The new asymptomatic infections in Ningbo are residents of Shunyi. The company and the community have been closed for management | Ningbo_Sina Finance


Original title: New asymptomatic infection in Ningbo is a resident of Shunyi, and the company and community have been closed for management.

(Health Times reporter Li Chaoran, Kong Tianjiao, Chen Linhui) On the afternoon of December 23, Ningbo City reported a new case of asymptomatic infection, whose permanent residence is Shunyi, Beijing. Previously, the Health Times reported that the Lotus Garden in Shunyi District, Beijing, was closed due to suspected positive patients in the community and performed nucleic acid tests on all employees.

According to Ningbo’s report, this case was tested for nucleic acid in Beijing at 9:30 AM on December 22 due to a graduate examination, and then flew to Ningbo on a business trip with colleagues at 4:00 PM. that day. At 2:30 am on December 23, the Shunyi District Center for Disease Control and Prevention in Beijing received a positive test report from an external testing company. At 8:30 AM on December 23, the Beijing Center for Disease Control and Prevention confirmed that it was positive for the novel coronavirus nucleic acid.

According to the notice issued by the Beijing Education Examination Institute on the prevention and control of the 2021 postgraduate entrance examination in Beijing, candidates must provide a negative report of the new corona virus nucleic acid test within of the 7 days prior to the exam, and free for all candidates from December 20 to 23. Nucleic acid analysis service for the novel coronavirus pneumonia virus.

The reporter inquired about the list of sampling sites offering free nucleic acid testing for Beijing examinations and found out that the testing agency responsible for sampling and testing in Shunyi district is Beijing Mykino Gene Technology Co. Medical Laboratory. , Ltd., and the results of an epidemiological survey circulating on the Internet are also shown to be the Mackinaw Testing Company that reported the positive nucleic acid to the Shunyi District Center for Disease Control and Prevention, and the residence of the case was the Lianzhu Garden Community.

“When I got up to work in the morning, they wouldn’t let me go out. Yesterday was fine. Now the whole community basically stays at home. Unless it’s four or five in the morning, people in the community are basically trapped. in the community. “Jiao Jian (a pseudonym) from the Lianzhu Garden Community in Shunyi District told the Health Times reporter that the entire community is now queuing for nucleic acid testing, awaiting notification.

“As soon as we said we wanted to seal it in the morning, we hurriedly bought vegetables from the supermarket.” Jiao Jian told reporters that he does not know when he can leave.

At 18:40 pm on December 23, a Health Times reporter called nearby Yoshinoya (Tianzhu Store) on the Meituan app from Building 5 of the Lotus Garden. The staff said, “You cannot deliver your food now, even if we will also cancel the order when we do, because the road to the Lianzhu garden community is closed and we cannot get there.”

“We have strict confidentiality regulations, which require a unified announcement from high-level agencies. Please be patient and wait for the official information.” The reporter called the Shunyi District CDC for more detailed information. The night service officer said whether the newly added asymptomatic infection in Ningbo is the Shunyi lotus. Bamboo Garden residents are also checking.

In addition, according to the results of the Internet transmission and circulation, the workplace of the case was Aobei Science and Technology Park at No. 1 Baosheng South Road, Haidian District, Beijing. Earlier, some netizens informed journalists that a positive case was suspected in the park. The journalist contacted an employee who worked at the science and technology park. He said that he suddenly notified all employees about the nucleic acid test today, but there was no further notice or explanation. The building is currently closed.

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Editor in charge: Chen Zhijie
