Tax Cuts and Tariff Cuts Promote Business Development, Benefit People, and Add Momentum -China’s Tax and Fee Cuts During the “XIII Five-Year Plan” Period Have Achieved Positive Results-Xinhua


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, October 22Theme: Lowering taxes and lowering fees promote development, benefit businesses, benefit people, and add momentum. China’s tax reduction and tariff reduction during the “XIII Five-Year Plan” period has achieved positive results

Xinhua News Agency reporters Yu Qiongyuan, Shen Cheng, Liu Hongxia

Hundreds of millions of market entities are the “pillar” of stable employment and the “engine” of stable growth. During the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, a series of policies were successively introduced to reduce taxes and fees for market entities, reducing the burden on tens of millions of companies, increasing confidence in innovation and entrepreneurship. and played an important role in promoting high-quality economic development. effect.

  Tax and benefits companies continue to raise and improve taxes and fees

During the period of the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, China combined the reform of the tax system with the reduction of taxes and reduction of fees. Through institutional arrangements and tiered policies, inclusive tax cuts and structural tax cuts, a number of policies have been continuously introduced and promoted:

——In 2016, the VAT reform was fully implemented to release dividends from large-scale tax cuts;

——In 2017, through measures such as the simplification of the value-added tax rate, comprehensive cleaning, and the standardization of company-related rates, etc., the burden on companies and individuals was effectively reduced;

——In 2018, through measures such as reducing the value-added tax rate and increasing the standard for the basic deduction of personal income tax, the burden on taxpayers was further reduced;

——In 2019, a larger-scale tax and fee reduction policy was implemented, focused on reducing the burden on manufacturing and small and micro enterprises, and the annual tax and fee reduction was 2.36 trillion yuan;

——In 2020, to address the impact of the epidemic and stabilize economic fundamentals, the fiscal and tax departments will rapidly introduce and implement a set of staged and specific tax and rate reduction policies. The new annual tax and fee reduction scale is expected to exceed 25.1 billion yuan.

Chen Donghao, deputy director of the Tax Department of the Ministry of Finance, said that in order to give companies a real sense of profit, the tax and tax departments have resolutely implemented the policy of detailed tax and fee reductions this year to ensure that companies make good use of policies; accelerate the distribution of direct funds to facilitate Grassroots fiscal pressures support the implementation of policies to reduce taxes and fees; strengthen supervision and inspection to ensure revenue is organized in accordance with laws and regulations, and illegal collection of taxes and fees is strictly prohibited.

According to Wang Jun, secretary of the Party Committee and director of the State Administration of Taxation, the cumulative amount of new tax and fee cuts from 2016 to 2020 will reach about 7.6 trillion yuan, especially with the implementation of further reductions of taxes and fees in 2019. Tax cuts reached 2.36 trillion yuan, representing more than 2% of GDP and boosting annual GDP growth by about 0.8 percentage points.

“Reducing taxes and reducing rates is an important fiscal and tax policy decision to respond to the downward pressure on the economy, an important strategic economic decision to promote high-quality development, and an important political decision on the general governance of the country “. Wang Jun has repeatedly emphasized. The importance of implementing policies to reduce taxes and fees.

  Encourage innovation to boost the real economy

The real economy is the basis for the construction of a modern economic system. In order to promote the development of the real economy, especially the manufacturing industry, the state introduced three measures to deepen the reform of the value added tax in 2018. In 2019, it will implement a reduction of taxes and fees on a larger scale. In 2020, it will consolidate and expand the effectiveness of the reduction of taxes and fees, and deepen the reform of the value added tax. Become the “highlight” of reducing the burden on businesses.

“In 2019, the company’s annual value-added tax reduction reached 33.69 million yuan. From January to August 2020, only the value-added tax rate can be reduced by about 30.48 million yuan. “. Peng Peng, Chief Financial Officer of Shandong Levima New Material Technology Co., Ltd. Jie said.

During the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan” period, the state has repeatedly optimized and adjusted R&D expenditures plus deduction and other policies to encourage innovation. In 2017, the pre-tax deduction rate of R&D expenses increased for small and medium-sized technology-based companies, and increased the rate of R&D expenses plus the deduction in 2018. Up to 75% of the Politics enjoyment topics spread to all companies.

Reducing fiscal costs has become a “new engine” to drive technological innovation. State Tax Administration statistics show that from 2016 to 2019, a total of 843,000 enterprises have enjoyed the R&D expense deduction policy, reporting a total of 5.2 trillion yuan in investment in R&D, and a total of more than 873 billion yuan in corporate income tax cuts have received effective support. Innovation and technological development.

For technology start-ups, although the amount of funding is relatively small, it is very urgent. In order to attract investment funds to technology-based startups and help the growth and development of science and technology companies, the state introduced pilot tax policies for venture capital companies and angel investors in 2017.

  People-oriented, promote entrepreneurship, stabilize employment and protect people’s livelihoods

During the period of the “Thirteenth Five-Year Plan”, the publication of the dividend of China’s tax and fee reduction policy has further stimulated the vitality of tens of millions of market entities.

“A series of tax and fee reduction policies have given us confidence in the restart and development of our cultural tourism industry,” said Nie Ying, general manager of Jiangxi Fuzhou Cultural Tourism Investment Development Co., Ltd., “January As of September this year, the company’s social security premiums were only reduced and exempted 216,000 yuan, in addition to tax reduction and exemption, such as value-added tax, the company immediately saved nearly 400,000 yuan and the boost to the development is even greater “.

Green water and green mountains are Jinshan Yinshan. During the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, under the guidance and stimulus of preferential fiscal policies, a large number of companies committed themselves to the transformation of cleaner production, achieving a situation of mutual benefit for environmental protection and benefits. economical.

Chen Huayang, Chairman of Fujian Youxi Huagang Power Source Technology Co., Ltd. recalled, “The country has accelerated the pace of environmental protection transformation in the lead-acid battery industry. The pollution control capacity was not up to standard and faced closure, and the tax burden was also great. Fortunately, the tax and environmental protection departments During the second door-to-door policy advisory, the company quickly upgraded the treatment facilities of production wastewater, reducing pollution and tax burden. Now, the annual environmental protection tax alone saves 60,000 yuan. “

Cai Zili, Director of the Department of Accounting and Revenue Planning of the State Tax Administration, stated that during the period of the 13th Five-Year Plan, the reduction of taxes and the reduction of tariffs demonstrated the determination and the confidence of the country in promoting proactively high-quality economic development. The steady development of China’s economy provides solid support.
