Technology God Reply | Can Li Guoqing regain Dangdang’s management rights? Season 2 of “Qing Yu Nian” Starts Today_Detailed Interpretation_Latest Information_Hot events-36kr


  1. Technology God Reply | Can Li Guoqing regain Dangdang’s management rights? The second season of “Qing Yu Nian” begins today.
  2. Li Guoqing issued a letter to all employees: Yu Yu no longer has the right to take over the company on behalf of Dangdang.
  3. Network biography Li Guoqing stole the official seal from to say that the couple took over the company and then took power. -CnBeta people
  4. Li Guoqing raided the headquarters to take over Dangdang; Yu Yu replied: Li Guoqing seized the official seal and called the police.
  5. Are the husband and wife taking power again? Li Guoqing issued a letter to all employees: I took over the company in a comprehensive way
  6. See full story on Google News