State-owned enterprises step up the release of high-quality reform and development dividends | State Companies-Finance News


Original Title: SOEs Accelerate Release of High-Quality Reform and Development Dividends

Source: Daily economic information

From 2017 to 2019, the number of companies under the supervision of the state-owned asset system in the country increased from 67 to 80 among the world’s top 500; As of the end of 2019, the total number of effective patents owned by core enterprises is about 770,000 … Important backbone and backbone, state enterprises have more stable operation, better structure, higher quality and stronger innovation.

Behind this dazzling report card is that, in recent years, state-owned companies and assets have stepped up high-quality development, policy-backed innovation, and strict targets set. At the same time, reforms continue to advance in depth, and the expansion of mixed reforms and reorganizations has become the highlight and dividends have been released at a rapid pace.

High-quality development results are displayed

The main Jinsha River Bridge project, which has set three world records in a row, has been completed, more than 500,000 5G base stations have been built and opened across the country, and the “Xinzhou” 600 aircraft has been delivered to African countries. for the first time … In recent days, major projects and key projects of state-owned companies have accelerated Progress and good news are frequently disseminated.

Since the beginning of this year, as a new force and the main force, state enterprises have made every effort in emergency supply, medical support, resumption of work and production and stabilization of the supply chain of the industrial chain. This has helped accelerate the pace of China’s economic recovery, continuous quality improvement and increased vitality. .

Statistics from the Ministry of Finance show that from January to August this year, the economic operations of state-owned and state-controlled enterprises across the country have stabilized and improved, and total operating income and total profits have achieved a monthly interannual growth for three consecutive months. Among them, the total profit in August increased 23.2% compared to the same period last year.

Looking back at the “Thirteenth Five Year Plan”, the world economy is changing and faced with the complex situation of overlapping internal and external contradictions, state-owned companies, especially central companies, have determinedly implemented new concepts of development and promoted high-quality development requirements, and have effectively played the “upper pillar” and the key to the national economy. Field paper “ballast stone”.

On the one hand, the operation is more stable and strong. At the end of 2019, the total assets of the core enterprises reached 63.4 trillion yuan, an increase of 15.8 trillion yuan or 33.2% from the end of the twelfth five-year plan; net assets were 22.2 trillion yuan, an increase of 6.3 trillion yuan since the end of the twelfth five-year plan. Yuan, an increase of 39.9%.

On the other hand, it has higher efficiency and better quality. Weng Jieming, deputy director of the State Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the State Council, said at a recent State Council policy briefing that from 2017 to 2019, the number of enterprises under the supervision of the State Assets system State ownership in the country rose from 67 to 80 among the world’s top 500, and total operating income and total profits increased by 17.3. %, 20.6%, the operating income profit margin increased by 0.4 percentage points to 5.9%, and a total of 10.9 trillion yuan was paid in taxes and fees. Among them, the total operating income and total profits of core companies increased by 17.3% and 29.1%, respectively, the operating income profit margin increased by 0.7 percentage points to 6, 1%, state-owned capital gains were 237.2 billion yuan, and special tax earnings were 300 billion yuan.

Policies support innovation

On October 15, the world’s largest truss-type semi-submersible platform module, independently designed and built by China, was completed and shipped at the Qingdao site of China National Offshore Oil Group Co., Ltd. The designed weight is almost 20,000 tons, which is equivalent to the load of almost 200 super heavy trucks. With a total weight of 430,000 meters, the total length of the cables to be laid can be more than two circles around the Sixth Ring Road in Beijing. Its successful construction has further enhanced the independent design and construction technology and capabilities of China’s deepwater offshore engineering teams.

This is not alone. The large C919 passenger plane flew into the blue sky, the first domestically made aircraft carrier was launched, the global Beidou satellite network, “Tianwen 1” rushed to Mars … During the period of the “13th Five-Year Plan “, state enterprises, especially central ones, focused on the industry and strengthened its core business, vigorously implement the innovation-driven development strategy, and emerge a batch of important scientific and technological innovation achievements of the world’s advanced level.

