The police are satisfied: calm in nature and on the boulevard of furniture | Inland


A tour of local furniture stores or a visit to the hardware store are known as favorite activities on Easter days. But where he has been extremely busy in recent years, this year there was “a calm and friendly atmosphere”. “I think the Dutch have listened carefully. They have already taken care of everything and I think they are doing a good job today,” said a spokesman for Karwei and Gamma. To the satisfaction of the police.

Easter Monday is one of the most important days of the year for furniture boulevards. But record sales did not materialize this year. This is due in part to the appeal of the mayor of Luxembourg, Hubert Bruls, president of the Mayors’ Security Council. Last week he urged to refrain from “traditional Easter outings.” At the end of the day, he congratulated society on Monday because most people had followed the rules.


According to Staatsbosbeheer, it was even “quiet to very quiet” in nature reserves. A surveyed ranger said Easter Monday was something like “an ordinary Monday.” A spokesperson suspected that the lower temperature also contributed to the relative calm.

On Saturday and Sunday it was much hotter and on Saturday many people looked for “freshness” in the bulb fields. Due to the crowds, the roads between the flower bulb fields were closed on Saturday for motorized traffic, bicyclists, and mountain bikers. “We can’t make it more beautiful than it is; just don’t come to the balloons,” the Security Region tweeted a day later with the necessary coercion.


In total, 1,800 fines were distributed over four days. And that number is not bad, Max Daniel, Chief of Operations of the National Police. According to Daniel, many young people in particular are fined because “they think less about the consequences and feel less susceptible.”

On Saturday night things went wrong with the youth in the Frisian Sint Jacobiparochie, where two police cars were destroyed. This happened after the police ended a party in the woods in view of the crown measures. In Molenaarsgraaf, a village in the southern province of the Netherlands, the same partygoers were even thrown twice. Attendees at the Hard Leather Party made a mistake Friday night to Saturday and Saturday to Sunday. “People, think! Only together can they fight the coronavirus,” police said.

However, satisfaction prevails. “It seems like a meter and a half to many people, but the government’s call is also to stay home as long as possible,” concluded police, who did not have to go out in large numbers over the weekend.


Fortunately, there were poignant actions across the country over the Easter weekend. For example, Easter bunny shaped cookies were baked in Haarlem. Bar Boef owners took the initiative and spent several days in the kitchen with several volunteers. At the end of Monday afternoon, the treats were brought to ICU nurses and other care providers in the Crown departments of Spaarne Gasthuis.

Happy faces on top of the Spaarne Gasthuis.

Happy faces on top of the Spaarne Gasthuis.
