The Shandong Agricultural Development Bank focuses on the real economy of small and micro enterprises. “Precision Drip Irrigation” Aids Development | Agricultural Development Bank-Sina


Original title: Shandong Agricultural Development focuses on the real economy of small and micro enterprises. “Precision drip irrigation” helps development

Data Map: Financial institutions support companies to resume work and resume production. Photo courtesy of the units interviewed.

China News Service Jinan, May 14 (Sha Jianlong) Since 2020, the Shandong Agricultural Development Bank branch has focused on the real economy of small and micro-enterprises, and seized the opportunity of the activity “One Hundred Trips in Ten Thousand companies “to support small and micro-enterprises through the integration of banks and companies. Companies resume work and production, implement the policy of reducing rates and making profits, open “green channels” and other tasks, open the “last mile” of financial services for small and micro-enterprises, inspire the vitality of development of small and micro-enterprises and help high-quality economic development.

In 2020, the new sudden epidemic of coronary pneumonia will have a major impact on the development of small, medium and micro-enterprises. The staff of the Shandong Agricultural Development Bank branch through questionnaires, door-to-door visits and regular return visits, etc., have a deep understanding of the impact of the epidemic on small and micro-businesses, corporate capital needs and development difficulties, and has a comprehensive understanding of corporate financial needs. Through tailored personalized services, tailored financing service solutions for small and microenterprises, effectively solve small and microenterprise financing problems, ensure that financial “living water” goes back to its roots and serve the “field of field “of the real economy.

Based on local characteristics, the Shandong branch of the Agricultural Development Bank actively innovated its financing model and issued a total of 320 million yuan (RMB, the same below) for the “Micro and Small Loan Industrial Map” to support the creation of 35 special products and more than 50 well-known brands; innovation supply “” Chain + Municipal Garden Loan “, approved loan of RMB 57 million to 14 small and micro enterprises in the industrial chain; innovative” pig fattening loan “, issued a loan of RMB 55 million to 7 small and micro pig companies, to capture high-quality customers in the food industry chain, Innovate “Grain Industry Integration Loans” and lend to 36 small and micro-businesses worth RMB 204 million, around intensive vegetable production , innovate “vegetable basket production loans” and grant RMB 199 million to 46 small and micro-enterprises.

Data Map: The Dongying City branch of the Agricultural Development Bank supports the development of the Huaao Dadi Rural Complex Project. Photo courtesy of the units interviewed.

In view of the current work on poverty alleviation, the Shandong branch of the China Agricultural Development Bank and small and micro enterprises collaborated together in poverty alleviation, actively guided small and micro enterprises to fulfill their responsibilities social and promoted poverty alleviation policies and assistance methods through the activity “One Hundred Advances in Ten Thousand Companies”. According to statistics, since 2020, the bank has issued a total of 73 million yuan in loans for industrial poverty alleviation to 13 small and micro enterprises, and has helped 37 poor people nationwide through the production and matching of sales and employment.

Since the outbreak of the coronary pneumonia epidemic, the Shandong Agricultural Development Bank has been linked from top to bottom to complete data collection, research, review, review and approval of loans through online methods, and provide prevention and high-quality and efficient epidemic control in accordance with the principles of special affairs and emergency matters. Comprehensive financial services, guaranteed.Common peopleSupply of “vegetable basket”. The Shandong Agricultural Development Bank has issued a total of 238 million yuan loans to 29 small and micro enterprises, including 10 households supporting the prevention and control of the epidemic and the resumption of production, 83 million yuan and 2 companies using the People’s Bank of China to refinance loans, supporting 18 million yuan. At the end of April 2020, the Shandong Agricultural Development Bank branch has supported 143 inclusive small and micro-enterprises with a total amount of 814 million yuan. This year, 34 new companies were issued with a total amount of 268 million yuan, which represents almost 50% of the total amount issued in 2019.

In addition, since the “One Hundred Banks Entering Ten Thousand Companies” activity, the Shandong Branch Agricultural Development Bank has met the state’s requirements to serve the real economy and reduce fees and concessions, with the goal of meet the needs of the resumption of the company’s production and production funds, to meet the financial needs of the customer as much as possible and help the company out of the epidemic. Haze. “The bank offers a discount of 100BP for the first year of loans for small and microenterprises, and 50BP for the first year of production resumption and the resumption of production loans. The average interest rate of the 29 loans prevention and control of emergency epidemics issued is 3.82% Since 2020, the weighted average interest rate of inclusive loans for micro and small businesses issued is 3.88%, which is 228 BP lower than other financial institutions in the province Shandong, and has generated a profit of 23.2 million yuan for the prevention and control of epidemics and private small and micro enterprises.

In terms of various service fee reductions and exemptions, the Shandong Branch of the Agricultural Development Bank waived four service charges for the bond subscription fees of private, small and micro-business customer bonds earlier this year. After the epidemic occurred, further efforts were made to reduce rates and make concessions, and all customers in areas affected by the epidemic will be exempt from fees for 46 services in five categories, including RMB settlement, international settlement and syndicated loans. Through a series of preferential measures, the bank has realized the effective coupling and investment of financial funds, providing financial collateral for companies to resume production and production. (End up)
