The 100 Sports Points for the Yunnan High School Entrance Exam is set, and the most concerned answer is here! -Xinhuanet


Xinhua News Agency, Kunming, December 3Question: The 100 Sports Points in the Yunnan High School Entrance Exam is Solved The Most Worried Answer is Here!

Xinhua News Agency reporter Yue Ranran Ziqiang

Compared with the October draft, the official plan of “100 points in sports for Yunnan high school entrance examination” published on March 3 showed new features. Why is the visual acuity score “ready to use” from 100 points? Do you want to apply for an intensive sports school? How to “break” the difference between urban and rural areas? Why should one of the “big three balls” be chosen? … In response to the seven burning concerns of society, the relevant staff of the Yunnan Province Department of Education responded one by one.

—— The vision test will temporarily not enter the high school entrance exam

Compared to the draft for comments, the formal plan canceled the 2.5 sight point design. In the fitness monitoring part, only body mass index (BMI) and vital capacity body mass index were retained.

Xu Zhongxiang, director of the Division of Sports, Health and Arts of the Department of Education of Yunnan Province, said that this is mainly based on two considerations. One is the opinion of a comprehensive ophthalmologist and the head of the department of primary education and sports that the conditions for entering the secondary school entrance examination of vision are not yet ripe; the second is that Yunnan Province has included the comprehensive prevention and control of myopia in children and adolescents in the comprehensive evaluation of the “Healthy Yunnan” action and has made special arrangements. Therefore, points of view are not included in the 100 points for the PE entrance exam.

Regarding the retained body mass index (BMI) and the vital capacity body mass index, Xu Zhongxiang added, “Both are important indicators for measuring students’ body shape and symmetry, cardiopulmonary function, and physical function. The total score is 6 points, and the purpose of the evaluation is to reduce The amount of “bean sprouts” from Xiaopangdun allows children to have a well-proportioned and healthy body. “

 ——You don’t need to enroll your child in a sports school

When the draft was posted for comment, many parents were concerned about requesting an off-campus sports training class for their children.

Zhang Chunhua, deputy director of the Yunnan Province Department of Education, made it clear that it is not necessary. “Our score is based on the latest” National Student Fitness Standards “issued by the Ministry of Education. As long as students take good physical education classes, continue to exercise, and actively participate in competitions, they will be able to do well. AND the plan has made it clear that the athletic athlete’s qualification certificate is not a basis for bonus points. “

 —— Computerization can solve the difference between urban and rural areas

Will differences in student athletic performance be caused by differences in regions, urban and rural areas, race conditions between schools and teachers?

Li Guanghong, Director of the Yunnan Province Department of Education Office, replied, “We have set optional options in the exam for students to choose based on actual conditions. For example, swimming is not a required item. It can be done in areas with conditions and can be substituted for those without conditions. Second, In response to the shortage of physical education teachers in rural schools that cannot be solved at the moment, the province is already building a network of high-speed fiber optics covering the ‘class’ and using information technology to solve the difference. “

  ——One of the “big three balls” should be chosen to stimulate interest

Xu Zhongxiang said that the revitalization of the “Big Three Balls” of soccer, basketball and volleyball is an important goal for the development of national sports. The relevant documents also clearly stated that collective projects such as the “Big Three Balls” must be vigorously promoted. At the same time, the “Big Three Balls” are the basic teaching content of the compulsory education stage. For example, soccer ball, basketball dribble and tray, volleyball ball pass, are introduction skills, simple and easy to learn, which can stimulate children’s interest and master. One-step skills to lay the foundation.

 —— “Sports 100 points” is not to prove the distinction

Li Guanghong said that the purpose of 100 points in physical education is to urge students to practice regularly, persist in practice, and master one or two sports skills for life. At the same time, the principal must pay attention to physical education, equate it with subjects such as language arts, mathematics and English, and accelerate the opening of schools and all physical education classes. “We encourage all students to score 100 points on the test. As long as the child takes the classes seriously, continues to exercise, and actively participates in competitions, he can score 100 points on the test.”

 ——The bonus points of the competition are increasing fun, cultivating collaboration, and knowledge of the rules

Xu Zhongxiang explained the original intention of the competition bonus design: “Teaching, practicing a lot, and regular competitions can solve the problem of ‘no sweat’ and ‘no fun’ in physical education. Let the children participate in the competition, so that they can enjoy happiness and temper their personality. At the same time, the competition organization can also urge schools and education and sports departments to take the initiative to build an exhibition platform for the effectiveness of students’ physical exercise and cultivate the spirit of teamwork of children and knowledge of the rules. “

 —— It is recommended that parents overcome anxiety and exercise more with their children

Parents are an important part of student exercise. Li Guanghong suggested that parents should overcome anxiety, change the notion that only scores are important, pay attention to children’s physical and mental health, encourage them to participate in more physical exercises and competitions, spend more time with them, and guide them so they don’t indulge in games and get more exercise after school and holidays.

Related links:

  Sports 100 points “Yunnan Province High School Student Sports Exam Program” published
