Original title: Video | These “highlights” from the first day of CIIE are not to be missed!

November 5, the first day of the opening of the third China International Import Expo. Compared to the previous one, this year’s CIIE exhibition area has expanded by almost 30,000 square meters, with more exhibitors and higher quality. The exhibition has six exhibition areas including the agricultural and food products exhibition area, the automobile exhibition area, the technical equipment exhibition area, the consumer goods exhibition area, the medical equipment exhibition area. and medicine and health care, and the service trade exhibition area.

On the first day of the CIIE, what are the exciting exhibits not to be missed? Watch it in 80 seconds!

SMG in-house presenter Shen Biya was at the CIIE, guiding everyone through the showrooms to experience some of the new, unique and sophisticated exhibits at this exhibit. In the consumer goods display area, the display screen exceeds 200 inches “Samsung The Wall”, which unlocks the new generation of MicroLED display technology. Its shape and proportion can be adjusted at will. In the medical exhibition area, AstraZeneca’s five diseases and five cancer screening vehicles are particularly eye-catching. Although it is a simulated car, once you are on the road, you can immediately start inspections for five cancers and chronic diseases wherever you go, which is why it is also called a mobile screening vehicle for five diseases and five cancers.

At the CIIE Auto Pavilion, this super sports car is called the Apollo IE, and there are only ten in the world. Besides the attractive styling, the whole car is made of carbon fiber, which is the world’s first. An important feature of this material is lightness, which is lighter than metallic aluminum. Every year the Lego Group builds a large facility for the CIIE, and this year it is “Lego Planet.” The planet is 2 meters in diameter and took more than 200 hours to build it for 9 Lego model builders, containing more than 60,000 Lego bricks.

Watch the news Knews reporters also encountered “their devil” – Li Jiaqi while visiting CIIE. As “Youth Expo Promotion Ambassador”, Li Jiaqi said that this is his first time at CIIE, and his mission is to bring everyone to the Expo in the cloud and provide Chinese and foreign consumers with better shopping options in line. , So that more people can “buy the world and enjoy the world” during the CIIE.

Each year at CIIE, exhibitors will bring some “new and exotic” products, opening the eyes of Chinese consumers. Last year, the “second hottest chili in the world” brought by the African country Madagascar once crushed journalists on the spot. At CIIE, Korea Samyang Group brought a flagship product: super spicy turkey noodles. The spiciness of these turkey noodles is said to be three times that of ordinary turkey noodles sold in supermarkets. . How spicy is this turkey noodle dish, which is known as one of the spiciest instant noodles in the world? The reporter who tasted the second hottest chili in the world, also tasted it this year!

The 88-carat super diamonds that arrived in Shanghai from Paris, France to participate in the third China International Import Expo also met with consumers on the CIIE stage. This 88-carat black diamond with 57 facets was reportedly originally owned by the Karlov family in medieval Europe and was named after the noble surname. It was listed as one of the top five black diamonds in the world and later became the French Carlow. The treasures of the Fu Jewelry brand have rarely been publicly displayed for many years. The current valuation is 37 million US dollars (about 250 million yuan).