Some Middle Eastern countries tighten epidemic prevention measures, Turkey’s new epidemic recovers


  General News: Some Middle Eastern Countries Tighten Epidemic Prevention Measures, Turkey’s New Crown Epidemic Recovers

Xinhua News Agency, Istanbul, March 2 – Xinhua News Agency reporters in the Middle East region reported: The new corona epidemic continues in the Middle East, and some countries have further tightened prevention measures for the epidemic. Turkey reported that nearly 10,000 people tested positive for the new corona virus on March 1.

According to data released by Turkey’s Ministry of Health on day 1, the country has tested 130,536 people for the new coronavirus in the last 24 hours, of which 9,891 have tested positive. The country has a total of 2,711,479 confirmed cases of new corona and a total of 28,638 deaths.

The Palestinian Health Ministry said on day 1 that the new mutated corona virus is spreading rapidly and a new round of epidemics in the West Bank is fierce. The number of newly diagnosed cases in a single day has exceeded 1,500 for five consecutive days. The number of seriously ill patients has also increased rapidly and most of them are young. Palestine reported 1,724 new confirmed cases on Day 1, with a total of 210,073 confirmed cases; 16 new deaths, with a total of 2,275 deaths.

Since Lebanon began vaccination on February 14 this year, more than 50,000 people have received the first dose of Pfizer’s new corona vaccine. According to data released by the Lebanese Ministry of Health on day 1, in the last 24 hours, 1,888 new confirmed cases of new corona were registered in the country, with a total of 376,921 confirmed cases; 51 new deaths, with a total of 4,743 deaths and a total of 294,270 cases cured.

According to data released by Israel’s Ministry of Health on day 1, there were 5,479 new confirmed cases in the country and a total of 779,958 confirmed cases; 22 new deaths and a total of 5,760 deaths. The new corona epidemic in Israel has recently escalated. The Health Ministry said on day 1 that the current number of new corona virus infections in Israel has risen to 1. Israel began vaccination work on the new corona on December 20, 2020. According to the Health Ministry On day 1, more than 4.74 million people in Israel have been vaccinated against the new crown, representing approximately 51% of the country’s total population.

The Supreme National Committee for the Prevention and Control of Epidemics of Oman issued a document on day 1 stating that the new mutant corona virus had been found in many provinces of Oman, the number of new hospitalized patients with corona has increased and the situation of the epidemic is serious. To prevent and control the epidemic, the country will stop some business activities across the country from March 4 to 20, including restaurants, restaurants, cafes, etc., but excluding gas stations, medical institutions, etc. Oman reported 312 new confirmed cases of new corona on Day 1, with a total of 141,808 confirmed cases and a total of 1,577 deaths.

According to a report from the Iranian Ministry of Health on day 1, at noon that day, the country had confirmed 8510 new cases of new corona in the last 24 hours, with a total of 1639679 confirmed cases; 108 new deaths and a total of 60,181 deaths.

The Syrian Ministry of Health announced on day 1 that there were 54 new confirmed cases of new corona in the country, a total of 15,642 confirmed cases, a total of 1,032 deaths and a total of 9,880 cured cases. Syrian Health Minister Hassan Gabash said that given the limited supply of vaccines, priority is given to providing vaccination services to those most at risk of infection, such as front-line medical personnel. (Editor: Wang Feng; participating reporters: Pan Xiaojing, Chen Binjie, Xia Chen, Xiong Sihao, Tu Yifan, Zheng Yihan, Wang Shang, Shang Hao, Zheng Siyuan, Su Xiaopo, Huang Ling, Li Binian, Wu Danni, Ma Yichong , Yang Yuanyong, Ji Ze, (Wang Wei, Liu Zongya, Zhang Miao)
