Taking the inventory system as the starting point, Guangyuan constantly promotes three-year action of special rectification of production safety_Sichuan Online


Guangyuan: Taking the inventory system as the starting point, strongly promote the three-year action of special rectification of production safety.

In early July this year, Guangyuan City issued the “Three-Year Action Plan for the Special Improvement of Work Safety in Guangyuan City” (hereinafter the “Action Plan”), clarifying that since April 2020 to December 2022, the city will pay special attention to 2 issues and 13 special Rectification of key industries.

The “Action Plan” tightly integrates the inventory management work with the special three-year production safety rectification, executes it and promotes the “three transformations” of the city’s safety production work, namely: safety production monitoring method shifts from passive acceptance by companies to active prevention and safety Risk management has moved from government advocacy to autonomous business development, and hidden hazard investigation and management has passed from the application of the departmental administrative law to the daily self-inspection and self-correction of the companies.

At the end of December, the investigation and remediation phase is about to come to an end. How did all departments at all levels in Guangyuan City use inventory management as a starting point to promote the implementation of the Action Plan?

A team understands overall planning

Guangyuan City has established a three-year action plan lead group for special rectification of safety production with the mayor as the team leader, the deputy mayor in charge as the deputy team leader, and the responsible persons in charge of responsible units at the municipal level as members to coordinate and promote the special rectification of the city’s production safety for three years action. On July 14, the third meeting of the Municipal Safety Committee and a special three-year rectification of production safety and list management work promotion meeting was held. Xie Xiaodong, the executive deputy mayor and deputy director of the municipal leading group, made a comprehensive deployment of the Action Plan Systematic arrangements require high-level positions to focus on overall planning, the deployment of multiple points to fight for progress, reversed construction schedules, wall chart operations, and serious understanding of the four stages of mobilization and deployment, investigation and remediation, centralized approach, and consolidation and upgrade to further refine job tasks. Increase work measures and seriously understand all the tasks of the three-year action.

At the same time, the lead group has 2 special topics, 13 special projects and a total of 15 special classes, with 9 main units responsible as team leaders and related responsible units as members. According to the real situation of the industry (field), the implementation plan for each topic (special project) is studied and formulated. After widely soliciting the opinions of member units of the Municipal Security Committee and reporting to municipal leaders for strict review, the “Special Rectification of Guangyuan City Security Production in Three Years” Action Plan was issued and distributed to the city, forming a work pattern of 1 general plan, 2 special topics and 13 special projects.

“We have established a lead group for general planning and 15 special working groups for specific implementation, and truly managed and managed by someone,” introduced the relevant person in charge of the Guangyuan City Emergency Management Office.

Two orders are responsibilities

“We have formulated the” Guangyuan City Safety Production Special Improvement Three-Year Action Plan Key Task List “and the Basic Safety Production List. These two lists can help us implement a special rectification more clearly and quickly, “said the person in charge.

According to the “Action Plan”, the Municipal Office of Occupational Safety decomposed the key tasks into 291 elements, clarified the responsible units and the working time limits for each task, and formed the “Action Plan Key Task List Guangyuan City security production special three-year “to guarantee three years Key tasks of the action were implemented and practical results were obtained.

At the same time, inventory management work was combined with “risk elimination” actions in 15 industrial sectors, such as coal mines and non-coal mines, and three basic lists were established: the “Real Name List of Safety Monitoring Objects “, the” Safety Risk List “and the” Safety Hazard List “. Strengthen the management and control of security risks of companies and investigation and governance of hidden dangers, and implement dynamic supervision of companies.

Three numbers to see real results

“By promoting the management of the safety production list system and the special three-year rectification of safety production, the safety production responsibilities of all departments at all levels and various industries have been further clarified. of the city, safety supervision work ideas have been further clarified, more accident and disaster prevention measures have been implemented and vigorously promoted.As a result, the safety production situation in the city is stable and is improving. ”Said the responsible person mentioned above.

It is reported that from January to November 2020, a total of 31 general production safety accidents of various kinds occurred in Guangyuan City, with 30 deaths; Compared to the same period last year, there was a decrease of 22 cases and 25 people, a decrease of 41.5% and 45.5%, respectively. “Zero control” is achieved for production safety accidents and above. (Xiang Xuemei)
