The Jiangsu Attorney General’s Office focuses on blocking weak spots and weaving a safety net for minors_Campus


Original title: The Jiangsu Prosecutor’s Office Focuses on Blocking Pain Points and Weaving the Child Protection Network

After a fight, Xiaomei (a pseudonym) who was studying at a vocational school in Taizhou encountered a “dark moment” that he couldn’t bear to look back on. More than 10 girls from the same school surrounded her, insulted her, slapped her, made her kneel … Xiaomi’s humiliation process was also recorded on video, and she went crazy on campus. After the parents called the police, the police took several perpetrators.

Wang Chunqing, a non-prosecutor from the Taizhou City Hailing District People’s Prosecutor’s Office, described her feelings when she opened the case file. After the initial shock and anger, she felt extremely sad and put much more effort into the case than normal cases. “We have carried out criminal proceedings, civil accompaniment for the prosecution, socialized assistance and education, and promotion of special governance,” he said.

There are nearly 300 million minors in our country, and cases (incidents) involving minors often become the focus of public opinion, social weaknesses, and governance difficulties. In recent years, the Jiangsu prosecution bodies have complied with the relevant requirements of the Supreme People’s Prosecutor’s Office, severely punished violations of the rights and interests of minors, and promoted social governance with richer performance methods. its functions to build a line of defense for juvenile justice.

Say “no” to bullying

In the aforementioned bullying case, the local prosecution approved the arrest of one of the alleged offenders, Xiaolan (a pseudonym), who was over 16 years old, and the remaining four minors were released on bail pending trial.

In addition, Wang Chunqing worked with various departments to admonish the perpetrators and gave their guardians a “Prosecutor’s Warning Letter”, informing the guardians that if they did not strengthen their control, they would receive parental education. The tutor sincerely apologized and several girls wept bitterly.

Compared to similar domestic cases, Wang Chunqing believes that by helping the victim to file a civil lawsuit, the victim can obtain compensation for mental damages, in order to alleviate the physical and mental injuries of the victim. After the prosecution supported the accusation, the court presided over the mediation between the plaintiff and the accused, and Xiaomei received compensation of RMB 40,000 on the spot.

In June and September 2020, the court successively sentenced five people to guilty sentences. Xiaolan and others were sentenced to prison terms of three to one year and eight months, all of which were suspended.

The local prosecutor’s office also collaborated with the local Youth League Committee, the Public Security Office and other agencies to formulate the “Measures to jointly carry out the education and correction of criminal minors”, to deepen the issues of social governance behind the case, issue a “Prosecutor’s recommendation” and urge the strengthening of school discipline. Among them, 4 members of the school staff were sanctioned by the local Disciplinary Inspection Commission, as exhortations and serious warnings.

“We are not handling the case to get the result of a referee, but to get the wrong lives of the children back on the right track,” said Wang Chunqing.

Since 2020, the Jiangsu prosecution bodies have strictly handled cases related to bullying of minors, issued prosecution recommendations along with case handling, and promoted special rectification. The Huai’an City Prosecutor’s Office produced the nation’s first public interest music video “Young People Need Warmth” to Prevent Bullying on Campus, with more than 500 million views. The Wuxi City Prosecutor’s Office launched a thematic activity entitled “Prevention of bullying and prevention of violence on campus”. Bi-level hospital leaders and prosecution officials sent classes to campus and conducted a series of legal education and publicity activities to help students grow healthily.

Clear the “secret corners” of the campus

In June 2020, a photo was passed to Wang Ru, the uninspected person in charge of the Peixian County People’s Prosecutor’s Office, Xuzhou City, and vice president of the rule of law via the non-inspected mandatory reporting platform. In the photo, four underage girls were reunited, one of whom was swallowing clouds. The whistleblower said: “This type of e-cigarette is very popular with students. It is said to be harmless and non-addictive. It is great to smoke.”

Wang Ru and his colleagues found in the survey that some “three no’s” e-cigarettes are quietly prevalent in primary and secondary schools, with coffee, milk, fruit and other flavors, and their “light fashion sense” attracts students. to imitate.

