Summary: Stopping Violence, Suppressing Chaos and Safeguarding Human Rights: Hong Kong’s National Security Law Reclaims Freedom from Fear_protection


Original title: Summary: Stopping Violence, Suppressing Chaos and Safeguarding Human Rights: Hong Kong’s National Security Law restores citizens’ freedom from fear

Xinhua News Agency, Hong Kong, December 11, Title: Stop Violence, Suppress Chaos and Safeguard Human Rights: Hong Kong’s National Security Law Reclaims Citizens’ Freedom From Fear

Xinhua News Agency reporter Liu Mingyang Ding Ziyi

The “regulation amendment riot” that occurred last year brought Hong Kong into a turbulent situation ravaged by “dark violence.” People’s life, property and freedom rights were seriously violated and national security faced enormous risks. To prevent Hong Kong from falling into the abyss of the “color revolution”, the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress formulated and implemented the Hong Kong National Security Law in accordance with the law at the end of June this year. Since then, Hong Kong society has returned to peace, citizens have regained the various rights and freedoms taken away by “black violence”, and human rights have been further protected and enhanced.

Strike a balance between maintaining national security and protecting human rights

Hong Kong’s National Security Law clarifies the principle of “respect and protection of human rights”, which fully protects human rights while safeguarding national security and protecting the legal rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents in accordance with the law.

Tan Huizhu, Deputy Chairman of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, believes that Article 4 of the Hong Kong National Security Law makes it clear that the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region must respect and protect the human rights to safeguard national security and protect Hong Kong residents in accordance with the Hong Kong Basic Law and the International Civil and Political Rights Act. The “International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights” applies to the rights and freedoms enjoyed by Hong Kong. Article 5 of the Hong Kong National Security Law also clearly stipulates that to prevent, stop and punish crimes that endanger national security, the principle of the rule of law must be respected. He said he did not see that the rights and freedoms of the vast majority of ordinary Hong Kong citizens who abide by the law have been harmed.

Some human rights laws and principles familiar to Hong Kong citizens are also reflected in the Hong Kong National Security Law. Chen Xiaofeng, chairman of the Hong Kong and Mainland China Legal Professionals Association, said that the Hong Kong National Security Law adheres to international legal principles such as non-retroactive criminal law, legal crimes, the presumption of innocence and the protection of the rights of litigants, who can effectively guarantee fair and impartial trials of relevant cases. .

After the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law, there was a voice that opposed national security with human rights, freedom and order. These were false claims that the enactment and application of the law would restrict Hong Kong’s freedom and harm the human rights of Hong Kong residents. “This opinion is based on ideological considerations to distort the facts or on a lack of understanding of the spirit and content of the recently enacted laws.” Han Dayuan, a member of the Hong Kong Basic Law Committee of the Standing Committee of the National People’s Congress, said security and freedom are not opposites. It is difficult to imagine that when a country or a society does not have a security base, the freedom of the people can be protected. The guarantee of national security is essentially a guarantee of the rights and freedoms of each individual.

Tang Jiahua, a member of the Executive Council of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and Senior Counsel, believes that the Hong Kong National Security Law offers a good guarantee of the balance between maintaining national security and enjoying freedom. Hong Kong’s national security offenses are straightforward, conform to contemporary standards, and fully respect the Hong Kong judicial system.

Punish a very small number of lawbreakers and protect the vast majority of ordinary citizens.

Hong Kong’s National Security Law targets four types of crimes: dividing the country, subverting state power, organizing terrorist activities, conspiring with foreign countries or foreign forces to endanger national security. It punishes a very small number of lawbreakers and protects the vast majority of ordinary citizens.

Wang Jixian, president of the Hong Kong Legal Professionals Association, said that the Hong Kong National Security Law clearly defines criminal acts. Since the enactment of the law, the Hong Kong Police Force Department of Homeland Security has conducted in-depth investigations of relevant case leads, strictly enforced the law and arrested some suspected of violating the Hong Kong Police Act. Hong Kong National Security, which effectively deterred and suppressed the anti-China chaos in Hong Kong and protected the vast majority of them. The legitimate rights and interests of the majority of citizens.

According to the Public Relations Division of the Hong Kong Police, as of December 7, the police had arrested a total of 40 people on suspicion of engaging in acts and activities that endanger national security. Rumors such as “arbitrarily arresting people and returning to the mainland for trial”, “condemning people with meaningless words and arrests” and other rumors from the opposition have been debunked before the events.

