The Syrian armed forces were exposed to meddling in the Aya dispute with a monthly salary of 6,000


  1. The Syrian armed forces were exposed to meddling in the Aya dispute, with a monthly salary of 6,000 yuan.
  2. Armenia and Azerbaijan erupted in a conflict that resulted in 23 deaths, and tens of thousands died in territorial disputes in the 1990s BBC 中文 网
  3. Latest news on conflicts in Armenia and Azerbaijan! Azerbaijan announces partial mobilization, Turkey sends some 4,000 soldiers to Azerbaijan and the Naka conflict killed 30 soldiers_china it news
  4. The war intensifies: Armenia imposes martial law to restrict the exit of men between 18 and 55 years old | Ministry of National Defense | Naka | Azerbaijan
  5. News Analysis-How Turkey and Russia Reacted Behind the Sudden Resurgence of the War Between the South Caucasus, Asia and Afghanistan Draws Attention to RFI-Radio France International
  6. See the full report on Google News