The new version of the professional training catalog will be implemented this year with an adjustment of 260% of undergraduate courses


Original title: The new version of the vocational education professional catalog will be implemented this year, the adjustment range of higher professional degree careers will reach 260%

Beijing News Express (Reporter Feng Qi) Smart health management and services, sports health guidance, big data technology applications … In the future, in the professional education system, students will be able to choose these new specialties.

March 22That same day, the Ministry of Education announced the “Professional Catalog of Professional Training (2021 “(hereinafter,” Catalog “). In accordance with the requirements of professional training for national economic and social development in the period of the XIV Five-Year Plan and the long-term goal 2035, the” Catalog “establishes 19 careers, 97 majors and 1,349 majors, of which 358 are secondary vocational specializations and higher vocational education There are 744 intermediate university specializations and 247 higher vocational university specializations. As of 2021, the professional environment and the management of the professional training colleges to be enrolled will be will be implemented in accordance with the “Catalog” and the corresponding professional environment management methods.

99 professional classes adjusted to 97

Compared to the original “Catalog”,The number of 19 major categories remains unchanged, the division and ranking of the major categories remain basically stable, and the names are slightly adjusted. The original 99 professional categories were adjusted to 97, with minor name changes, additions, mergers, cancellations and attribution adjustments.

For example, to meet the development needs of the national key industryProfessionals such as “integrated circuit” and “security protection” have been canceled in accordance with changes in the situation and the adjustment of departmental functions.

Professional Directory with Vocational High Schools (Compared to the addition of majors in recent years, 171 professional high schools were retained and 225 adjusted (including addition, renaming, merger, cancellation, attribution adjustment, split, etc.), with a range of adjustment 61.1%; Higher professional universities (Regarding the professional catalog (2015) and additional careers over the years, 414 are retained and 439 are adjusted, with an adjustment range of 56.4%; students of higher vocational degrees retain 39 , with 208 settings and a 260% setting range compared to the older driver list.

The head of the Department of Professional Education and Adult Education of the Ministry of Education said that the contracted careers are mainly in line with the real needs of industrial talents, mature and stable careers, wide professional distribution, clear work orientation, scientific. and reasonable names, and special industrial fields; the main adjustments in the situation are mainly Yes: to adapt to new changes in economic and social development, new specializations are added, specialties are renamed according to industrial transformation and improvement, main ones are merged according to changes in business types or job requirements, and careers that do not meet market needs are revoked.

At the same time that the new version of the “Catalog” was launched, the Ministry of Education also issued a comparison table of the new and old professional catalogs to guide the professional connection. The Ministry of Education noted that the current school students are trained to graduate according to the professional name in the original catalog, and the school must make the necessary adjustments and updates to the talent training program in accordance with changes in the professional connotation.The “High Double Plan” and other related specialties (groups) of the Ministry of Education construction projects must be adjusted and updated in accordance with the “Catalog” and the construction requirements of the project.

Comparison Chart of New and Old Careers for Undergraduate Students in Higher Vocational Education (Partial Screenshots) Source: Ministry of Education

Revocation of preschool education, rural medicine and other careers in vocational secondary schools

Lu Xin, president of the China Vocational and Technical Education Association, former vice minister of the Ministry of Education and general counsel for the development of the new “catalog”, believes thatDuring the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, it is necessary to optimize the talent structure and professional structure in accordance with the high-quality development requirements, and achieve an organic connection between the educational system and the economic, scientific and system technological, the industrial system and the social system.

Complete implementation of the new “Catalog”“XIV Five-Year Plan” national economic and social development and long-term goals for 2035 for vocational education requirements. For example, serving the development of national strategic emerging industries, focusing on 9 key areas, establishing specialties such as integrated circuit technology and biological information technology; serving key areas of modern service industry, establishing child care services and management, smart health and elderly care services and management, etc. Specializations: serving digital industrialization and industrial digital development, the creation of big data technology, the application of cloud computing technology and other specialties; serving new business formats, new professions, creating host family operations, and marketing careers and other specialties.

The new version of the “Catalog” also adjusted the profession of national control. According to the relevant regulations, higher professional specialties such as clinical medicine, education, public security and specialties related to judicial police are specialties of national control and are included in the administrative matters of examination and approval. Adjustments include: abolishing early childhood education specialty from vocational secondary schools, orienting relevant schools to transfer to early childhood care specialty; abolish the specialty of rural medicine in professional secondary schools and strengthen the distribution of major health-related specialties, such as child care, elderly care services and health management.

The Ministry of Education requires that all provincial administrative departments of education rationally establish the specialties in accordance with the “Catalog” and that they combine the needs of high-quality regional economic and social development. The Ministry of Education will guide the schools qualified professionals to actively and steadily establish degree top professional careers in accordance with the requirements of high starting points and high standards to avoid“Hurry up.”

According to data published by the Ministry of Education, vocational schools have now been opened nationwideThere are more than 1,300 specializations, more than 100,000 professional sites, and about 10 million high-quality technical and technical talents are cultivated each year. In fields such as modern manufacturing, emerging strategic industries, and modern service industries, more than 70% of new frontline employees are college graduates.

Beijing News Reporter Feng Qi Corrects Liu BaoqingReturn to Sohu to see more


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