The film will return to the cinema after going through the switch, network transfer, and cloud movie screening | Fat Dragon Crossing the River | Marriage Story | New Crown Pneumonia


Original title: The film will return to the cinema after going through file extraction, network transfer, and cloud movie viewing Source: Sina Technology

This time, the theater is really going back to work. On May 7, the “Guiding Opinions on the Joint Prevention and Control Mechanism for the New Outbreak of Pneumonia Due to Coronavirus Infection in the Standardization of New Outbreaks of Coronary Pneumonia” (hereinafter “Guiding Opinions”) were issued. The guide, on the premise of implementing prevention and control measures, adopts appointments, current limitations and other methods to open closed entertainment venues such as theaters and entertainment venues.

As soon as the news came out, the film industry was very exciting, and some practitioners said on social media, “Tears are falling.” In fact, over a hundred days of waiting for the movie party, the theater line, the theater, the audience, and the movie itself, It’s been a long time After successive file withdrawals, controversial transfers, or postponements or transfers to the Festival From Cloud Cinema, the Golden Awards were announced online in 12 minutes … Under the epidemic, the film industry faces the dilemma of closing offline. You are experiencing the impact and changes caused by media streaming. When the film can return to the cinema, at least at the beginning of the recovery.

Resume work soon: open for business and wait a few days

“I just knew I could resume work the day before, and when I opened my eyes the next morning, I saw a message at the WeChat group mall to open the door as soon as possible, and the person in charge of the property was also urging “said a theater staff member.

She told Sina Technology that although the State Council has provided guidance, it follows the notice issued by the National Film Administration and the local government. “The mall is also considered for the general business situation, and I hope the theater will attract passengers for them after the business opens, but this will not open the door immediately and wait.”

In fact, the condition that the cinema has resumed work does not mean that it can be resumed directly. It must be carried out under the instructions and coordination of the corresponding competent department. Copying the cinema source also takes time. “These days, you can make a plan first, and then you’re ready to recruit people.” The aforementioned theater staff said that during the theater’s closure, there were only four employees left in the theater where she was working.

However, for viewers who have said goodbye to the big screen for many days, there is both enthusiasm and concern. The thrill is that I finally found the lost form of entertainment and was able to embrace the long-awaited movie. I am concerned that the conditions for epidemic prevention can really be guaranteed in a closed viewing environment.

Short term: the loss of listed companies expanded

The impact of the closing of the cinema in the cinema industry is enormous.

Starting with the full withdrawal of the Chinese New Year film, after each archival period has been emptied, the national film and television base is temporarily open, from production to consumption, the operation of the equipment, all press the pause button. For professionals, not showing movies means cutting off the source of income, and it is difficult to compensate by other means.

In mid-March, there was a brief resumption of water tests at the theater. Historical data from the professional version of the lighthouse showed that from March 16 to 22 there were more than 500 reincorporation rooms in the country, with a restart rate of 4.8%. It is 118,000 yuan.

The theater is already facing the situation that the growth rate of the new screen is much higher than the growth rate of movie and box office viewers. Supply is excessive and the risk of loss is high. The number of theater company cancellations has increased year-over-year since 2012. According to Tianyancha data, the number of theater company cancellations in 2019 was the highest, reaching more than 18,000.

More intuitive is the performance of some film and television companies: in the first quarter of 2020, Wanda Film lost 600 million yuan, and the net profit for the same period last year reached 401 million yuan; Jinyi Film and Television lost 153 million yuan, and the net profit for the same period last year was 32.301 million yuan. The loss was 138 million yuan, and the net profit for the same period last year was 159 million yuan. Taking Wanda Films as an example, the closing of theaters has a significant impact on the theater line, and related film and television subprojects have also been affected.

Streaming Media: New webcasts + Online Film Festival

During this period, the film began to seek the premiere of the film network, “Jiang Ma”, “Fat Dragon Crossing the River” and “Big Winner” were successively transferred to the Internet, free of charge and parallel to the advance advance mode paid out. However, it remains to be seen whether this is a special response period or a new trend that will continue to be feasible in the future. Yin Hong, a professor at the Tsinghua University School of Journalism and Communication and director of the Film and Television Communication Research Center, said that when speaking about the online premiere of “Liang Mom”, the current model will not be the Norm, but new technologies and communication capabilities will inevitably produce more theaters. The greater the impact, the service and the experience must be updated.

Several national and international film festivals were also forced to postpone. In such circumstances, the Beijing International Film Festival Spring International Film Festival, held in previous years, has attracted more attention, this is still online. Song Jia, general manager of co-sponsor Iqiyi Film Center, revealed to Sina Technology that the official launch of the event was around March 20.

Sina Technology saw the opening movie “Marriage Story”. During the bombing, many users asked if they could only see on their mobile phones and how to emit screens. Song Jia explained that, taking into account copyright protection, the three limited-projection films of “Marriage Story”, “108” and “Spring Tide” only support viewing on mobile phones, and the remaining 29 films are they can see in multiple terminals. Of course, this will inevitably affect the movie viewing experience.

Also, offline viewing of film festivals has already become a reserved show with feelings and meaning. Will onlineization destroy your sense of ritual? In other words, do the broadcast media and the Internet represent a force that destroys the film itself? Song Jia believes that the Internet and the film industry are mutually integrated and cooperate for mutual benefit. “In the development of China’s film industry, the Internet as a basic tool has reduced the asymmetry of information, has facilitated the audience and has continuously promoted the development and progress of uplinks and downlinks in the industrial chain, generating increases ” .

However, for many viewers, the most suitable scene for a movie is still a movie theater. “I look forward to the day I return to the movies.” After the guide mentioned above was issued, a user wrote on the social platform.

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