“The smart watch can predict the crown,” says the Nijmegen professor


While all kinds of experts are now working on developing a crown app, a Nijmegen professor will start researching Tuesday to detect the crown early with a smart watch. Professor Bas Bloem from Radboud University in Nijmegen has been conducting research on PwP with a smart watch for three years. You are now also using this for crown research.

The clock does not look futuristic; quite classic.With time clearly in view. But the neurologist and professor Bas Bloem has high expectations in this regard. “This watch measures movements, sleep, heart rate, but also, for example, the resistance of the user’s skin.”

Photo: Omroep Gelderland

Corona, SARS or Ebola

“We know that if you have a fever or fever, you will sweat more.” As a result, this watch is registered before you realize you have an infection. And the best thing is: it doesn’t matter if the watch is crown or SARS or Ebola. So if this works, we are ready for the next pandemic. “

I hope this watch points to Corona, Sars, or Ebola early

Professor bas bloem

Five hundred Parkinson’s patients under investigation have been wearing this watch for three years to see if it can provide more information about Parkinson’s. Bloem hopes he can also provide information on other diseases. ‘I received permission to expand this study in three days. Then I can start immediately. And that starts with asking those 500 PwPs if they want to participate in this study. ”

Nijmegen professor Bas Bloem is an authority in the field of Parkinson’s research. Photo: Omroep Gelderland.

One of Bloem’s patients is Guus Hendriksen from Veenendaal. He would like to participate. “It is a nice and nice watch and I just have to put it in its charging station once a day.” Then all the data will be sent automatically.

Weird things

You are not afraid of your privacy. “I know that the data is super encrypted and that they don’t do weird things with it. And I hope that, in combination with an app, it can give a timely signal that something is wrong with you and that you need to see your doctor. “

Guus Hendriksen is investigating to see if this watch can detect the crown. Photo: Omroep Gelderland.

The latter is still necessary, says Professor Bloem. “The clock does not tell you what infection you have. But you are much more likely to notice that you have some and must be quarantined to protect your environment. We are now seeing the importance of quickly knowing that you have been infected with the crown epidemic. “