“In recent years, we have attached great importance to the technological innovation of the central companies. We have specially established the Office of Innovation in Science and Technology in the internal institutional reform process. We have intensified our work in the organization and orientation of the companies. central to strengthening technological innovation. There have also been some policies. ”Peng Huagang, secretary general of the State Assets Administration and Supervision Commission of the State Council and spokesperson, said in a recent policy briefing session of the State Council .

The data shows that as the backbone of building an innovative country, by the end of 2019, the core companies have 733 R&D platforms nationwide (including 91 key national laboratories) and 216 academics from the two academies; in 2019, R&D expenses of core enterprises were 819.04 billion yuan, an increase of 17.5% over the previous year; At the end of 2019, the total number of valid patents owned by core companies was approximately 770,000.

“We will further improve the R & D investment benefit return mechanism, that is, we will add R&D investment funds to the assessment benefit, further increase the weight of science and technology indicators, increase the science and technology rewards bonus in the evaluation and we will promote the research and development of state-owned enterprises. The intensity of investment has grown steadily. ”Peng Huagang revealed that the goal is to strive to achieve an average investment intensity in I + D of more than 5% by 2022 for key core companies.

While increasing investment in advancements in key key technologies, state-owned companies are also focusing on creating a number of high-level innovation consortia, industrial technology innovation alliances and public R&D platforms, creating a high-level “double innovation” platform, pooling innovation resources and driving society Innovation has become an important source of new kinetic energy for economic development.

Accelerated release of reform dividends

During the period of the “XIII Five-Year Plan”, state companies launched a charge to reform the “deep water zone”, continued to apply the “1 + N” policy system and achieved a number of important advances in important areas and key links , and they achieved a number of important results.

——For the first time, the functions of the central companies have been defined and classified, the reform of the corporate system of the central companies has been completely completed, and the foundations of corporate marketing have been further strengthened; Progress has been made in building a modern business system with Chinese characteristics, and the core business group level has realized that the board of directors “builds as needed.”

-The field and scope of mixed property reform have been continuously expanded. Let’s take core companies as an example. Since 2013, the number of mixed reforms has reached 4,000, and various types of registered capital above 1.5 trillion yuan have been introduced. Currently, the number of mixed-ownership companies represents more than 70%, and key areas such as electric power, civil aviation and telecommunications The mixed reform has also taken substantial steps.

——The distribution structure of state capital is continuously optimized. Through a strategic reorganization, the number of core companies has been adjusted from 106 in 2015 to less than 100. Total assets and net assets of companies in the oil and petrochemical, electrical power, communications, military, machinery, construction and other industries accounted for more than 90%. Many state-owned companies in Shanxi, Shandong, etc. they have also accelerated their transformation and development, with ongoing reorganization and integration.

– Deepen structural reform on the supply side. By the end of 2019, the elimination of 2,041 super-distressed “zombie” companies from the central state-owned companies had basically been completed, and the total coal and steel production capacity was 114 million tonnes and 16.44 million tonnes.

Liu Xingguo, a researcher at the Research Department of the China Enterprise Confederation, believes that through reforms since the 13th Five-Year Plan, the system and mechanism of state-owned enterprises have been gradually improved, governance and management have been improved. have become more standardized, a modern enterprise system with Chinese characteristics has been initially established, and the vitality of endogenous development has been effective. Inspired, the competitiveness of state-owned companies has improved significantly.

Weng Jieming said that in the next step, we will vigorously implement the three-year reform of state-owned enterprises, accelerate the cultivation of world-class enterprises with global competitiveness, and promote the reform and development of state enterprises to a new level, with the In order to continuously improve competitiveness, innovation, control and Influence, anti-risk ability to make new and greater contributions.

Construction plans for the reform of SOEs in the next three years have been clarified, including the active and steady progress of the mixed ownership reform, encouraging state-controlled listed companies to introduce strategic investors with a 5 % or even more than 5%; supporting the merger and reorganization of state companies and private companies. Set restrictions; promote the optimization and structural adjustment of state-owned capital, promote state-owned enterprises to vigorously develop the real economy around their main responsibilities and core businesses, so that state-owned capital moves forward and backward; guide and promote more central companies to invest in 5G, industrial Internet, artificial intelligence and data centers and other new infrastructure construction, etc.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance APP

Editor in charge: Liu Xuanyi
