Some imported cold chain foods above 0 ℃ in Beijing can also be tracked from February 12_ 产品


Original title: As of February 12, some imported cold chain food can also be tracked above 0 ℃ in Beijing

Original title: From February 12, “Beijing Cold Chain” trackable products will be expanded to all imported cold chain food with storage temperatures below 0 ℃ (inclusive), and supermarkets will be inspected in various districts before the holidays.

Some imported cold chain foods can also be traced above 0 ℃

Yesterday, market supervision and law enforcement officers inspected imported cherries in a supermarket for materials such as a negative nucleic acid test certificate. Beijing News reporter Wu Ning

Starting on February 12, the scope of the Beijing Cold Chain Food Traceability Platform (dubbed “Beijing Cold Chain”) will be expanded from imported chilled and frozen meat and aquatic products to those whose storage temperature is less than 0 ℃ (including 0 ℃) Imported cold chain foods. What is the current progress of this work?

Before the holidays, the market supervision bureaus of all Beijing districts continued to carry out a special rectification of the New Year’s product market, specifically inspecting the expansion of the traceable food variety “Beijing Cold Chain”. The reporter learned from the market supervision offices of Chaoyang, Haidian, Fengtai and other districts that the scope of traceability of imported food from the cold chain in each district is currently being expanded. Some supermarket products have completed more than 70% of the registration records, which you can assure that it will take place on February 12. Product traceability.

The journalist visited several supermarkets and discovered that the supermarket had attached a QR code to imported cheese, imported ham slices and other imported cold chain foods stored at a temperature above 0. Consumers can scan the code to find out the origin. nucleic acid test report and other traceability information.

● Chaoyang

Products that do not enter the platform within the term will be eliminated

Yesterday (8) morning, law enforcement officers from the Chaoyang District Market Supervision Office came to Beijing Hualian Boutique Supermarket in Blue Harbor to inspect dried fruits, dairy products, fruits and other hot selling products of the Year Chinese new and frozen food.

In the cold chain imported food sales area, law enforcement officers took their mobile phones and scanned the “Beijing Cold Chain” QR code posted on the container. The origin, date of entry, nucleic acid inspection report and other information appeared immediately on the mobile. phone screen, and then related information comparison products.

The reporter saw that in the imported dairy sales area, some imported cheeses had been placed with the QR code “Beijing Cold Chain”. Law enforcement officials reminded the supermarket manager that from February 12 (including the day), all imported food from the cold chain will be stored with a temperature below 0 ° C (including 0 ° C), “as products frozen foods such as Quick frozen rice and noodle products and frozen dairy products such as butter, cheese, frozen drinks such as ice cream, frozen fruit juices and frozen vegetables, frozen fruits and other imported cold chain foods should be included in the “ Beijing Cold Chain “Traceable Food Scope”.

Zhang Tingting, the supermarket manager, said: “There are 100 varieties of imported dairy products in the store, which require 2 ℃ -4 ℃ cold chain storage. At present, some products have been coded and placed. The code and Labeling has not been completed by February 12. All will be removed from the shelves and returned. “

Law enforcement officials said including imported food from the cold chain above 0 ° C on the traceability platform is an initiative of some operating companies. However, regulatory authorities also recommend that all imported food from the cold chain be included in the traceability platform to make it easier for citizens to scan the code to consult traceability information.

The market supervision department will urge relevant supermarkets to recall products that have not yet entered the traceability platform by February 12, and will not be placed on the shelves until the traceability information is complete.

● Haidian

More than 70% of the products of large supermarkets have been registered

Zhang Dan, Head of the Food Circulation Section of the Haidian District Market Supervision Office, presented that the Haidian District has recently inspected large supermarkets such as Metro and Hema Xiansheng in its jurisdiction. These supermarkets have completed more than 70% of the product registration registrations and you can guarantee that all products will be registered by February 12th. Trace the product.

Zhang Dan introduced that since November last year, the market supervision department has continuously inspected the traceability of the two-dimensional code of frozen and refrigerated meat and aquatic products in large supermarkets. “The overall situation is still quite good. Only a few supermarkets have not checked, imported cold chain products and domestic cold chain products have been sold in different regions, and have been rectified after receiving indications and instances. ”Zhang Dan said that for the traceability of imported food from the cold chain below 0 ° C (including 0 ° C). C) to be included in the” Beijing Cold Chain “platform, all major enterprises Currently The supermarket is also running. “For example, Metro supermarket, Hema supermarket, ice cream, Musang King durian and other frozen products below 0 ℃, the traceability QR code has been put on the shelves.”

● Fengtai

QR codes have been placed on some imported frozen fruits

Before the holidays, law enforcement officers from the Fengtai District Market Supervision Office in Donggaodi Street, Shouhang Supermarket and other places, instructed the relevant people in charge to comprehensively classify imported cheese and other imported foods that meet the scope of extended in-store traceability, and do a good job assigning codes and scan codes to track the job.

The reporter saw that imported avocado, longan, kiwi, jackfruit, durian and other fruits sold in Shouhang supermarket have the QR code “Beijing Cold Chain”. In the imported refrigerated cheese sales area, a product also posted the QR code “Beijing Cold Chain”. It can be seen from the product information that the required storage temperature for these cheeses is between 2 ° C and 8 ° C, which is not an imported food below 0 ° C.

Store manager Lu Chunfeng said that in order for consumers to shop comfortably, these imported chilled foods will be traced to the “Beijing Cold Chain” platform. Currently, 10 types of imported cheese are sold in the store, and the rest are being tracked.

■ Focus

Some districts require imported cherries to be listed on the shelf

In the situation of standardized epidemic prevention and control, imported food safety has become the center of public attention. Recently, some areas in other provinces and cities have tested positive for nucleic acid on the outer packaging of imported cherries. Fengtai and Chaoyang districts suggest that supermarkets include imported cherries stored at room temperature on the “Beijing Cold Chain” shelf.

Cherries are fruits stored at room temperature, currently the market supervision department does not force them to be included in the Beijing cold chain platform for traceability. Song Jing, deputy chief of the Food Circulation Section of the Fengtai District Market Supervision Office, said that although Beijing does not impose strict regulations on the addition of imported fresh fruits such as cherries to the “Beijing Cold Chain”, They will recommend that Supermarkets in the jurisdiction remove the cherries during police inspections. They are incorporated into the imported cold chain traceability platform to provide peace of mind to consumers. The Chaoyang District Market Supervision Office also made the same proposal to companies that sell imported cherries.

The competent person in charge of the Haidian District Market Supervision Office stated that although imported fruits such as cherries were not included in the retrospective scope this time around, law enforcement officials have instructed supermarkets to post materials such as incoming cargo inspection and nucleic acid and quarantine certificates. test reports on the sales site.

In response to the concern of some citizens, “how to deal with imported cherries that have entered the Chaoyang District storage, sales and processing links, but have not obtained a negative nucleic acid test and disinfection certificate,” The staff of the Chaoyang District Market Supervision Office Food Circulation Supervision Division Liu Hao stated that according to the relevant requirements of Beijing, the production and business units should choose an independent area that does not Contaminate other items, seal them temporarily, and complete Preventive Sanitization of stored food as soon as possible. After obtaining the nucleic acid test and disinfection certificate, it can be stored, processed and sold.

Chen Lin, reporter for Beijing NewsReturn to Sohu to see more


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