ST Yaxing Announces Completion of Acquisition of Jingzhi Liquor Industry’s “Lu Liquor First Share” List and Varada_ 东方


Original title: ST Yaxing Announces Completion of Acquisition of “Lu Liquor First Share” List from Jingzhi Liquor Industry

  ST Asia StarDue to the planning to acquire the Jingzhi winery,the companyThe share price exceeded the daily limit of 5 “one character”. However, on January 17,Company announcementAnnounced the completion of the acquisition,marketAnd the promising case of industry A-share “drink” did not take place.

On the afternoon of January 17,ST Asia StarProblem on completion of major asset planningReorganizationofadThe company said that on January 11, Weifang Yaxing ChemicalLimited liability companyThe “Announcement on the Planning of a Major Asset Reorganization and the Signing of the Intentional Agreement for the Cash Acquisition of Control Rights of Jingzhi Liquor Companies” was released. After careful study, both parties to the transaction have decided to terminate planning for this major asset reorganization.

For the reasons to terminate the acquisition,ST Asia StarHe said that since the beginning of planning for this major asset reorganization, the company and related parties have actively promoted thejobs, Conducted active consultations, repeated discussions and discussions with all parties involved in this major asset reorganizationcommunicationSince both parties to the transaction were unable to discuss the scope of the operating assets involved in the acquisition, especially for the derivative operating assets involved in the liquor business (liquorcultureWenluindustryAssets, etc.) are not included in the scope of this acquisition.opinionAfter careful study, the two parties reached an agreement to effectively safeguard listed companies andinvestmentDecision to finish planning for this major asset reorganization. At the same time, the “Intent to Cooperate Agreement” is automatically terminated and neither party is liable for breach of contract.

According to the “Securities Daily” reporter comparing the previous acquisition announcements issued by ST Yaxing, businesses such as wine culture and cultural tourism industry assets did not appear in the first announcement. Is the completion of the acquisition related to the above business? But as of press time, the reporter has not received a response from both parties.

An industryAnalystinto acceptDuring an interview with a reporter for Securities Daily, he was also surprised by the completion of the acquisition of Jingzhi Winery by ST Yaxing.

Behind the daily limit of ST Yaxing, in addition to the enthusiasm of the capital for the liquor stocks, there is another important aspect of this acquisition, that is, it was carried out under the promotion of local state assets. The start of the acquisition was “aborted” so early.

Regarding the impact of the completion of the acquisition on the listed company, ST Yaxing stated that the major asset reorganization is in the planning stage, and the parties involved in the transaction have not finally reached a substantive agreement on the specific plan, and the parties to the transaction do not need to endure any default in the completion of the transaction. responsibility. The completion of this major asset reorganization will not affect the normal operations of the company. At the same time, the company promised not to plan a major asset reorganization within 1 month from the date of this announcement.

The completion of the Jingzhi Winery acquisition made ST Yaxing’s dream of relying on the vigorous development of the wine industry soak in, and also temporarily suspended Jingzhi Winery’s desire to become Shandong’s first wine stock.

However, according to the “Securities Daily” reporter, at the time when capital considers liquor as a high-quality asset, foreign capital still pays attention to high-quality wine companies, and Jingzhi Liquor is the leader of Shandong, Also sesame flavorNational standardThe editors of, is still favored by the outside world.

Xiao Zhuqing, director of Sichuan Fengqiuhuang Investment Management Co., Ltd. and consumer product marketing expert, said in an interview with a reporter for “Securities Daily” that Jingzhi Winery is the drafter of the national standard for sesame-flavored liquor and dominates the production of sesame flavored liquor.Core technologies, Is the leading spirits company in Shandong province,teamExcellent, with a strong presence in the main base market around Weifang, ShandongBrandStrength and excellent salesPerformance

In Xiao Zhuqing’s view, there are three criteria for capital to choose the investment target company in the alcoholic beverage industry: one is a brand with history and culture, the other is an excellent management team, and the third is performance stable in the core market. Jingzhi meets all three of the above criteria. standard.

At that time, Beijing Cointreau was outstandingConsultancyChairman Lin Feng also said in an interview with a Securities Daily reporter that Jingzhi Liquor, as Lu Liquor’s leading company, has good resources and also has the advantage of sesame fragrance. As long as there is financial support, the “stuck neck” problem is solved.

In other words, the current Jingzhi wine industry faces a financing problem. After losing her marriage to ST Yaxing, what kind of golden phoenix will this phoenix tree attract? This newspaper will continue to pay attention.


(Source: Securities Daily)

(Editor in charge: DF062)

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