The Federation of Trade Unions of the City rises to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Party


Complete and accurate understanding and in-depth study and promotion

The Federation of Trade Unions of the City stands up to study and implement the spirit of the V Plenary of the XIX Central Committee of the Party

Release date: 2020-11-11 14:00
Information source: Federation of City Unions
Points of view:

The Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China is a very important meeting that takes place at the critical moment in which the goal of the first centenary is about to be fulfilled and the new path of building a country begins modern socialist. The Plenary Session thoroughly reviewed the work of the Central Committee Political Bureau since the Fourth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee, made arrangements for various economic and social development tasks during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan” and proposed long-term goals for 2035 , which is important to strive for a comprehensive modern socialist country. The new victory and the realization of the Chinese dream of the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation are of great importance.

The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions considers the study, publicity and implementation of the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China as the main political task for the current and future period. It quickly triggered an increase in study, publicity, and implementation of the spirit of the Plenary Session, grasping the fundamental principles, understanding the rich connotation, and effectively unifying the thoughts and actions of the Central Committee to the Party. The decision to deploy. Promote development to a higher level, meet challenges from a higher starting point, implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Party Central Committee in various specific tasks, and in the construction of “Colorful Jiaxing” and the creation of an important window “the most exciting section” Contribute to the strength of the union.

One is the combination of “online learning” and “offline conversation”. The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held a meeting of the Party Group Theoretical Learning Center Group (Expanded), requiring the city’s union cadres to study and implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Party Central Committee with a good study style, comprehensively systematic, deep thinking and practical studies, learning one step first. Learn at a deeper level, learn deeply and fully understand the spirit of the plenary session; use the spirit of the plenary session as a guide for planning and unfolding the work of the Jiaxing union in the next five years; use the spirit of plenary as a driving force to promote the high-quality development of Jiaxing union work. The party group of the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions held a special online study meeting of the party group through the “Zhejiang Political Nail”, in which the leading cadres were asked to take the lead in learning, combining with union practice and mobilizing employees to learn together. The general party branch of the agency organized and carried out themed party day activities to convey the spirit of the plenary meeting and discuss and exchange in groups. “Jiaxing Trade Union” Official WeChat account timely reprinted “A set of figures to understand the strategic thinking of the” XIV Five-Year Plan “proposal,” These new ideas in the Fifth Plenary Session Communiqué will soon enter your life “and the interpretation of other authorized departments of the spirit of the plenary session, That city employees understand the main spirit of the plenary meeting. At present, the majority of union organizations at all levels of the city have transmitted and learned the spirit of the plenary session, and have organized city employees for discussions.

The second is the combination of “big records” and “small goals.” In conjunction with the eighth meeting of city union representatives to be held later this year, the city’s leading group for the preparatory work of city unions unified its thoughts in a timely manner, carefully studied the requirements relevant working groups of the municipal party committee and the city Combine work with the high-quality finalization of the implementation requirements of the municipal party committee and high-level unions, coordinate top-down coordination, online integration and offline, and deepen the “red boat spirit” in business-themed educational and practical activities, and better serve businesses, employees, and grassroots. Emphasizing the strengthening of the ideological and political orientation of employees, the city has launched 383 “Red Boat Spirit” in the company, has organized the “Red Boat Spirit” on the business theme, exchanges and discussions of education and practice activities, the county (city, district) Federation of Trade Unions summarized the initial results and presented With distinctive highlights, strengthen mutual learning and promote the next stage of work, and stimulate the great enthusiasm of city employees to start businesses and make contributions.

The third is the combination of “red year” and “fight for a hundred days.” Helping companies and stabilizing employment are the top priorities of this year’s union work. The Municipal Federation of Trade Unions focuses on companies and employees, and strives to build a work system that supports the “six stability” and the “six guarantees”, and strongly promotes the reform of the construction of industrial workers of Jiaxing in the new era. The “Four Great Wars” actively played the role of the main force. Years ago, the Municipal Federation of Trade Unions will continue to put business aid and job stabilization as the top priority of union work, and will do a good job helping the “six stability” and “six guarantees” of action from 100 days. City, county, town and base unions have four tiers, with full participation, and deepen the promotion of job stabilization, free skill learning, strong competition in competition, give light to the soul, help solve difficulties, mutual assistance to prevent risks, mediation and protection of rights and assistance for recovery. The nine main actions of recovery and cultural encounter will ensure that the work of the “six stability” is done well and the task of the “six guarantees” is implemented.
