The recent maximum daily electrical load exceeds the peak in summer. National Development and Reform Commission: Will do everything possible to guarantee energy supply


Original title: In the near future, the highest daily electricity load exceeds the summer peak, the National Development and Reform Commission: will do everything possible to ensure the power supply

Since the beginning of winter, affected by multiple factors such as the sustained and stable economic recovery and the low temperature climate, the national energydemandIt beat expectations, rapid growth, and tight supply and demand in some areas during peak hours. Faced with the next new round of cold weather, how should the relevant parties respond?

In response to the above problems, the director of the Office of Economic Regulation and Operation of the National Development and Reform Commission recentlyjobsTo make a declaration.

The official said that before the arrival of a new round of cold, the National Development and Reform Commission has given full play to the relevant departments, regions and related parties.companyEstablished warranty day programmechanismGet involved, do general planning in advance, strengthen coordination and dispatch, make efforts from both sides of supply and demand, and make a series of comprehensive preparations.

From the current supply and demand situation, although the ministryDivideThere may be increased pressure to guarantee supply in certain areas and for some periods of time, but the overall situation is balanced. The livelihood of the people is guaranteed and canWarrantyPeople winter warmly.

Image Source: Xinhua News Agency

Recently, the highest daily electrical load in the country exceeds the summer peak

According to the forecasts of the Department of Meteorology, starting on December 28, a new round of strong cold air will affect most of the central and eastern parts of China, with temperatures falling from 6 to 8, including the east of the northwest from China, North China, Huanghuai, Jianghan and Jiangnan 10. ~ 12. Cold weather will increase the demand for natural gas, and at the same time will have a certain impact on the supply of natural gas.

At the same time, low temperatures will also have a significant impact on the power supply. The aforementioned official said that since the beginning of winter, the country’s electricity demand has grown rapidly.Express numberAccording to reports, electricity consumption nationwide since DecemberYear with yearAn increase of about 11%, an increase of 6 percentage points over the same period last year.

Every month since this yearsocietyElectricity consumption (unit: ten thousand kilowatt hours)

  The cold snap occurred in early and mid-December. The country’s highest daily electrical load exceeded the summer peak, and the highest daily power generation was near the summer peak, which is rare in history.The power consumption of 20 provincial power grids increased by double digits and the cumulative load of 15 provincial power grids reached a new record 137 times. In recent days, the low temperature weather will continue and the national demand for electricity is expected to increase.

How to ensure an increase in the supply of natural gas resources? In this sense, the aforementioned official said that upstream gas supply companies will be urged to keep production at full load safe from gas fields and increase supply. Coordinate and optimize the window period arrangements for each receiving station and make every effort to increase the purchase of spot LNG resources.

“China-Russia Eastern Route (Natural GasPipeline engineering) The midsection has recently been put into production, which can increase the supply of resources by more than 10 million cubic meters per day. With support from Guangxi and elsewhere, the resumption of production at the Beihai LNG receiving station also provided protection for this round of cold weather. “Said the person in charge.

To secure the power supply,The National Development and Reform Commission will work with the relevant parties to ensure the supply of energy Require local government departments and relevant companies to comprehensively resolve the plan for the use of electricity ordered andArgument, To ensure that it does not involve the livelihoods of the people or residents.

The National Development and Reform Commission requires that localities clarify the launch of the plan further.Process, Verify the rationality of all users involved in the plan to ensure its practical use Before requiring the implementation of the plan, comply with the obligation to notify and supply energyriskAlert to ensure that the company has expectations. In extreme cases, when implementing the program, just limit the electricity and do not pull it.

Strengthen coal security in key areas

The aforementioned responsible also presented the current situation of coal supply.

November crude coal production has reached a recent monthly high (unit: 10,000 tons)

Since the heating season entered this winter, the demand for electricity and coal has increased, but the supply is generally stable, which can meet the coal needs for production and life. For the upcoming cold weather, the National Development and Reform Commission has made preparations in advance and formulated a comprehensive emergency plan to secure the supply of coal to ensure people’s warmth during winter.

Specifically, we will guide the main coal producing areas and key areas such as Shanxi, Shaanxi and Inner Mongolia.fuel business, Under the premise of guaranteeing security, streamliningCapacity releaseMake every effort to meet the demand for coal.

Additionally, it monitors the coal storage level of key power plants across the country every day, tracks thermal coal supply in a timely manner, and coordinates and resolves outstanding supply issues as soon as possible. In response to poor coal storage in some power plants, the coal source and transport capacity were immediately coordinated and the coal storage in power plants has been increasing steadily. The coal storage of power plants in the integrated national regulatory system has been kept at a reasonable level for more than 18 days.

At the same time, the National Development and Reform Commission urged the strengthening of coal security in key areas.For Hunan and Jiangxi, where the supply of electric coal is relatively scarce, coordinate the main coal-producing areas and coal enterprises to provide resource guarantees for power plants with low levels of coal storage, and coordinaterailwayBusiness optimizationtransportStructure to give maximum support. Currently, the available days of coal storage at key power plants in the two provinces are at a reasonable 18 days.

(Source: Daily Economic News)

(Responsible editor: DF537)

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