The Peixian County People’s Prosecutor’s Office immediately issued recommendations from the prosecution prior to the litigation on public interest litigation to the relevant authorities. Prosecutors and law enforcement officers made visits to retail homes across campus and urged the posting of more than 2,100 “No Smoking to Minors” warning signs. 3 undocumented homes around campus were cleaned up and 22 closed.

“Children’s affairs are a big problem,” this is the concept of Wang Ru and other unprovoked prosecutors. The Peixian County People’s Prosecutor’s Office also issued prosecution recommendations on the phenomenon of unlicensed “student dining tables” in residential communities. The relevant departments ordered that school canteens and catering companies that pose serious security risks and cannot be rectified close their businesses to protect language safety.

In 2020, the Jiangsu prosecution bodies will carry out special prosecution public interest litigation activities on campus security protection, continue to clean up the “hidden corners” around campus, carry out a special rectification and will issue prosecution recommendations for training institutions, retail, catering and entertainment venues across campus. 162 copies were promoted, 148 special treatments.

Densely woven minor protection net

“I really hope I don’t meet any ‘big brother’.” Zhang Peng, the uninspected person in charge of the Kunshan People’s Prosecutor’s Office, clearly remembered these words from the minor suspected of crimes, Xiao Liu.

Among the cases he handled, there are many cases in which minors got lost in bars, KTV and hotels after dropping out of school. “We are not only handling cases, but also paying attention to the management gaps in related industries behind the cases. This is also responsible for the future of the minors.”

The Kunshan People’s Prosecutor’s Office visited and resolved local criminal cases related to hotels, bars, and KTV in the past two years, prepared and issued recommendations from the prosecution’s office to functional departments, and issued letters of attention from the prosecutor’s office to associations of the hotel industry, and urged that minors be banned from going into business. Entertainment venues, strengthen the hotel’s real name registration.

Promoted by the prosecution bodies, public security bodies and hotel industry associations censured the owners of illegal operations. The Kunshan Hotel Industry Association issued the province’s first “Proposal for the Protection of Minors in the Hotel Industry in Kunshan”, requiring affiliated units to operate strictly in accordance with the law. Children under 16 are left alone.

According to the competent person in charge of the Eighth Prosecution Department of the Jiangsu Provincial People’s Prosecutor’s Office, since 2020, the provincial prosecutor’s organs have organized and issued 26 letters of prosecution attention for education, civil affairs, industry associations and other departments to promote the resolution of difficult minors living alone during the epidemic. , Online teaching is difficult and other problems.

The Taizhou High-Tech Medical Zone People’s Prosecutor’s Office found that in handling a petty theft case, individual bars in the area had flexible management and random recruitment, leading minors to frequent bars for entertainment and consumption. . In December 2020, the non-inspected department of the local prosecutor’s office launched a joint inspection with various departments and invited representative members to participate.

Ma Mingming, the person in charge of the court’s non-inspected labor, said the newly revised Child Protection Law will be formally implemented in June 2021. The law has established severe penalties for allowing minors to enter commercial entertainment venues.

In 2020, the organs of the Jiangsu prosecutor’s office will be among the best in the country in terms of the rate of attendance and education of minors, the rate of participation of social forces and the rate of assistance to minor victims.

Mao Jianzhong, Director of the Eighth Prosecution Department of the Jiangsu Provincial Prosecutor’s Office, said: “Through judicial practice we have come to realize that when handling cases involving minors, prosecutors should not only have cases and files before the eyes of prosecutors. They must take an in-depth look at topics such as family education and campus governance, and coordinate. The broader social forces help and rescue minors who have committed crimes, actively assist in the development of parental education, scientifically and rationally involve minors in crimes and weave a network of judicial protection for minors. “

Lu Ying, Tang Xiaoyu, China Youth Daily, China Youth Daily reporter Li Chao Source: China Youth DailyReturn to Sohu to see more


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