The 4th meeting of the XV Beijing National People’s Congress ends


Original title: The fourth meeting of the XV Beijing Municipal People’s Congress ends

On November 25, the executive of the XV Beijing Municipal People’s CongressCommitteeTwenty-sixth timemeetingDecision: The fourth meeting of the XV Beijing Municipal People’s Congress will be held on January 24, 2021. In addition to the regular agenda, the main agenda of the proposed meeting also includes: Beijing review and approvalnational economywithsocietyPreparation of the outline of the fourteenth five-year plan; revision of the proposal of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress for the revision of the “History of BeijingcultureFamous city protectionRegulations(Draft) “; deliberate on the proposal of the Standing Committee of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress on the proposal of the” Rules of Procedure of the Beijing Municipal People’s Congress (Draft) “, etc.

In addition, on November 25, the “Beijing Local Financial SupervisionadministrationThe Regulation (Second Draft for Deliberation) was also presented to the 26th meeting of the Permanent Commission of the XV Municipal People’s Assembly for its deliberation. In order to promote the healthy development of the financial industry, the second revision draft proposed that no unit or individual may establish a local financial organization without permission, or covertly participate or participate in the business activities of a local financial organization. .

The second draft revision of the Regulation has 6 chapters and 59 articles, which are divided into general provisions, local financial organizations, supervision and management of local financial organizations, prevention and disposal of local financial risks, legal responsibilities and complementary provisions. draft revision of the regulation establishes that the municipal department of supervision and local financial management shallOperatingScope, commercial scale, management level, internal controlmechanismAnd risk status, etc., implement hierarchical and classified dynamic supervision and management of local financial entities, and determine the frequency and scope of supervision and inspection and the supervisory measures to be taken according to the hierarchical and classified situation . Specific measures will be formulated and announced by the municipal department of supervision and local financial management.

To further clarify microfinancethe company, FinancingleaseCompanies and other local financial organizations andTrading floorSupervision of the stock market has raised barriers to entry and strictly enforced the scope of the business. The draft of the second revision stipulates that the establishment of local financial organizations in this city to participate in the relevant financial activities must be approved by the local municipal financial supervision department to obtain an administrative license. Local financial organizations must not participate in activities financial resources beyond the scope of the business, absorb or covertly absorbpublicto deposit, Outsideborrow, OutsiderentBusiness license or other approval documents for financing activities Found that local financial organizations and their business activitiesBig financesWhen there are risks or serious violations of the law, the premises, facilities and property of the commercial activities can be sealed or confiscated.

In order to provide the necessary development space for financial innovation, the second revision draft proposes that according to the characteristics of the business and the risk conditions, the municipal and local financial supervision departments can implement inclusive supervision and management. and prudent of business innovation of local financial institutions, which can be an innovativeproductService, The business model provides a secure and controllable internal system on a small scale.testsurroundings.

“The Economic and Financial Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress believes that local financial supervision should establish a dynamic hierarchical and classified supervision mechanism to distinguish inspection measures.” Cheng Yanhong, deputy director of the Municipal People’s Congress Economic and Financial Committee, introduced that for financial institutions that have been inspected and inspected for compliance, Proper adjustment of inspection frequency and coverage of inspection content. Financial institutions with frequent problems or early warning signs should strengthen supervision, distinguish between the pros and cons of the lead agency, and gradually purify financesmarketsurroundings. Accordingly, the draft of the second review stipulates that the municipal local financial supervision department shall implement hierarchical and dynamic supervision and management of local financial organizations based on the scope of the business, the scale of the business, the level of management, the internal control mechanism and the risk status of local financial entities, and in accordance with the classification situation. Determine the frequency and scope of supervision and inspection and the supervisory actions to be taken.

In addition, while strengthening daily supervision and inspection, government departments should strengthen industry guidance to local financial organizations, provide standardized, convenient and efficient government services, and do a good job in publicity and policy interpretation. and industry hazard warnings.

(Source: Beijing Commercial Daily)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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