The news will be announced within half a month of the new domestic-made crown vaccine list | New Crown pneumonia-Finance News


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Original title: the news will be announced within half a month of the inclusion of the new corona vaccine produced in the country

Source: Beijing Commercial Daily

“As for vaccines, big news will be announced in the next week or two.” On December 4, Wang Junzhi, deputy director of the Vaccine R&D Task Force of the Scientific and Academic Research Group of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, presented the “New Coronary Pneumonia” at the 8th World Congress of Traditional Chinese and Western Medicine. Integrated. “Progress in the research and development of vaccines and drugs” stated that “600 million inactivated vaccines will be approved for commercialization during this year.”

It is reported that, as of December 2, there are a total of 214 new coronavirus vaccines in development worldwide, of which 51 have entered clinical studies, 14 are from China; 14 have entered phase III clinical trials and 6 are from China. Of the six vaccines that have entered Phase III clinical trials in China, four are inactivated vaccines. They are from the Beijing Institute of Biology, the Wuhan Institute of Biology, Kexing Zhongwei, and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.ZhifeiThe recombinant protein vaccine has also recently entered phase III clinical trials.

The domestic vaccine will be on the market soon. How about the safety and effectiveness of the vaccine? “This in itself is the result of our country’s accumulated R&D capabilities, technology, and experience in the vaccine field over the years, reflecting China’s relatively good technical and institutional advantages. in vaccine R&D “. Wang Junzhi said that inactivated vaccines are relatively mature in China. Yes, the technology is better. Furthermore, the main characteristics of inactivated vaccines are the closest to the natural structure of the virus, so the immune response of the human body after application is relatively strong and safety is controllable. Furthermore, inactivated vaccines are relatively stable and can be transported at 2-8 degrees Celsius, which is very convenient for cold chain transport.

“All the standards for the evaluation of R&D, production, quality control, safety and efficacy of inactivated vaccines are relatively mature. We have a wealth of experience and adopt advanced purification and quality control technologies to achieve antigen purity of more than 95%. Recombinant protein vaccines have the same standards. ” Wang Junzhi said that after preparation of the inactivated vaccine, after multiple phases of clinical trials, good safety and immunogenicity results have been initially obtained.

In Wang Junzhi’s opinion, for the new corona vaccine, regardless of the technical route adopted, the most important thing is to combine the characteristics of the pathogen itself and adopt the appropriate processes to develop a safe, effective and controllable quality vaccine. This is the most important. It is also the sole criterion of judgment.

Wang Junzhi introduced that inactivated vaccines must be produced in P3 laboratories. If large-scale production is required, the laboratory’s biosafety testing and assurance technology must reach world-class levels. “Our country has done it very successfully in this regard, so this time our country’s inactivated vaccine can take the lead in the world.”

On November 6, Liu Jingzhen, President of Sinopharm Group, speaking on the topic of the new corona vaccine at the third CIIE, revealed that hundreds of thousands of people have been urgently vaccinated with two new inactivated corona vaccines under Sinopharm Group, and there are no cases of serious adverse effects. In response, the number of people who left the country after vaccination reached 56,000 and none of them have been infected.

In response, Zhong Nanshan, an academic at the Chinese Academy of Engineering and a well-known respiratory expert, also said that China’s vaccines are steadily advancing. “We will not be left behind by foreign vaccines that have already announced some Phase III results. Currently, the results announced by Moderna and Pfizer have data on effective and protective efficiency of more than 90%, but this data is only one of the indicators. It’s good? Vaccine ‘, we have to consider other factors, “said Zhong Nanshan.

Vaccine expert Tao Lina told Beijing Business Daily that the inactivated vaccine itself is a relatively mature and comprehensive vaccine, so everyone can be sure of vaccination.

Beijing Business Daily Reporter Tao Feng Chang Lei

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