Signing of a batch of major projects to accelerate the implementation of the “zero fee” policy _ 东方


Original title: Signing of large projects in batches, “zero fee” policy accelerates implementation

  Multiple listsGo to seaThe construction of the South Free Port is fully promoted

At the end of the year, the construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port added firepower. A few days ago, 75 large projects were signed in batches. This is also the fifth batch of large projects that have been concentrated in Hainan this year. At the same time, Hainan Free Trade Port’s “zero fee” system agreements have accelerated implementation. “Economic Information Daily” reporter learned that following the “zero tariff” on raw materialsProductAfter the list is published,companyOwn production equipment, operational usetrafficTools and islandResident consumptionThree “zero tariff” product lists will also be published shortly. In addition, the list of cross-border service trade in Hainan Free Trade Port is also ready to appear.

The analysis believes that favorable policies will effectively promote the construction of free trade ports and promote the free flow of factors of production, especially the promotion of tourism, modern service industry and high technology.industryThe level of developmentPromote industrial competitiveness.

On December 13, at the Hainan International Convention and Exhibition Center, 75 key projects were collectively signed (14 projects funded with foreign funds and 61 projects with domestic funds).investmentThe total amount is about 39 billion yuan, which covers the tourism industry, modern service industry and high-tech industries, involvingcultureSports, education and healthcare, financial leasing,International settlement, Financial technology, intelligent logistics, jewelry processing and other fields that have the “show grade” of the free trade port. So far, Hainan has signed 5 lots of 314 key projects this year.

Concentrated project implementation is inseparable from strong political support. The “Master Plan for the Construction of the Hainan Free Trade Port” (hereinafter the “Master Plan”) released on June 1 clarified that Hainan will establish a “zero tariff” list of “one negative and three positive” for goods imported before the closure of the island. Management system, including negative “zero duty” list of production equipment imported by enterprises for their own use, positive “zero duty” list for running vehicles, positive “zero duty” list of raw materials premiums consumed by companies for their own use or production and processing in the “two heads out” mode, A positive list of “zero tariffs” on imported goods consumed by residents of the island.

On November 11, the State Administration of Taxation, the Ministry of Finance and the General Administration of Customs jointly issued the “Notice on the Policy of” Zero Fee “for Raw and Auxiliary Materials of Hainan Free Port”, clarifying the islandInternal companyThe raw and auxiliary materials on the positive list that are imported for production for own use, production and processing activities in the “two external heads” mode, or in the process of trade in services in the “two external heads” mode, they are exempt from import duties, import value added taxes and excise taxes. The list was implemented from December 1.

The implementation of the checklist has brought immediate results to the company.Tax reductioneffect. Haikou Customs data shows that on the first day of policy implementation, Haikou Customs accepted import declaration procedures for 4 “duty-free” products from 2 companies, with a value of 40.84 million yuan and 5.5 million yuan tax exemption.

“The list includes 12 tax numbers for parts and components used in aircraft maintenance. We are fortunate to be the first to enjoy the dividend from the policy,” Hainan Airlines Holding Co., Ltd.the companyLiu Shuai, manager of the Purchasing Department’s Customs Clearance Office, said. On December 1, a batch of the company’s weather radar transceivers completed import declaration formalities and went into production after being promptly cleared through customs. They became the first “duty-free” raw material and ancillary products in the Hainan Free Port, exempt from paying 530,200 yuan tax.

Yin Zhengping, a researcher at the Foreign Trade Research Institute of the Ministry of Commerce, told the Economic Information Daily reporter that the “zero tariff” list of raw and auxiliary materials includes 169 products of 8-digit tariff heading, which is compatible with The Materials processed in the Hainan Free Trade Port for goods with an added value of more than 30% (inclusive) will be exempt from import duties when entering the mainland through the “second line”, and the tax to value added and import link consumption tax will be charged in accordance with the regulations. “The policy is unique to China and reflects the Party Central Committee, The determination and effort of the State Council to build a port of free high-level open trade will attract relevant benefits for HainanIndustrial clusterPromoting economic and commercial growth will play an important role.

The remaining three “zero fee” lists are also on the agenda. Sun Shiwen, deputy secretary general of the Hainan Provincial People’s Government, said Hainan has a unique national policy of “zero tariffs, low tax rates and simplified taxes.” The other three “zero fee” lists are also expected to be released before the end of this year.

Shen Xiaoming, secretary of the Hainan Provincial Party Committee, pointed out that Hainan should accelerate the implementation of various policies and measures for the free trade port at this stage, especially the “one negative and three positive” list of zero tariffs and relaxmarketThe access list, the negative list of access to foreign investment, the negative list of cross-border trade in services, the catalog of encouraged industries, etc., are closely monitored and coordinated to solve the key blocking points one by one.

It is worth noting that customs and other departments are already preparing for the early implementation of the “Four Schedules.” Shi Zongwei, Haikou Customs director, said Haikou Customs is doing duty-free imports.Commodity Policythe studyjobsUnder the direction of the General Administration, formulate customs supervision measures, simultaneously plan the construction of information systems and ensure that early arrangements can be implemented after the implementation of the policies.

Shi Zongwei pointed out that the “Master Plan” gave Hainan the best “zero tariff” policy for China’s trade in goods so far. In particular, the implementation of “one negative and three positive” list management in the initial stage of the agreement has a very broad coverage, including both production equipment and raw and auxiliary materials, including transportation, shipping and logistics, and retail to the consumer, which will promote free flow of production factors. Especially the promotion of tourism, the modern service industry and high technology.Industrial developmentLeveling and enhancing industrial competitiveness.

In addition, the next version of the free trade port of the negative list of cross-border service trade is also opening new opportunities for the development of Hainan’s service industry. “The negative list of cross-border trade in services in the Hainan free trade port now set to be published will be China’s first negative list in the field of trade in services,” Shen Xiaoming said.

Shen Xiaoming believes that the signing of the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (RCEP) will provide a “window opportunity” for trade in services in the Hainan Free Trade Port. Seven member states, including Japan, South Korea and Australia, adopted negative list commitments for trade in services, while the remaining eight member states, including China, adopted positive list commitments. China promised to go from a positive list to a negative list within 6 years. “We have 6 years to promote the Hainan Negative List across the country and realize theMultilateral tradeThe promise of the agreement. The 6-year transition period isHainan DevelopmentAn important “window of opportunity” for trade in services. “He said.

Zhu Keli, executive director of the China Information Association and dean of the New Economic Research Institute, told the “Economic Information Daily” reporter that Hainan is doing everything possible to build a high-level open free trade port. In the six months since the “Blueprint” was published, Hainan has placed systems integration and innovation in a prominent position and achieved a stable start and a good start. The business environment has been continuously optimized in recent years. six months,Market playersSignificant growth, smooth and orderly talent flow, innovative foreign exchanges and cooperation, and active introduction of foreign capital and international talents have effectively promoted Hainan’s top three markets.industry leadingdevelopment of.

Zhu Keli believes that this is Hainan Free Trade Port’s top priority with high quality and high standards. Integrated reforms and institutional innovations need to be promoted efficiently to create a legal, international and convenient business environment. Among them, the step-by-step implementation of the nation’s unique zero-tariff, low-tax and simplified taxation agreements will further improve the quality of market entities and fully unleash the vitality of market entities, accelerate the cultivation of new advantages in cooperation and competition with the characteristics of Hainan and will add impetus to the construction of free trade ports. .

(Article source:Xinhuanet

(Responsible editor: DF398)

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