The resumption of Trump’s “Big Data” on Twitter: lasting 143 months, 146 times affected the stock market, almost 90 million followers_ 东方


Original title: Trump’s “big data” Twitter resumption: 143 months, 146 times hitting the stock market, nearly 90 million fans …


[Reanudacióndelos”bigdata”deTrumpTwitter:queduró143mesesafectó146vecesalmercadodevaloresycasi90millonesdeseguidores]A maximum of 200 posts in a single day, almost 89 million fans on the account, 143 months open, 146 hits to market … Trump’s big data on Twitter is making a comeback. (Network of stock times)

Up to 200 publications in a single day, almost 89 million followers of the account, 143 months of opening, 146 times affectedmarket…TriumphTwitterBig dataRepetitioncoming.

Since he became president of the United States,TwitterIt has almost become Trump’s official press release channel, and oftenTwitterAnd other social media platforms to express some of your opinions on other politicians, celebrities, and current affairs. However, before January 20, Trump’s “Twitter rule” ended early.


Twitterthe companyHe said that after carefully reviewing the recent tweets from the @realDonaldTrump account and the background of these tweets, especially the way these tweets are received and interpreted on Twitter and outside of Twitter, they decided to permanently suspend the account because the account is at risk. of increased incitement to violence. On the same day, Twitter also suspended the accounts of several high-profile Trump supporters, including former national security adviser Michael Flynn,attorneyAccounts of Sidney Powell and Ron Watkins. Ron Watkins is a famous supporter of QAnon, his fatherOperatingThe 8kun online discussion forum is the lynchpin of the QAnon conspiracy, and QAnon is a new term in the Trump era.

After the Twitter platform announced the permanent ban on Trump’s personal account, Trump declared that he would “build our own platform in the near future.” The topic of “Thanks for Twitter” also ranked second on the hot search list.


Today, Twitter has become the first to permanently block TrumpThe InternetPlatform, can playDemo effect, So Trump loses an important channel to speak on the Internet.

Twitter, as the most popular social network in the United States andMicro ExpoclientServiceWebsites have always been the center of attention for celebrities from all walks of life in the West. In recent years, Trump’s thoughts and opinions are almost always on Twitter for the first time, which is why many Americans call Trump’s model of state government Twitter. The love-hate relationship between Trump and Twitter is an even hotter topic on the market. Trump used to be angry at Twitter and threatened to shut down Twitter at all times. Twitter itself is indispensable.

On the night of May 27, 2020 local time, a White House spokesperson stated that Trump signed an executive order on social media on May 28, stating that he would strictly monitor or directly shut down biased social platforms. , Trump’s tweet was posted on Twitter as “facts to be verified.”label

  Data portrait between Trump and Twitter

  143 months

In March 2009, Trump opened a Twitter account, because someone had already registered “DonaldTrump” with the same name as him, so he had to name it “RealDonald trump(@RealDonaldTrump)。

From March 2009 to January 2021, Trump’s “relationship” with Twitter lasted nearly 143 months.

  Almost 89 million followers

Before Trump took office, he was particularly fond of Twitter. Before closing his account, his Twitter account had nearly 89 million followers, roughly equivalent to the profitable daily announced by the company at the end of the third user48% of the total base. In contrast, Trump’s Facebook account claims 35 million followers, which represents less than 2% of the company’s 1.8 billion daily active users.

  Up to 200 per day

“Often, too often.” According to the American report “Capitol Hill”, in the video of the interview broadcast on July 24, 2020 local time, the president of the United States, Trump, finally admitted one thing: sometimes he tweeted too much Now, he often regrets tweet and repost.

Since Trump ran in the 2016 presidential election to take office, he has frequentlyborrowHelp Twitter to speak on this platform. Last June, he broke his own record for single-day tweets and forwards. On June 5, 2020 local time, the total number of Trump tweets and retweets in a single day reached 200, breaking the previous record of 142.

  35 and -9

Bank of America Merrill LynchAnalystOnce in a copyreportZhong said that since 2016, when Trump’s daily tweets surpassed 35, the exchange’s performance was -9.Base point; When the daily volume of tweets is less than 5, the stock market rate of return reaches 5 basis points. In other words, the fewer Trump tweets, the better the US stock market will perform. The analyst who wrote the report also emphasized that this conclusion hasStatisticsLearning meaning.


It is reported that the agencyinvestmentThe person has clearly felt Trump’s Twitter.InfluenceTo quantify the impact of Trump’s tweets on financial markets,JPMorganHe recently created an index called “Volfefe” to analyze and track Trump’s tweets about the United States.interest rateThe Impact of Fluctuations. 2018 to September 2019, TrumpValuesDuring the market’s business hours, around 4,000 non-forwarded tweets were posted, of which 146 affected the market.

(Source: Securities Times Net)

(Responsible editor: DF506)

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