Wu Yingpeng, a practicing lawyer in Hong Kong, believes that Hong Kong’s national security law only affects a very small number of people who have committed four types of crimes that seriously endanger national security. However, even for such a small number of people, their human rights are still protected by law. For example, they must go through a trial before they can be convicted. During the litigation period, you also enjoy various legal rights such as defense as a lawyer and the presumption of innocence.

“From the practical results, the Hong Kong National Security Law protects the personal and property security of the general public, ensures the effective functioning of government agencies, and restores social order, which also improves the general level of rights. humans of society, “said Wu Yingpeng.

Ordinary citizens regain their rights and freedoms taken away by “black violence”

More than a month before the enactment of the Hong Kong National Security Law, lawyer Chen Ziqian was beaten and injured in many places because he was dissatisfied with the crowds blocking the road in Causeway Bay and damaging nearby shops, and spoke to stop it.

After physically recovering, Chen Ziqian has deep feelings about the enactment and implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law. He sighed that this law has better protected the lives of ordinary citizens, and it can be said that it is the “Dinghai Shenzhen” for the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.

Chen Ziqian is just one of many Hong Kong citizens who have been tortured and injured by “black violence.” Since the “Regulatory Amendment” occurred in June last year, there have been more than 1,400 demonstrations, processions and public gatherings in Hong Kong, many of which have turned into serious violations and violent incidents. Protesters attacked police stations and police officers, surrounded innocent citizens, “initiated” dissidents, destroyed the subway and public facilities, paralyzed the airport, blocked traffic, destroyed malls and shops, “occupied” university campuses and damaged Hong Kong’s public order and safety constitutes a serious and long-term threat. What is even more concerning is that local terrorism has already begun to resurface in Hong Kong.

It is no exaggeration to say that for more than a year prior to the implementation of the Hong Kong National Security Law, Hong Kong citizens have always lived in the shadow of fear of “black violence.” “At the time, people in Hong Kong were in panic. Not to mention freedom of expression. Citizens’ rights to work, school, shopping and travel were not guaranteed, and even freedom from fear was lost.” . China Association for the Promotion of Peaceful Reunification Hong Kong Association President Lu Wenduan said.

The National Security Act cleans up murky water and revitalizes Hong Kong society. What everyone has seen in the last six months is that the streets and lanes have restored calm, public transport has regained fluidity, employees can go to work with ease, students can go to school with ease, Personal privacy is protected and citizens can shop and consume, speak freely, and enjoy freedom and security. Stores and businesses no longer worry about the disrupting and destroying “black storm”, the business environment is restored, and investors can invest and operate in Hong Kong with peace of mind.

“The stark contrast before and after the implementation of Hong Kong’s National Security Law fully demonstrates that it is the ‘holy guardian’ of human rights and freedom,” said Lu Wenduan.

Improve the “One Country, Two Systems” system and strengthen the protection of human rights

During the period of colonial rule before reunification, the rights and freedoms of Hong Kong residents have been suppressed for a long time. What cannot be distorted is that the democracy, human rights and freedom enjoyed by Hong Kong compatriots were only established and guaranteed after returning to the homeland. However, rights and freedoms are not absolute and must be exercised within the scope prescribed by law, and it is the consensus and practice of the international community to maintain national security. Legislation in various countries around the world on national security is a question of “how much”, not a question of “if there is.”

“Some Western countries have their own strict national security laws, but they have blamed Hong Kong’s national security laws. The real reason is that they are trying to slow down China’s development by playing the ‘Hong Kong card’. This is a naked double standard, “said Lu Wenduan. Facts speak louder than words. Hong Kong’s nearly half-year experience in implementing the National Security Law shows that safeguarding national security and protecting the rights and freedoms of citizens are mutually reinforcing.

Without a harmonious and stable environment and a home to live and work in peace, how can there be real and reliable human rights within our grasp? The Hong Kong National Security Law is a perfection of the “one country, two systems” system and also strengthens the protection of the human rights of Hong Kong citizens. He is a “hanging sword” for a very small number of people who endanger national security, and for the vast majority of citizens, including foreigners in Hong Kong, he is the “patron saint” of rights and freedom. This fact will continue to be demonstrated in the coming days. (End up)Return to Sohu to see more


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