The Executive Director of the Macao Special Administrative Region He Yicheng makes his political speech known and strives to create a new situation in the development of the Macao Special Administrative Region.


The Executive Director of the Macao Special Administrative Region He Yicheng makes his political speech known and strives to create a new situation in the development of the Macao Special Administrative Region.

Xinhua News Agency, Macao, Nov. 16 (Reporters Guo Xin, Wang Chenxi, Hu Yao) Executive Director of the Macao Special Administrative Region He Yicheng delivered a political speech for fiscal year 2021 titled “Strengthening the Foundation and respond to difficulties “in the Legislative Council of the Special Administrative Region. . He said that the Macao SAR government will work hard to create a new situation in the SAR development, and will focus on implementing the main administrative tasks in eight aspects.

In the report, He Yicheng briefly reviewed and summarized the SAR government’s policies in 2020. He said that with the care and guidance of the central government, the support and cooperation of the mainland’s provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities, and the joint efforts of all Australian residents, the prevention and control of the new corona pneumonia epidemic in Macau has achieved zero deaths, zero community infections, zero hospital infections and a low rate of serious illness. And good results with high cure rate. Macao is now a safe tourist city with a low epidemic risk, and several provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities on the mainland have successively resumed applying for visas for mainland residents to travel to Macao.

Furthermore, in the face of the impact of the epidemic, the Macao SAR government has taken effective measures to stabilize the economy, guarantee employment and promote people’s livelihoods. The reform of the public administration and the construction of the legal system have been carried out in an orderly manner. Urban construction has continued to advance. Education and youth work has been gradually strengthened to maintain national security and urban safety. The work has been continuously strengthened and regional cooperation has progressed gradually.

In his report, He Yicheng proposed that the general policy of the SAR government in 2021 is: epidemic prevention and control, revitalization of the economy, patronage of people’s livelihoods, promotion of diversification, advance of reforms and innovative development.

According to the general policy direction, the political direction proposes that there are eight main tasks for the government of the SAR in 2021: effective prevention and control of the epidemic, acceleration of economic recovery, continuous optimization of the construction of means of people’s lives, promotion of moderately diversified and sustainable economic development, and orderly advancement of public administration reforms. Develop cultural and educational ventures, maintain national security and social harmony and stability, and deepen regional cooperation.

He Yicheng pointed out in the report that the new corona epidemic in 2021 remains the biggest constraint affecting Macau’s economic development. Some countries and regions continue to implement travel bans and immigration control measures in response to the epidemic, factors of production and the flow of people will continue to be severely restricted and there is still considerable uncertainty in the pace of recovery of external demand. . The unique industrial structure remains a major problem affecting the development of Macau. Under the impact of the epidemic, Macau’s moderately diversified economy is even more difficult.

He Yicheng stressed that looking into next year, the general trend is expected to gradually improve, the economy is expected to achieve recovery growth gradually, the tourism and gaming industry is expected to gradually recover from a low level, other emerging industries are expected to continue to develop, employment conditions are expected to improve and prices are expected to remain basically stable. However, the pace of economic recovery will remain relatively slow, most industries and small and medium-sized enterprises will continue to find it difficult to operate, and there will be increased pressure to stabilize the economy, secure employment, and protect people’s livelihoods. people.

In the policy speech it was stated that the Macao SAR government will adhere to the epidemic prevention strategy of “preventing foreign imports and preventing internal rebounds” in 2021, and will effectively carry out prevention and standardized epidemic control from various links such as port quarantine, disease prevention and control, diagnosis and treatment, and community epidemic prevention. . Strengthen regional joint prevention and control, especially joint action and coordination agreements with other cities in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area and various mainland regions. Prepare for the establishment of a quarantine and sanitary station in Qingmao port, improve the entry and exit sanitary and quarantine mechanism; monitor imported food from the cold chain and strictly prevent the introduction of the new corona virus in Macau.

Regarding the acceleration of the promotion of economic recovery and revitalization, in the policy discourse it was pointed out that, with the gradual formation of the country of a new pattern of development with the internal cycle as the main body and the national dual cycles and internationally promoting each other, Macao is at the intersection of the two cycles. This is both an opportunity and an advantage. It is also responsibility and responsibility. Therefore, Macau must accurately understand its own role and positioning, make use of its special status, take advantage of its unique advantages, and actively participate in the national double economic cycle.

In terms of promoting Macau’s moderately diversified economic development, the political leadership proposes a number of measures, including: promoting the repositioning of industrial development, transformation and innovation, encouraging companies to use the Hengqin space to build brands of Macau; accelerate the development of the modern financial industry, build a bond market and develop wealth management. Business; promote the industrialization of traditional Chinese medicine, promote products and services to expand the international market; develop the specialization and marketing of the exhibition industry; gradually cultivate the cross-border e-commerce industry; promote the industrialization of culture and sports; strengthen support for small and medium-sized enterprises.

He Yicheng noted in the report that Macao will take the initiative to connect with the national “14th Five-Year Plan”. He said the Macao SAR government will work with Guangdong Province and Zhuhai City to accelerate the construction of the Hengqin Guangdong-Macao Intensive Cooperation Zone and do a good job on the Hengqin cooperative development article. Macao will implement various central government policies and measures on financial support for the construction of the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area to promote the development of the modern financial industry; improve RMB liquidity arrangements in the local foreign exchange market and support the steady development of RMB business abroad.

He Yicheng emphasized that Macao will implement the constitutional responsibility to safeguard national sovereignty, security and development interests, continually improve the legal system and enforcement mechanism to safeguard national security, and strengthen law enforcement. Strengthen national security publicity and education, and enhance residents’ national security awareness. Strengthen political and social cooperation and coordination, and consolidate the social and political base of patriotism and Australia. Take all kinds of effective measures to prevent and effectively contain the penetration and interference of external forces, coordinate the relationship between development and security, guarantee the general stability of the special zone and maintain general national security.

He Yicheng said that the fate of Macau and the mainland has always been closely linked. Looking to the future, with the care and support of the central government and the people of the mother country, and the concerted efforts of the majority of Macau residents, the SAR government has great determination and firm confidence to stand up. to various challenges on the way forward and create a new situation in the practice of “one country, two systems” with the characteristics of Macau. .
