The State Council has accelerated the promotion of the entry into force of the RCEP, has quickly resolved and improved the relevant rules and regulations-Finance News


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Original title: The State Council accelerates the promotion of RCEP to take effect

Source: Beijing Commercial Daily

Beijing Business Daily (Reporter Tao Feng and Lu Yinling) Housework will be accelerated to promote the effective implementation of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (hereinafter “RCEP”). According to news from China Government Network on December 2, Prime Minister Li Keqiang chaired an executive meeting of the State Council on December 1 to make arrangements to accelerate the implementation of RCEP, maintain free trade and expand cooperation and a new mutual benefit space.

The meeting noted that the RCEP agreement formally signed at the East Asian Cooperation Leaders Meeting in recent days is important for member states to jointly respond to international environmental issues. China’s high-level openness is of great importance. As a member of the agreement, our country must actively promote the implementation of the agreement with its own actions, there is much urgent work to be done in this regard.

The meeting requested that the relevant departments follow the arrangements of the Party Central Committee and the State Council, consolidate their responsibilities, clarify the division of tasks and time limits in accordance with the agreement, and complete the relevant domestic work for the implementation of the agreement as soon as possible.

Li Keqiang emphasized that it is necessary to strengthen interdepartmental coordination, accelerate the completion of national approval procedures, promote the opening of trade in goods, trade in services, investment and the movement of natural persons, and promote liberalization and facilitation. trade and investment, intellectual property protection, trade relief, e-commerce, public procurement, small and medium-sized enterprises, and economic and technical cooperation will need to implement stricter standards.

It is understood that the RCEP was formally signed on November 15, covering approximately 2.3 billion people in 15 member states, representing 30% of the world’s population, with a total GDP exceeding 25 trillion dollars. According to calculations by internationally renowned think tanks, by 2025, RCEP is expected to boost member country exports, foreign investment stocks and GDP to increase by 10.4%, 2.6% and 1.8% respectively from the baseline.

According to RCEP, the deal must be approved by at least 9 of the 15 members, including at least 6 ASEAN member states and at least 3 countries between China, Japan, South Korea, Australia and New Zealand. RCEP members will conduct their own national approval procedures to promote early implementation of the agreement.

A few days ago, Gao Feng, the spokesman for the Ministry of Commerce, said at a press conference that he will complete the approval process for the RCEP entry into force with relevant departments as soon as possible, and will work with all parties to the agreement to promote that the agreement enters into force as soon as possible.

“The RCEP will create a fair, transparent, stable and predictable political environment for China’s foreign trade and related companies. RCEP members will implement tariff reductions, open market access, remove barriers affecting trade and simplify customs procedures, which will further reduce the RCEP. The cost of trade within the region and the promotion of trade facilitation have a positive effect on the growth of trade and investment among countries in the region, “said Gao Feng .

According to the head of the International Department of the Ministry of Commerce, the 15 parties have adopted bilateral bidding agreements for the liberalization of trade in goods. Once the agreement enters into force, more than 90% of merchandise trade in the region will eventually reach zero tariffs, and mainly immediately. The reduction of taxes to zero and the reduction of taxes to zero in ten years make the RCEP Free Trade Zone fulfills all its commitments to liberalize merchandise trade in a relatively short time.

“It is foreseeable that with the implementation of unified rules such as rules of origin, customs procedures, inspection and quarantine, and technical standards, the elimination of the overlapping of tariff and non-tariff barrier effects will gradually release the trade creation effect of the RCEP and will significantly reduce the costs of intra-regional trade and product prices. To improve the competitiveness of the region’s products, it will benefit all companies and consumers, ”said the official.

As for the total number of products without tariffs in the trade of goods in the region after the implementation of the agreement will reach 90%, Li Keqiang stressed that it is necessary to pay close attention to tariff reduction, simplification of customs procedures , technical preparations for rules of origin, unification of product standards and mutual recognition. Measures will be taken to implement the agreement to achieve the release of goods such as express and perishable goods within a period of 6 hours.

Furthermore, the general commitments to open trade in services in the agreement are significantly higher than those in the existing free trade agreements between member states. It should be based on China’s new developments in research and development, management consulting, manufacturing-related services, elderly care services, professional design, construction and many other service departments. Commitment to openness and implement opening measures one by one. It is also necessary to implement the commitments of the negative list of investments and no restrictions will be added to foreign investment outside the list. Comply with the commitment to comprehensive protection of intellectual property rights acquired in the free trade agreement for the first time, and include all copyrights, trademarks, geographical indications, patents, genetic resources, etc. Implement electronic authentication and signature, protection of personal information online, network security, and cross-border electronic information transmission.

“Fully implement China’s RCEP commitments, strengthen open cooperation on national rules, regulations, management and standards, improve the level and quality of openness, and increase the utilization rate of free trade agreements, which will help to create a more optimized and better business environment Serve for the establishment of a new national open economy system, open new prospects for mutually beneficial cooperation with relevant countries and accelerate the construction of a new development pattern, “said Pang Chaoran , associate researcher at the Academy of the Ministry of Commerce, in an interview with a reporter from the Beijing Business Daily.

At the same time, Li Keqiang pointed out that China should also intensify efforts to resolve and improve the rules and regulations related to the implementation of the agreement, to ensure that the binding obligations stipulated in the agreement are in force, and to ensure compliance with the measures and national administrative procedures. It is necessary to strengthen the implementation of training in promotion of the agreement for localities, trade associations and companies, so that all parties, especially most companies, know and master the rules of the agreement, fully understand the opportunities and challenges offered by the broader and higher standards of openness and competition, and strive to be in the market. Expand the space for cooperation and development in competition.

“Accelerating the implementation of RCEP not only reflects China’s responsibility as an important country that firmly promotes the development of economic globalization and liberalization, but also drives reforms through openness,” said Pang Chaoran, accelerating integration. of national laws and regulations with prevailing international rules and constantly improving foreign economic and commercial laws National legislation in related fields is an important starting point for the implementation of institutional openness in a broader range, a broader field and a deeper level.

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