The 40 yuan bird’s nest cost is only 4 yuan? Industry Network Red Simba “sugar bird’s nest” behind how profits _ dongfangcaifuwang




Internet celebrity Simba’s “Sweet Bird’s Nest” incident escalated into a heated search.

The cause of the incident was a consumer complaining that the instant bird’s nest purchased from Simba’s live studio was sugar water.Crack down on counterfeitsWang HaifaMicro ExpoOnline with SimbateamOn the bar, it is said that the bird’s nest is actually syrup after testing.

The latest news shows that Simba’s team has sent the bird’s nest for testing, but the results have yet to come out.

I will not mention how the matter ended.The Financial Investment News reporter learned in the interview that the bird’s nest industry is more complicated.Raw MaterialspriceDifferent floating processors have different prices, in addition to transportation and other costs,costAt least 20 yuan per gram.

Furthermore, there will also be interesting relationships between merchants and celebrities online when they bring products.

  The cost of the bird’s nest of 40 yuan is only 4 yuan?

Recently, the host of Kuaishou Xinba (real name Xin Youzhi) sold “bird’s nest in sugar water” in the live broadcast room.

Especially Simba’s team and the phony Wang Hai fought a war of words over the authenticity of the bird’s nest sold by the former. Put good and bad temporarily, and everyone is more concerned about,The cost of this bird’s nest sold by Simba is said to be only four yuan, right?

According to the statement issued by Simba, on October 25, 2020 it will promote theproductAt that time, the price was 258 yuan for 15 bowls, which is equivalent to 17.2 yuan per bowl.

And Jin Meier found out in Tmall’s “Mingzhi Flagship Store” that the price of a gift box of 100g * 10 bowls was 398 yuan, which is equivalent to a bowl of 39.8 yuan, almost 40 yuan.

By comparison, Simba didn’t lie in claiming that he had sold out to fans on the live stream.

However, an insider posted an agreed price list online, stating that the actual purchase price of the bird’s nest was only 4.2 yuan.

If the above revelations are true, it is simply a huge win!

By this calculation, Simba can earn 13 yuan for every can of bird’s nest sold in the live broadcast room. And his live account has 71.11 million followers, even if 10 million people buy it,profitThere are 130 million!

If 70 million fans buy one, the profit will be up to 910 million!This result, A share pricethe companyI want to cry when I see it!

And hitting the fake Wang Hai is even more polite.Micro ExpoThe above indicated that the quality inspection report indicated that the sialic acid content of this bird’s nest was 0.014%.marketThe price for 100 grams of sialic acid is 500 yuan, and the cost of the bird’s nest sold by Simba, along with packaging materials, content, processing fees,industryThe contractor did not exceed a dollar!

  What is the real cost of the instant bird’s nest?

So what is the true cost of the bird’s nest? What is the general price of the instant bird’s nest?

The reporter tour and tour linked to a bird’s nest has done business in Indonesia Chen Jian (sound), said: “bird’s nestindustryThe chain is relatively long, and upstream, especially raw materials, are basically overseas, such as Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, and Vietnam.Every time I go to Indonesia from the localfactoryThe price of products is different, and the prices of different processing plants are different, classification,Processing cost, Dryness, loss, etc.

When asked about the specific cost, Chen Jian did not want to reveal too much, just said, “I remember three or four years ago, Mao Yan’s price was 10,000 yuan per kilogram, and labor and loss were calculated .The cost of one gram of officially produced genuine bird’s nest is at least 18 yuan., And now the price will only be higher, probably20 yuan or more, The cost of high-quality, traceable bird’s nest may even beMore than 40 yuan per gram。 “

The reporter found in the circle of friends that a micro-merchant who sold dried bird’s nest gave a price of 4,400 yuan for 200 grams, and the price per gram was 22 yuan.

“Due to the different grades of raw materials, the price gap is large,So the bird’s nest fraud profit is quite high. Not to mention the dry bird’s nest filling and whitening base with fake soaking liquid. Now the popular instant bird’s nest is added with water and sugar, making it easy to make hands and feet and have big payoffs. Chen Jian added.

The small golden bowl of instant rock sugar flavored bird’s nest sold by Simba does not indicate the specific content of the bird’s nest, only that the solid molding is not less than 50%.

However, the journalist learned from the Internet that one gram of bird’s nest requires 30 ml of water. If it is 40 grams of instant bird’s nest, the content of the bird’s nest can be about 1.3 grams.

Based on Chen Jian’s minimum cost of 20 yuan per gram (regular authentic product),The cost of a 40g bowl of instant bird’s nest should be 26 yuanAnd this is just the cost of raw materials. For example, with many costs such as manual sales processing and packaging, 40 grams of instant bird’s nest is really the base price of 40 yuan.

  reporterThe price of 40g instant bird nest sold in the circle of friends is 78.5 yuan per bottle, and the price of the latest hot Xiaoxian stew 45g bird nest is 99.8 yuan.

So for 17.2 yuan per Simba bird’s nest instant sale bowl, I don’t know shovel …

  Live delivery of goods needs urgent supervision

Although the “Sweet Bird’s Nest” incident has yet to come to light, it still raises questions about whether online celebrity livestreams should pay for quality.

After all, live streaming has become a major channel for new retailers. Online celebrity live streaming builds on their ownBrandValue, such as consumer acceptance as an endorsement, third-party products recommended for consumer companies, charging a teamcommission

For example, Xin Xuan, the company behind Simba, showed live broadcastProductPrice share shows Xin Xuan subtracts platform related fees to get12.6% promotion commission, It does not imply any buying and selling behavior.

Therefore, when quality problems occur in products recommended by Internet celebrities, it will not only affect your own credibility, etc. Some professionals also said that Internet celebrities should also be partially responsible, depending on the degree of personal credibility to promote sales and the degree of profit distribution.

Furthermore, the reporter also noted thatRecently, National Equity Exchange Company launchedadvertisingGuidance on the disclosure of information by industry corporations (hereinafter the “Guidelines”), which will become effective on the date of publication.

He clearly pointed out that the use of live streaming, short videos, MCN (multi-channel network) advertising and “Internet celebrities +opinionEndorsement of Leader + Internet Big V “clientProducts etc.The InternetAdvertising media and presentation methods were included in the disclosure object for the first time.

I don’t know if this will be affected by this. Simba invested me earlier and the share price once broke out of 5 consecutive daily limits.Initial actions, Today opened fell, after the shock descending limit, to 11.26 yuan final report.

Including the previous day’s limit, two business daysInitial actionsMarket valueAbout 1.29 billion yuan evaporated

It seems, this time because Simba little bird’s nest bottle, the loss is no ordinary Cana ~

(Source: Financial Investment News)

(Responsible editor: DF537)

I solemnly declare: The purpose of this information disclosed by Oriental is to spread more information and has nothing to do with this booth.
