrations.

  International Trade DepartmentIn the exhibition area of ​​food and agricultural products of this CIIE, an exhibition area of ​​300 square meters will be installed, covering multiple fields. By then, they will organize more than 120 British companies to participate in the online and offline activities of the British Pavilion at the CIIE to display their brands of agricultural products, food and drinks; from the first CIIE in 2018,Singapore Chamber of Commerce and Industry186 Singapore companies were organized to participate in the exhibition, and the exhibition area of ​​the two CIIEs totaled 4156 square meters. At the 3rd CIIE, they will organize Singapore companies to showcase their latest products and services in the three main exhibition areas of trade in services, food and agricultural products and consumer goods, with a total area of ​​1131 square meters;Philippines International Trade and Exhibition CenterA 108 square meter pavilion will be installed in the food and agricultural products exhibition area, focusing on healthy natural food and fresh agricultural products from the Philippines;Brazilian Agency for the Promotion of Investments in Exports14 Brazilian companies will organize to participate in the site and 10 Brazilian companies to participate in the third CIIE remotely. Products exhibited by Brazilian companies include acai berries, fruits, juices, honey, meat, nuts, spices, organic foods, and sugar-free functional foods.

This year isGerman AHK Exhibition OrganizationThe third year of cooperation with CIIE. The German pavilion they brought in this year covers an area of ​​922 square meters, with 37 companies located in the technical equipment exhibition area, automobile exhibition area, consumer goods exhibition area, and food and agricultural products exhibition area. . Among them, the technical equipment display area is more than 400 square meters and the food display area is close to 400 square meters.

Since the first CIIE,Hong Kong Trade Development Council of ChinaIt has been actively organizing the participation of Hong Kong companies. This year, they will continue to install the Hong Kong Products Pavilion and the Hong Kong Service Industry Pavilion in the food and agricultural products exhibition area and the service trade exhibition area, respectively. The total area increased by 20% over last year to 1,700 square meters. So far, there are 34 Hong Kong food companies participating in the Hong Kong Products Pavilion. Companies participating in the Hong Kong Service Industry Pavilion include infrastructure and construction, logistics, design, branding and marketing, professional services, information and communication technology, anti-epidemic and innovative technology, and Investment promotion. and other service industries.


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Editor in Charge: Li Siyang
