The rebound in the agricultural and rural economy in October continues to consolidate and annual cereal production will reach a record


Original title: October’s agricultural and rural economy continues to consolidate and annual cereal production will reach a record.

Since October, agricultural and rural departments at all levels have tried their best to do a good job of autumn harvesting and sowing, continue to promote the recovery of live pig production, and strengthen the fishing withdrawal from the Yangtze River.jobEnsure resettlement, coordinate and do a good job in various agricultural and rural, agricultural jobsrural economyThe good situation continues to consolidate.

  The increase in autumn cereal production is a foregone conclusion.The northeast and south rice areas have done their best to rush to harvest and harvest quickly, strengthen machine scheduling and operator training to reduce losses in the harvesting process. The national fall harvest is all but over and annual cereal production will once again hit a record, stabilizing at more than 1.3 billion cats for six consecutive years. Fall and winter planting work is progressing steadily. At present, the progress of winter wheat and winter rapeseed planting has exceeded 90%, which is slightly faster than in the same period last year.

  The recovery of live pigs continued to consolidate.Breeding sow stock increased 3.1% month-on-month in October.I andAn increase of 31.5% has meant positive growth for 5 consecutive months; the pig population has increased by 4.2% month-on-month and an interannual increase of 26.9%, which has meant positive growth for 4 consecutive months. With the accelerated recovery of live pig production and increased slaughter, the supply and demand situation for pig continues to improve.priceFor 11 consecutive weeks, prices fell for the first time year-on-year in October. The market price in the second week of November was 46.47 yuan per kilogram, 13.17 yuan less than the peak in mid-February.

  “food basket”productPrices fell overall.There are a lot of autumn vegetables on the market,supplyIt increased and prices fell seasonally. The average wholesale price of 28 vegetables monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 4.7 yuan per kilogram, 1.7% less than the previous month. The supply of poultry meat and eggs was sufficient and prices remained stable and slightly lower, the market prices of live chickens and eggs fell 1% and 2.2% respectively compared to the previous month. Due to the increase in seasonal consumer demand, the prices of beef and lamb increased by 0.7% and 0.8% respectively.MarketAdequate supply and stable prices according toNational Statistical OfficeStatistics, OctoberCPIAn interannual increase of 0.5%, a decrease of 1.2 percentage points compared to the previous month, of which the price of pork, eggs and fresh vegetables affected the CPI by 0.41 percentage points.

  The resettlement and guarantee efforts of fishermen retreating from the Yangtze River has progressed strongly.Basically complete the task of removing the fishing boats and fishermen in the waters of the Yangtze River. Through developmentindustry, Support forTo start a business, Work and employment,Public welfare workThrough various channels such as resettlement, as of November 6, the number of fishermen who are willing to work amounts to 124,400, representing 96.67% of the number of people who need to be converted; together with the Ministry of Human Resources and Social Welfare and the Ministry of Civil Affairs, actively implement the withdrawal of the fishermen’s, Financial security and other policies, encouraged 170,500 people to implement social security policies, which represent 99.44% of the insured population.

  Agricultural investmentThe growth rate has accelerated.Strongly driven by investment in livestock, the growth rate of agricultural investment has been increasing for four consecutive months. First industry from January to SeptemberInvestment in fixed assets1135.3 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 14.5%, an increase of 3 and 16.6 percentage points from January to August and the same period in 2019.Under the guidance of policies related to investment expansion effective in agriculture and rural areas, the enthusiasm of industrial and commercial capital to goFixed assetsInvestment continued to grow by 9.9%, 11.4 percentage points more than the growth rate of national private investment.

  Migrant workers have a good drive to find work in the surrounding area.Agricultural productsmoreindustry, Rural leisure tourism continues to rebound and the construction of rural infrastructure has entered a peak period.workThe closest employment has basically returned to normal levels, according to the fixed observation point of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural AffairsTypical survey, In mid-October, rural areasworkforceusuallyemployment rateMore than 96%, more than 70% of migrant workers who have returned to their places of origin have found local employment.

Generally speaking, agricultural production is high and the agricultural and rural economy works steadily.national economyContinuous and stable recovery provides strong support. In the next step, the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs will conscientiously implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, will focus on doing the work of the “six stability”, implement the tasks of the ” Six Guarantees “and will make steady progress on the goals and tasks for the year. Do a good job of finishing the fall grain, work with the relevant departments to buy fall grain, guide farmers to sell grain in a timely manner, and ensure that the grains are returned to warehouses to increase production and sales. income. High-level completion of the fall and winter planting, stabilizing the winter wheat area, expanding the winter rape production in southern China, and laying a solid foundation for the production of summer cereals and oil. Strengthen the prevention and control of major animal diseases, and not slacken the production of live pigs and poultry, and the production of melons and vegetables in winter to ensure the market supply of the “vegetable basket”. Give importance to employment assistance for fishermen retreating from the Yangtze River, expand channels for fishermen’s conversion and employment, and ensure fishermen have an outlet for employment and livelihoods. Accelerate the construction of farmland in winter and spring to ensure completion of the task of building 80 million mu of high-quality farmland. Coordinate and promote various key tasks in agriculture and rural areas, and consolidate the good situation of agricultural and rural economic development.

(Source: Information Office of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs)

(Editor in charge: DF537)

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