Summary: rebound prevention and control of the new corona epidemic in many countries tightened again – Xinhua


Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, September 27 Summary: rebound prevention and new corona epidemic control in many countries tightened again

Xinhua News Agency reporter

Since September, with the resumption of work and school and the increase in social activities in some countries, and the colder climate in the northern hemisphere is more conducive to the spread of respiratory viruses, some countries that have effectively controlled the epidemic have They have recovered severely, and newly confirmed cases have repeatedly reached new highs. According to data from the World Health Organization, as of the 26th, the cumulative number of confirmed cases of new crowns worldwide has exceeded 32 million, and the cumulative number of deaths has reached almost one million.

According to statistics from the Johns Hopkins University in the United States, the United States remains the country with the highest cumulative number of confirmed and cumulative deaths in the world. At 6:23 AM on the 27th Beijing time, the cumulative number of confirmed cases reached 7,074,155 and the cumulative number of deaths was 204,461. Since mid-September, multiple indicators of the US epidemic have “increased”. Robert Redfield, director of the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, recently reported that the 18-25 age group accounted for 26% of recent new infections in the United States. These young people generally do not suffer from serious illnesses after being infected with the new corona virus, but they will transmit the virus. To other vulnerable groups.

The epidemic in India, which has the second highest number of confirmed cases in the world, is also serious. According to data released by the Indian Ministry of Health on the 27th, the number of confirmed cases in India has risen to 5,992,532, with 88,600 new confirmed cases in the last 24 hours. Since September, the number of new cases in a single day in India has reached a record high. The number of new cases in a single day on September 11 reached 97,570, the highest record of any country in the world. Still no sign of a fall.

In Europe, France, the United Kingdom, Spain and other countries have also seen a rapid increase in cases. According to data published on the French government website on the 25th, there were 15,797 new confirmed cases in France in the last 24 hours, with a total of 513,034 confirmed cases and a total of 31,661 deaths. According to data published by the French Ministry of Health on the 25th, the positive rate of the new coronavirus in France has risen to 6.9% last week. France is currently investigating 1,125 new coronavirus cluster infections and 91 new cluster infections in the past 24 hours.

Since the start of the school in September, there have been cases of student gatherings and infections at many UK universities. According to a British media report on the 24th, the University of Glasgow in Scotland reported 124 confirmed cases of new corona since the school started in September. Most of the infected people are concentrated in two student apartments, which has led to the isolation of about 600 people in the apartments. The Anglo-higher education community is concerned that universities will become the second worst affected area in the country by the new corona epidemic.

As the temperature drops, many countries in the Middle East have continuously seen more new confirmed cases in a single day. Data released by the UAE Ministry of Health and Prevention on the 26th showed that the country had more than 1,000 new cases in a single day for 4 consecutive days. The Tunisian Ministry of Health announced on the 26th that there were 1,087 new confirmed cases in the country, and the number of new cases in a single day exceeded 1,000 for the first time.

Faced with the grim situation of a rebound in the epidemic, many governments have once again tightened their epidemic prevention and control measures that have been gradually relaxed before, and some countries have even considered adopting strict epidemic prevention measures again, such as “closures” and “standing bans”. The experts also called on the public to continue to comply with epidemic prevention regulations. It is not advisable to relax vigilance.

After the United States has recently surpassed the two main nodes of accumulated deaths that exceed 200,000 and the confirmed accumulated cases that exceed 7 million, the national public opinion has many reflections, such as the lack of a unified and coordinated anti-epidemic at the national level. , and some people ignore the experts’ warnings. In response to the age structure characteristics of the increase in youth numbers in recent new cases, some experts have also reminded young Americans to heed their responsibilities in preventing epidemics.

Anthony Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases and a senior member of the White House Coronavirus Response Task Force, said on the 25th that the United States is still in the first wave of the new coronavirus epidemic, and next fall and winter they will face severe tests. Be prepared to respond.

The new corona risk assessment report updated by the European Center for Disease Control and Prevention on the 24th showed that the number of infections in the European Union, the European Economic Area and the United Kingdom has continued to rise since August. , which may be due to insufficient compliance with epidemic prevention regulations or insufficient prevention and control measures. Serum test data shows that in the European Union, the European Economic Area and most of the United Kingdom, the proportion of people with antibodies is less than 15% and susceptibility remains high.

British Prime Minister Johnson recently declared that the British epidemic “has reached a dangerous tipping point”. In order to prevent the epidemic from recovering further, the government decided to take a series of stricter prevention and control measures in England, including bars, restaurants, etc., to stop business after 22:00; retail commerce; Indoor industrial and restaurant workers must wear masks; establish the upper limit of the number of participants in weddings and funerals; suspension of the reopening plan for all exhibitions, conferences and large-scale sporting events, etc. The local governments of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland will also take similar action.

French Prime Minister Castel told the media on the 24th that the French epidemic is “very worrying”, especially in large cities, and that stricter epidemic prevention measures must be taken, otherwise the epidemic will be close of the situation this spring. If the epidemic is not controlled effectively, it means that France will re-implement the “foot ban”.

Tunisian Health Minister Mehdi said on the 25th that Tunisia will implement new epidemic prevention measures starting on the 28th, including eliminating seats in cafes and reducing the number of wedding participants. If the epidemic worsens, Tunisia can re-implement a full ban. (Editor: Peng Qian; Reporters: Tan Jingjing, Chen Chen, Su Xiaopo, Pan Xiaojing, Zhang Dailei, Zhang Jiawei, Sun Xiaoling, Li Jizhi)
