Take the first step to build a new pattern of development


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, December 21, by cableTopic: The first step in building a new pattern of development: learning and implementing the spirit of the Central Conference on Economic Work

Commentator for Xinhua News Agency

The Central Conference of Economic Work proposed that the establishment of a new pattern of development should take the first step next year and see the new prospects. To do a good job in next year’s economic work, we must focus on building a new pattern of development, following the new requirements and deployments put forward by the Party Central Committee, seriously implementing them, and working hard to achieve new breakthrough.

To build a new pattern of development with the great domestic cycle as the main body and the national and international double cycles promoting each other, it is necessary to strategically establish a good situation, but also to make a good move in the key points, and to make an effort in some key points to achieve results. Unleash the effect of the whole body. It is necessary to reinforce the structural reforms on the supply side as a main line and focus on the management of the demand side. By breaking the lock points and compensating for deficiencies, linking production, distribution, circulation and consumption, a higher level of dynamic equilibrium is formed where demand drives supply and supply creates demand, and efficiency is improved general of the national economic system.

The construction of a new development pattern requires new advances in reform and innovation. Innovation is the first driving force that leads development. It is necessary to strengthen the strategic scientific and technological strength of the country, give full play to the country’s role as an important organizer of scientific and technological innovation, determine the direction and focus of scientific and technological innovation, focus on solving the main problems that restrict development and national security, and promote scientific and technological innovation to play a key role in a fluid cycle. More attention should be paid to deepening reform and openness to strengthen the endogenous driving force of development, deepen reforms in key areas and key links, deeply implement the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises, optimize the environment of private economic development and stimulate the vitality of various market players. It is necessary to continue promoting the reform of “decentralization, regulation and service”, relax market access, promote fair competition, protect intellectual property rights, build a unified market and create an international, legalized and oriented business environment. to the market.

To build a new development pattern, we must consolidate the foundations and focus on improving the independent control capacity of the industrial supply chain. If the base is not strong, the ground will shake. Only by ensuring the security and stability of the industrial chain and supply chain, the initiative to build a new development pattern will be firmly in our hands. It is necessary to coordinate the advance of short board filling and long board forging, implement key core technology research projects for the weak links of the industry, solve a number of “stuck neck” problems as soon as possible, and cultivate and develop in a manner intensive plus unique skills in the areas of industrial advantage. It is necessary to implement the industrial foundation reengineering project, lay a solid foundation for the basic parts, basic processes and key basic materials, strengthen the high-level design, application traction and complete machine drive, and implement quality improvement actions in depth to lay a quality foundation to build a new development pattern.

To build a new pattern of development, we must adhere to the strategic foundation of expanding domestic demand. The formation of a strong domestic market is an important support to build a new pattern of development. Effective institutional arrangements must be made to rationally guide consumption, saving, and investment, and specific “coupling strokes” must be played. Most fundamental to expanding consumption is promoting employment, improving social security, optimizing the income distribution structure, expanding middle-income groups, and strongly promoting common prosperity. It is necessary to combine the improvement of the quality of life of the people, to abolish some administrative restrictions on consumption and purchase in an orderly manner, and to fully exploit the consumption potential of counties and municipalities. It is necessary to rationally increase public consumption and improve the efficiency of spending on public services such as education, medical care, care for the elderly and childcare. There is a need to enhance the resilience of investment growth, take full advantage of the guiding and leveraging role of investment within the central budget in areas with strong spillovers and high social benefits, and continually stimulate the investment vitality of the whole of society. It is necessary to increase investment in new infrastructure, implement urban renewal actions, promote the transformation of old urban communities and build a modern logistics system. Multiple expansion of domestic demand and the precise implementation of policies to obtain practical results can continue to unleash consumption potential and generate momentum to build a new pattern of development.

To build a new development pattern, it is necessary to implement a high-level openness, strengthen international macroeconomic policy coordination, vigorously improve national regulatory capacities and levels, promote mutual promotion of reform and openness, and build an economic system of high-level socialist market. Only when the world is good can China be good; when China is good, the world can be better. Taking advantage of our country’s large-scale market will provide countries around the world with broader market opportunities. Adhere to open cooperation, interact more closely with the world economy, and rely on the internal cycle to attract global products and resources. Only in this way will China be able to create new international cooperation and competitive advantages, improve the efficiency and level of the internal cycle, and realize the mutual promotion of the two cycles. , Complementing and promoting the construction of a new development pattern to continually achieve new results.
