Tax Cuts and Rate Cuts See Results, Benefit Businesses, Rescue Difficulties, and Promote Recovery | Benefits-Sina News


Original Title: Tax Cuts and Fee Cuts Are Effective

In order to promote the implementation of a series of policies to reduce taxes and fees that have been introduced successively by the country and our province to help companies benefit from the relief efforts, a few days ago the “Plan to consolidate and expand the effectiveness of tax and fee reduction in Harbin “to consolidate and expand the tax and fee reduction work for the city. Tasks are divided, a liaison mechanism is established, and work to reduce taxes and fees in the city is coordinated. Each member unit carried out its work around policy publicity, effectiveness evaluation, monitoring and inspection, and each fulfilled their duties and responsibilities to further consolidate and expand the effectiveness of abatement work of city taxes and fees.

The implementation of the tax and fee reduction policy has achieved results

In the first three quarters of this year, the city implemented various tax and fee reduction policies issued by the state and the province in 2019 and 2020, with a cumulative tax reduction of 8.65 billion yuan. Among them, the implementation of the tax reduction and tariff reduction policy in 2019 has resulted in a cumulative tax reduction of 2.26 billion yuan; The implementation of the 2020 tax reduction and tariff reduction policy has resulted in a cumulative tax reduction of 6.39 billion yuan. Among the above tax reductions and exemptions, the tax department is responsible for the implementation of taxes and surcharges of 3.32 billion yuan, the customs department is responsible for taxes of 10 million yuan, and the human and social resources departments are responsible for the implementation of pension insurance 391 billion yuan and unemployment insurance 170 million yuan. Yuan, 200 million yuan for work accident insurance; 630 million yuan for health insurance implemented by the health insurance department; 410 million yuan to reduce engineering warranty costs implemented by the housing and construction department.

From the perspective of changes in the macro tax burden of primary, secondary, tertiary and some key industries, the city’s macroeconomic tax burden (tax revenue / GDP) in the city’s third quarter has decreased compared to the same period last year, and the macroeconomic tax burden of different industries has decreased to different degrees. In the third quarter of 2020, the city’s macro tax burden was 14.39%, a year-on-year decrease of 1.18 percentage points. Among them, the macro tax burden of the first industry was 0.48%, a year-on-year decrease of 0.02 percentage points; the macro tax burden of the second industry was 20.63%, an interannual decrease of 1.53 percentage points; the macro tax burden of the tertiary industry was 13.34%, a year-on-year decrease of 1.05 percentage points. Manufacturing in secondary industry fell 1.07 percentage points year on year, the construction industry fell 2.24 percentage points year on year; the real estate industry in the tertiary industry fell 4.89 percentage points year-on-year, the financial industry fell 1.29 percentage points year-on-year and the transportation, storage and postal industry fell 0.91 percentage points year-on-year. The accommodation and catering sector fell by 0.25 percentage points year-on-year.

Beneficial business help to promote local economic recovery

All member units actively adhered to the policy of benefiting businesses and helping local economies to recover. The Municipal Finance Bureau establishes and strictly enforces the requirements of the fiscal budget expenditure control list, insists on strict economy, cuts expenses and enriches the population, strengthens the work of the “six stability” and implements the task of the “six guarantees”. In the first three quarters of this year, we implemented the province’s key epidemic prevention and control measures to ensure that enterprises expand production capacity and transform subsidy funds for the purchase of production equipment, policy funds discount financial interest for new corporate loans and funds from the overtime wage subsidy policy for company employees totaling 40,016,300 yuan, benefiting companies 47 households (times); implement value-added tax and corporate income tax, “two tax” subsidy funds issued by our province for epidemic prevention and control materials production enterprises of 13.6269 million yuan, benefiting 49 enterprises ; implement the city policy on the reduction and exemption of rents and rents to reduce and exempt rental properties The rent was 36.06 million yuan, which benefited 477 leased companies; the establishment of a Stabilization and Post-Stabilization Fund for SMEs to help SMEs overcome difficulties, stabilize employment and promote employment. In the first three quarters, a total of 2.084 billion yuan was allocated, benefiting 75,700 enterprises.

In the first three quarters of this year, through the Provincial Development and Reform Commission, the National Development and Reform Commission declared 126 key enterprises to protect epidemic prevention and control, and the People’s Bank of China confirmed 44 re-loan companies, of which 18 companies received a total of 1.037 billion yuan in loans from re-loan banks; Logistics companies requiring loans for working capital have applied for guaranteed loans from the Provincial and Municipal Stability Stabilization Fund and obtained 4 loan companies with a loan amount of 20 million yuan.

In the next step, the Municipal Finance Directorate will continue to play a leadership role, in accordance with the work schemes of the Provincial Tax and Tax Reduction Directorate, the Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government, and will actively perform the functions of integral coordination. In terms of policy advertising, innovate advertising methods and promote peer-to-peer “no contact” policies. Counseling, using a combination of flood irrigation and precise drip irrigation to achieve greater precision in publicizing policies; in terms of policy implementation, further simplify the management process, strive to improve implementation efficiency and achieve greater implementation; in terms of service improvement, continue Optimize the work process, improve service quality, create a good business environment, and make convenient services warmer.
