The prime minister responded to the burning problems of 11 million new jobs, a GDP increase of more than 6% and the expansion of interprovincial reimbursement of outpatient fees. | GDP | Li Keqiang_Sina


Original Caption: Prime Minister Responded to Hot Topics Like 11 Million New Jobs, Over 6% Increase in GDP, and Expansion of Interprovincial Reimbursement of Outpatient Fees!

Every time the reporter Zhang Zhongyin Every time the editor Chen Xing

On March 11, after the closing of the fourth session of the 13th National People’s Congress, Prime Minister Li Keqiang attended a press conference in the Golden Hall on the third floor of the Great Hall of the People and answered questions from Chinese journalists. and foreigners.

How to deal with the GDP growth target? The goal of new urban jobs this year is more than 11 million people. How to deal with the pressure of employment? The aging population in China is 260 million. What impact does it have on consumer demand? This year’s main press conference is still full of dry goods. The “Daily Business News” reporter combined five data sets, including GDP growth targets, aging industries, employment targets, investment in basic research, and the number of market entities to satisfy readers.

The real economic growth rate may exceed expectations.

The new corona epidemic has spread throughout the world and has had a great impact on all countries. However, in 2020, my country will resist pressure and take the initiative to achieve counter-trend economic growth, which is why China’s economic development goals for this year are particularly noteworthy.

Some media have noted that the government’s work report proposed that the GDP growth target for 2021 be higher than 6%. At present, many international organizations believe that China’s economic growth rate in 2021 may reach around 8%. How should we view the economic growth goals of my country?

In this regard, Li Keqiang said: “We have proposed an economic growth target of more than 6%, which in fact has raised a lot of concerns and a lot of analysis. Some think it is positive, while others think it is less than expected. Of course we are happy to see the economic trend. Good, but we are also soberly aware that this year is progressing on the basis of restorative growth. There are many incomparable factors. Furthermore, the global economic recovery is still uncertain. “

“We say 6% or more, 6% is not low, and now our total economic output has reached 100 trillion yuan, an increase of 6% is 6 trillion yuan, which will be at the beginning of the ‘Thirteenth Five-Year Plan’ , and it will require more than 8%. The growth rate can only be achieved. In addition, we say that more than 6% is an opening. In the actual process, it can grow even more, “said Li Keqiang.

Adhere to the employment priority policy

Employment is the basis of people’s livelihood and the source of wealth creation. For many years, employment has been a key issue in the sustenance of the party and the state.

Li Keqiang told the press conference that this year’s employment pressure is still great. There are about 14 million new workers in urban areas, including 9.09 million college graduates, a record. It is also necessary to guarantee the employment of veterans, which is 278 million. Tens of millions of migrant workers provide part-time job opportunities. Therefore, when formulating macroeconomic policies this year, we still adhere to the employment first policy, continue to promote the “stability of the six” and carry out the “six guarantees”, and employment remains the top priority.

He noted that the goal of establishing new urban jobs this year is more than 11 million people, and he hopes it can be even higher in actual implementation. Employment has yet to let the market play a leading role, that is, continue to guarantee employment by protecting market players.

Aging brings diverse needs

Today, the aging of the population has become a real problem. According to the National Development and Reform Commission, during the “XIV Five-Year Plan” period, China is expected to enter a stage of moderate aging.

What are the effects of aging on consumer demand? Li Keqiang said that China has an aging population of 260 million, and the aging industry can also be said to be a large emerging industry, bringing diversified needs. Due to the diversified and multi-tiered needs of the Chinese market, such a vast market will inevitably create more opportunities for the products, services and even investments of foreign companies, because our market is open.

At the same time, it is worth noting that many older people live elsewhere or live with their children. Once they get sick, they have to return to their hometown to be reimbursed for medical treatment at outpatient clinics, which is very inconvenient.

In this regard, Li Keqiang said that this year, the scope of direct reimbursement of outpatient expenses will be expanded in all provinces. By the end of next year, each county must determine a designated medical institution that can directly reimburse medical expenses, including outpatient expenses. These seniors cannot be reimbursed. Worry about this.

Continue reforming the technology system

The country aims to build a scientific and technological powerhouse, but we still have deficiencies in some key areas and key technologies, and we have even been “stuck.” What other new measures will be taken to promote technological innovation?

Li Keqiang cited a data set to indicate that my country’s total investment in social R&D represents a low proportion of GDP, especially investment in basic research only accounts for 6% of investment in R&D, while in developed countries is usually 15% to 25%. In the next step, we will increase investment in basic research and continue to reform the science and technology system. To allow scientific researchers to have autonomy, it is very important to allow them to have autonomy in the use of funds. They should not waste their precious energy on matters such as filling in forms and evaluations. They should still have the freedom to participate in Research and accumulate Fine Hair Only.

He noted that innovation still depends on market forces. The company is the main body of innovation. During the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, the government will continue to increase investment in science and technology and, at the same time, will rely more on social forces to increase investment in research and development. Therefore, it is necessary to Increase investment in research and development under the caliber of “society”. This requires some mechanisms. For example, this year we adopted a 100% deduction measure for manufacturing R&D expenses. This is actually a preferential tax measure, which consists of giving incentives to companies to invest in R&D through the system of generalized market-oriented preferences.

Continue promoting “decentralization, management and service”

There was a big impact last year, and market players showed resilience. Now some market players report that there are still some difficulties and obstacles in production and operation, fair competition and the market environment. What reform measures will the country take to help businesses? ease your difficulties?

Li Keqiang said that in the five years during the period of the thirteenth five-year plan, my country’s market participants increased by 60 million households. Last year, under the impact of the epidemic, growth quickly resumed in the aftermath. Now the total number of market entities has reached more than 130 million, and the number of individual industrial and commercial households increased by more than 10 million last year. , from more than 80 million to more than 90 million Bringing more than 200 million people to employment. The vitality of market agents has been stimulated and their activity increased, which constitutes the direction of the government’s efforts to promote reforms.

He emphasized that in formulating and implementing our policies this year, we must continue to revolve around market players. This requires continuing to push for “delegation, regulation and service” reform so that market players not only survive but are also active. Last year we said that if the green hills are preserved, we will win the future. This year, if the green hills of the major market players are always there, we will be able to flourish and fully reflect the vitality and resilience of the Chinese. economy. Therefore, it is very important to transform government functions to give them the powers that market entities should have and let them play. For the approval process, we must continue to reduce links, materials, expenses and time limits. On the one hand, it reduces the burden on market players, and on the other hand, it allows them to relax and let go of their hands to compete.
