The Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council issued the “Opinions on the effective connection between the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and the effective linkage of rural revitalization” _ _


Continue to implement in areas affected by povertybusinessList of the “green channel” policy

According to news from the Xinhua News Agency on March 22, the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and the State Council recently issued the “Regarding the effective connection of the consolidation and expansion of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization “.opinion》。

The “Opinions” pointed out that poverty alleviation is not the end, but the starting point for a new life and a new struggle. After winning the battle against poverty and building a moderately prosperous society in a comprehensive manner, on the base to consolidate and expand achievements in poverty alleviation, we must do a good job in rural revitalization and continue to drive poverty development. relief areas and people’s get better. Consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and effectively connecting with rural revitalization is related to the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the national and international dual cycles mutually promoting the integral construction of a modern socialist country and the realization of the second century of fighting objectives. The whole party must be at the political height to fulfill its original mission and adhere to the essential requirements of socialism, fully understand the importance and urgency of consolidating and expanding the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization, and mobilize all parties and the country to make general arrangements and strong forces. Promote, so that the great masses of people, including those who have risen from poverty, can lead a better life and advance towards the goal of gradually achieving the common prosperity of all the people, demonstrating the fundamental purpose of the party and the advantages of the socialist system of my country.

The “Rulings” proposed that a five-year transition period be established after completion of poverty alleviation goals and tasks. Poverty alleviation areas should be classified according to changes in the situation.jobsThe idea is to do a good job in effectively connecting the leadership system, the work system, the development plan, the policy measures and the evaluation mechanism during the transition period, and change the focus of solving the problem of “Two without worries and three guarantees” For the poor population in the registry of archives for the realization of rural areasindustryProsperity, ecological livability, civilized rural customs, effective governance and prosperous life will shift from the concentration of resources to support poverty alleviation to the consolidation and expansion of the results of poverty alleviation and the comprehensive promotion of rural revitalization By 2025, poverty alleviation results will be consolidated and expanded, rural revitalization will be fully promoted, economic vitality and development potential of poverty alleviated areas will be significantly enhanced, further enhanced quality, efficiency and competitiveness of rural industries, and rural infrastructure and basic infrastructure will continue to be improved.Public serviceThe level is further improved and the ecological environmentContinuous improvementThe construction of beautiful and livable villages is steadily advancing, the construction of a country-style civilization has advanced significantly, the construction of rural-based organizations has been continuously strengthened, the mechanism of classification and long-term assistance for rural populations of Low income has been strengthened gradually improved, and the income growth of farmers in poverty-stricken areas is higher than the national average. By 2035, the economic strength of poverty alleviation areas will increase significantly, the revitalization of rural areas will make significant progress, and the standard of living of the rural low-income population will improve significantly.Urban-rural gapSmaller and more evident substantive progress has been made in promoting the common prosperity of all people.

The “Opinions” stated that we must do a good job in converging investment tax policies. During the transition period, with the premise of maintaining the general stability of the financial support policy, in accordance with the need to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and the effective connection of rural revitalization and financial situation, rationally organize the investment scale.Optimize the expense structure, Adjust the support approach Retain, adjust and optimize the original special financial funds for poverty alleviation, focus on supporting poverty alleviation areas to consolidate and expand the results of poverty alleviation and rural revitalization, and appropriately lean towards key counties assisting national rural revitalization and gradually increasing useIndustrial developmentproportion. All localities should make good use of the policy of linking the increase and decrease of urban and rural construction land, coordinate local available financial resources, and support the “13th Five-Year Plan”.Relocation to alleviate povertyAmortization of financing funds. Relief and assistance to the rural low-income population is supported through existing funding channels. In the first three years of the transition period, the poverty alleviating counties continued to implement the pilot policy for the integration and integration of agriculture-related funds, then adjusted to the key assistance counties for national rural revitalization to implementation, and other regions explored establishing a long-term mechanism for the integration of agriculture-related funds.Relief for workCentral budgetWithininvestmentImplemented to the project, timely and in its entiretyServiceremuneration. Existing tax-related transfer payments continue to favor poverty alleviation areas. We will continue to implement policies such as interest rate discounts on loans and government acquisitions that support the development of industries in poverty-alleviated areas on the basis of adjustment and optimization. During the transition period, preferential fiscal policies related to poverty alleviation will continue.

The “Opinions” presented to do a good job in financeServicePolicy convergence. Continue to play the role of re-lending and the re-lending assistance policy will not change during the extension period Further improve the small amount allocated to the poverty-stricken populationCreditpolicy Encourage applicants who have large loan capital needs and meet the loan conditions to applyTo start a businesswarrantySupport for lending policy Intensify efforts to develop profitable industries and characteristics in areas of poverty.CreditwithSureSupport the force.Encourage local conditions to develop advantageous characteristics.Farm productsSure. Continue to implement the “green channel” policy for companies to go public in poverty alleviation areas. ExploreFarm productsfuturesOptionAnd agricultureSureLink.

(Source: China Securities Journal)

(Editor in charge: DF380)

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