The momentum of the expansion of the new crown does not diminish. How do countries promote the resumption of work after crossing the 4 million mark? | Epidemic_Sina


Original title: The momentum of the diffusion of the new crown does not diminish How do countries promote the resumption of work after crossing the 4 million mark?

Reporter | Cui Puyu

The cumulative number of diagnoses of the new global crown took over three months to reach 1 million, took 12 days to 2 million, and 12 days to the third million. This time it still took 12 days to break the 4 million mark, and the momentum of spread has not waned.

The most severely diagnosed cases in the United States account for nearly a third, with more than 300,000 new cases in the past 12 days, and so far there are no signs of “decline.” The average daily increase is still close to 30,000 cases.

Furthermore, since Russia, Brazil, Indonesia, India, Indonesia and other multi-population countries are also in different stages of high growth, even when the pressure is eased in many Eurasian countries, the global growth rate remains the same. than in the previous stage. Speed.

The measures taken to contain the epidemic have had a great impact on the economy. And under the pressure of economic cost, the tentative resumption of labor and the resumption of production in several countries have caused frequent cluster infections.

Data from the US Department of Commerce. USA They show that first quarter GDP fell 4.8% yoy, the first contraction since the second quarter of 2014, and there may be a further decline in the second quarter. At the same time, the number of non-farm jobs decreased by 20.5 million in April, the unemployment rate soared to a record 14.7%, and may further deteriorate in May.

Today, more than 40 of the 50 states in the United States are taking steps to gradually open up the economy.

“We can start again next week. But before the vaccine appears, I have a hard time going back in time,” Mike Phillips, director of sales for Julian’s, a North Carolina clothing store, faced the interface. News said. The state has a total of nearly 15,000 diagnoses, ranking 20th out of 50 states.

According to the statement of North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper, most retailers can reopen under the premise of limiting the number of customers they receive in the first stage of the economic restart, but personal care industries such as salons of beauty, they should remain closed, the restaurants are also limited to offering takeaways. At the same time, the house order will run for at least two weeks until May 22.

To help customers maintain social distance, Julian’s clothing store will reduce sales of goods in order to expand the store space. At the same time, all customers entering the store must wear masks and sterile paper towels will also be placed in front of the store. They will also shorten their business hours, will only be open to the public two days a week, four hours a day, and will provide dating services for the rest of the time.

“We are under a lot of pressure … If we can guarantee the safety of our customers and employees, we hope to reopen the business,” said Phillips.

Health experts warn that a large-scale restart of the economy can bring “great risks.” Epidemiologist Caitlin Rivers said that to restart the economy, four prerequisites must be met: the number of new cases decreased for 14 consecutive days, a comprehensive follow-up of new case contacts, testing of all symptomatic patients and adequate medical care. treat all patients.

“As far as I know, no state in the United States meets these four conditions,” he said at the coronary pneumonia hearing held by the United States House of Representatives Committee on Appropriations Committee. A meat processing plant in Iowa resumed work two weeks after it closed, and more than 1,000 workers were subsequently infected.

InAtlanticOn the other hand, European countries where the epidemic has slowed are also cautiously and gradually loosening control measures.

Italy, which confirmed 210,000 and 30,000 deaths, gradually lifted the national “block order”, but the school has not yet notified the resumption time. Starting next Monday, Spain (with more than 260,000 diagnoses) will partially withdraw from Europe’s strictest home epidemic prevention measures and enter the next stage.

The German Federation has reached a new agreement with the state governments. All stores can be reopened under conditions such as sanitation and flow restriction. Hospitals, nursing homes and other institutions can accept visits from designated personnel without confirmed cases and allow outdoor sports activities. However, the number of new infections in 12 counties in Germany in the past seven days is close to the “closing red line”. At the same time, the slaughter industry is becoming a hot spot in Germany, with more than 600 people infected.

Lars Schade, deputy director of the German Koch Institute for Disease Control and Prevention, noted that if people do not continue to maintain social distance and do not comply with hygiene measures, resulting in a large number of infected people, Germany may appear second in July and August Wave outbreak.

Starting May 11, France can gradually unlock. Prime Minister Philip said the gradual unlocking will continue for at least a few weeks. The British government announced a $ 2.48 billion package to encourage people to bike and walk, promote alternative methods of travel, and reduce the need for public transport networks.

In Russia, the number of newly diagnosed patients has exceeded 10,000 for 8 consecutive days, with a total of 209,688 cases, ranking fifth in the world. The confusion caused by the government’s introduction of new measures and the indifference of some people to the family order also complicated the epidemic.

The epidemic situation on the African continent is developing rapidly and, as of day 10, the cumulative number of confirmed cases in various countries has reached almost 60,000. Given the difficult situation of economic production, some countries have decided to relax control measures, which has become one of the reasons for the rebound in the local epidemic.

Brazil, the country with the largest population in the southern hemisphere, has almost 160,000 confirmed cases and the number of deaths has exceeded the 10,000 mark. Scientists believe that because Brazil cannot be tested on a large scale, the actual number of deaths may be 15 or even 20 times the officially reported figure.

In the southern hemisphere, New Zealand, Australia, and other countries are much more optimistic. The government is accelerating the economic and social “unlocking” process, but is gradually entering the fall and winter. Low temperatures are also favorable conditions for the spread of the virus, so be cautious.

Will the next million experience more than 12 days? Balancing the progress of resumption of production and production in various countries will test managers’ wisdom.

Editor-in-chief: Chen Zhijie
