State Council: Notice of the 2021 Rate Adjustment Program Imported syrup has begun to be taxed! | Agricultural Products_Sina


Original caption: State Council: 2021 Rate Adjustment Program Notice Imported Syrups Now Taxed!

Notice from the Customs Tariff Commission of the State Council on the Tariff Adjustment Plan for 2021

Tax Committee (2020) No. 33

General Administration of Customs:

To support the acceleration of the construction of a new development pattern and promote high-quality economic development, in accordance with the relevant provisions of the “Regulation on Import and Export Tariffs of the People’s Republic of China”, effective January 1 By 2021, import tariffs on certain commodities will be adjusted. The “Annual Rate Adjustment Plan” is printed and sent to your office. For more information, see the annex.

Annex: Rate adjustment plan for 2021

Tariff Commission of the Council of State December 21, 2020

The syrup is taxable! Starting January 1, 2021, tariffs of 30% or 80% will apply to imported sugar syrups and solutions.

To download the rate adjustment attachment, click here.

To support the establishment of a new pattern of development, China will adjust import tariffs on certain commodities from January 1, 2021.Office of the Tariff Commission of the State Council

In order to implement the spirit of the Fifth Plenary Session of the XIX Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, adhere to the new development concept and support the construction of a new development pattern with the domestic cycle as the main body and the mutual promotion of national and international double cycles, with the approval of the State Council, the State Council Tariff Commission recently issued a notice, In 2021, the most-favored-nation tax rate, the conventional tax rate, and the provisional tax rate will be adjusted of some imported goods.

In order to coordinate the utilization of domestic and international resources, continuously improve the quality and level of supply, and promote a virtuous circle of the domestic economy, from January 1, 2021, China will implement temporary import tariff rates more lower than the most-favored-nation tariff rate on 883 commodities. . Among them, in order to reduce the economic burden on patients and improve people’s quality of life, zero tariffs will be imposed on the second batch of anticancer drugs and drugs for rare diseases, food needed for special patients, etc. , and cut down on medical equipment like artificial heart valves, hearing aids, and whey protein. Import tariffs on powdered infant milk raw materials, such as powder and lactoferrin. In order to meet the needs of domestic production, import tariffs are reduced on some equipment, parts and raw materials required for new infrastructure or high-tech industries, such as fuel cell circulation pumps, substrates aluminum and silicon carbide and arsine. In order to promote international technical cooperation in the field of aviation, a lower provisional import tax rate is applied to aviation equipment, such as fuel pumps for aircraft engines. In order to improve air quality, support the production of green products, and reduce import tariffs on commodities such as diesel engine exhaust gas purification and filtration devices and exhaust gas recirculation valves. In order to encourage the importation of domestic resource products that are in demand, reduce the temporary tax rate on the import of wood and paper products, unalloyed nickel, raw niobium and other commodities, and reduce it accordinglycottonSlippery tax.

At the same time, in accordance with the development of domestic industries and changes in supply and demand, the temporary import tax rate implemented in 2020 will be adjusted appropriately. In order to implement the “Law on Prevention and Control of Environmental Pollution by Solid Waste”, as of January 1, 2021, the provisional tax rate for the importation of solid waste such as scrap metal and metal waste will be canceled, and will restore the most favored nation rate.

In order to promote high-quality development of the “Belt and Road” and achieve high-quality introduction and high-level globalization, in accordance with the signed and effective free trade agreements or preferential trade agreements between China and the relevant countries or regions, in 2021, China Some goods imported into relevant countries or regions implement agreed tariff rates. Among them, the China-Mauritius Free Trade Agreement will enter into force on January 1, 2021 and will implement tax cuts. Other tax cuts include the China-New Zealand Free Trade Agreement, Peru, Costa Rica, Switzerland, Iceland, Pakistan, Chile, Australia, South Korea, Georgia, and the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement. Some imported goods originating in Mongolia will be subject to the Asia-Pacific Trade Agreement tariff rate from January 1, 2021. In 2021, we will continue to implement preferential tax rates for the 43 least developed countries that have established diplomatic relations with China and completed the exchange of letters. The scope of preferential tax rates and tax rates will remain unchanged.

Starting on July 1, 2021, China will also implement the sixth step of reducing taxes on the most-favored-nation tax rate for 176 information technology products.

In order to meet the needs of industrial development and technological progress, facilitate trade statistics and management, and at the same time standardize the implementation of the “Commodity Naming and Coding System”, some tariffs and tax items will be adjusted. in 2021. The total number of tax items after adjustment is 8,580.

The above adjustment measures lead to better attract world resource elements, not only to satisfy domestic demand, but also to improve the level of development of China’s industrial technology and promote the formation of a large and fluid domestic business cycle; It is conducive to seizing the advantages of China’s large-scale market and giving countries around the world a broader perspective. Market opportunities to create China’s new international cooperation and competitive advantages; It is conducive to building a global network of high-level free trade zones, better connecting domestic and international markets, better promoting the common development of the Chinese economy and the world economy, and promoting mutually beneficial cooperation.

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