Targeted Poverty Alleviation, Private Businesses Are Forced To Make The Poverty Alleviation Stories Of Four Private Entrepreneurs | Heilongjiang News Net | Heilongjiang Daily Client


Targeted poverty alleviation, private businesses are indispensable —— Poverty alleviation stories from four private entrepreneurs

[Informe de la conferencia de prensa de la Oficina de Información del Consejo de Estado]

Selective poverty reduction is an obligation for private companies

——Poverty alleviation stories from four private entrepreneurs

Guangming Daily reporter Li Hui

Since the China Federation of Industry and Commerce and the Poverty Alleviation Office of the State Council jointly launched the “Ten thousand enterprises to help ten thousand villages” aimed at fighting poverty, most private enterprises have dedicated to helping win the battle against poverty. In the last five years, nearly 110,000 private companies across the country have precisely helped 127,100 villages, boosting and benefiting more than 15 million registered poor people. The scale of participation, scope of assistance, and strength of investment are unprecedented.

What was the original intention of participating in the activity “Ten thousand companies that help ten thousand villages” and what successful experiences have been achieved? At the event “Ten thousand companies helping ten thousand villages: action by private companies for the selective reduction of poverty”, held by the Information Office of the State Council on November 20, Lin Yinsun, Secretary of the Committee of the Party, Chairman of the Board of Directors and Chairman of Zhengbang Group, Founder of Fuyao Group, Four private entrepreneurs, Cao Dewang, Chairman of the board, Shi Guilu, Chairman of Rongmin Holding Group Co., Ltd., and Dang Yanbao, Chairman of Ningxia Baofeng Group Co., Ltd. shared their stories of poverty alleviation.

Darze and help the world …

“We must get rich together with the farmers”

“I was born in a small village in Linchuan, Fuzhou, Jiangxi. I cannot forget the hard life of my ancestors facing loess and back to heaven, nor can I forget their expectations for the modernization of agriculture in China.” When he spoke about the original intention to participate in poverty alleviation, Lin Yinsun sighed. Thousands. He said that because of his fondness for agriculture and the countryside, he chose the path of agriculture and set out to change the backwardness of agriculture.

It is precisely because of this original intention that has led the Zhengbang Group to adhere to agriculture for more than 20 years, letting high-quality agricultural production materials go to the countryside, letting high-quality agricultural products enter the city, and make agriculture new, refined, meticulous and specialized.

Shi Guilu and Lin Yinsun had the same experience. “Feisha and Shishi have no food, and the older generations live in greenhouses. There are bachelors in the village and there are no aunts, and there are women who do not marry Hailiang.” Speaking of the singing of the local people, Shi Guilu was filled with sadness. From rural Dingbian County Yulin, Shaanxi, he is determined to change the backwardness of his hometown.

Over the past 20 years, Shi Guilu has led Rongmin Holding Group Co., Ltd. to help the three municipalities of Haizeliang, Bainijing and Zhoutaizi in Dingbian County. Through four “five-year plans”, three municipalities have basically achieved agricultural modernization and rural cities. As farmers move from poverty to a wealthy society.

Help the poor first to help wisdom. To enable children from poor families to receive a good education, Dang Yanbao explored the field of education and poverty alleviation. He founded the Ningxia Yanbao Charity Foundation and used this platform to implement educational poverty alleviation projects. In the past 10 years, it has funded 222,900 college students in 22 cities and counties, 193 municipalities, and 2,500 administrative villages in Ningxia, with a total donation of 2,283 billion. yuan.

“Development does not forget the fundamentals, it enriches itself without forgetting the farmers and grows without forgetting the society” “We must be prosperous with the farmers, and the prosperity of the farmers is my greatest wish” “To change a child is to change a family so they can get out of the mountains, To really help them get rid of poverty “… One after another, the warm words reflected the kingdom and the mind of the four private entrepreneurs” to help the world. “

Innovative service path——

“Poverty is inseparable from industry as a support”

In the statements of several private entrepreneurs, industry is an important keyword for poverty alleviation. Whether it is characteristic planting, pig farming, or the processing of agricultural products, in the eyes of various entrepreneurs, the greatest magic weapon to help poor households shed poverty and get rich is to develop industries.

In pig farming, the “four offers and two guarantees” model promoted by the Zhengbang Group has enabled farmers to earn “guaranteed income during drought and floods.” “In the specific operation of this model, the company provides seedlings, feed, veterinary drugs and technology, and the company guarantees bank loans to farmers and recovers the price. This completely solves the problem that farmers are afraid to raise, cannot raise and do not have. The problem of financial support has provided the source of water for industrial development, ”Lin Yinsun noted.

“Building more than 30,000 solar greenhouses and increasing farmers’ per capita net income by more than 10,000 yuan by planting greenhouses.” “Characteristic farming produces 200,000 sheep per year” and “Potato cultivation has increased to 1 million mu in the county, with an annual production capacity of 1 million Tons of potato noodles” … The industrial assistance of Vongmin Holding Group Co., Ltd. is linked, enabling local farmers to achieve sustainable income growth.

Industrial development is inseparable from the support of germplasm resources. Rongmin Holding Group Co., Ltd. has established a seed research and development base. So far, 117 high-yielding varieties have been developed, benefiting tens of millions of farmers in the Mu Us desert expanse at 40 degrees north latitude. These self-developed new varieties have also been promoted to other desert areas throughout the country and the world.

“It is the responsibility of private companies to get rich first and help wealth later to achieve common prosperity,” Shi Guilu said.

Stimulate endogenous power——

“Foster the spirit of taking initiative to end poverty”

Whether it is poverty alleviation education or industrial assistance, the achievement of poverty alleviation is inseparable from government support, business assistance, and even less so from endogenous motivation for the poor to escape poverty. In the eyes of many entrepreneurs, relief measures need to be used to inspire the poor to take the initiative to get rid of poverty.

At the meeting, Cao Dewang shared two short stories about helping poor people. Cao Dewang said that in 2003 he went to Pingtan, Fujian to investigate, and he heard that there were 70 or 80 villagers in the village across the sea from his hometown, but now there are only 20 or 30 households left. They live in the withdrawal of the troops. It is very inconvenient to pick it up 5 kilometers away.

Cao Dewang offered to help the villagers carry out the ecological migration. Upon hearing this news, the villagers were very excited and the entire village agreed to move. “The villagers left a deep impression on me. Their will to get rid of poverty was very strong. The whole village moved, but those who moved to other places also returned. This village is Fuyao Village in Pingtan,” Cao Dewang said.

Furthermore, Cao Dewang also established the Heren Charity Foundation. In the operation “Ten thousand companies helping 10,000 villages”, the foundation assisted dozens of villages in Tibet, Qinghai, Gansu, Yunnan and Guizhou in accordance with national policies. help.

In order to more effectively research and study the model of poverty alleviation in education, Dang Yanbao conducted extensive research in the Xihaigu area of ​​Ningxia. Through funds to solve the problem of the schooling of university students and the school problems of vocational and technical university students, children in 9 counties and 5 municipalities were all funded.

“The scholarship policy has solved the problem of poor children’s schooling and their difficulties in life. It has not only stimulated the endogenous motivation of the family to get out of poverty, but it has also planted a seed of love in the children’s hearts, so that love can continue to pass. ” Dang Yanbao said.

“Guangming Daily” (version 05, November 21, 2020)
