South Korean doctors report crown healing with blood plasma


South Korean doctors report crown healing with blood plasma

Archive image of blood plasma bags.

Image: ANP

South Korean doctors report that two people with severe coronavirus complaints were cured after receiving blood plasma from other recovered crown patients. They describe that in an article in the Journal of Korean Medicine.

It was a 71-year-old man and a 67-year-old woman who had to use the ventilator to survive. In both cases, their condition improved fairly rapidly after plasma administration. The two patients received blood plasma with antibodies from 20-year-old male donors who had previously been cured of the virus.

The condition of the 71-year-old man, according to the doctors’ history, has improved after a day. It took a little longer for the woman.

Also in the Netherlands, doctors analyze the blood plasma of cured people. The EMC in Rotterdam announced in late March that it would start administering blood plasma.
