Sichuan: In the first three quarters, the province’s new tax and fee cuts exceeded 37 billion yuan | Daily Economic News


Since the beginning of this year, how to implement a series of preferential policies to reduce taxes and fees to support the prevention and control of epidemics and economic and social development, reduce the tax burden of companies, improve the vitality of market entities and helping the overall economic situation to recover and improve is an important focus.

The “Daily Economic News” reporter recently learned that in the first three quarters of this year, tax and non-tax revenue collected by tax departments in Sichuan province have added 37.178 million yuan in tax cuts and rates.

Among them, preferential tax and fee policies introduced this year to support epidemic prevention and control, and economic and social development, added 10.13 billion yuan in tax and fee reductions; Policies introduced in the middle of last year added tax and fee cuts this year, totaling 27.165 billion yuan.

Tax cuts and tariff reductions have achieved remarkable results in the first three quarters of Sichuan fruit production increased by 8.2% year-on-year

Sichuan Province has rich agricultural resources, numerous farmers, and a large proportion of traditional agriculture. How to accelerate the transformation of traditional agriculture into modern agriculture and the transformation of a large agricultural province into a strong agricultural province, industry is the key.

Sichuan tea is the main representative of Sichuan agricultural industrialization. At present, there are more than 120 tea-producing counties in Sichuan province, with about 5 million mu of tea farms, the second largest in the country; There are 5,000 tea companies, 6,000 tea workshops and 3 million tea producers, with an annual output of 300,000 tons. , Tea production represents 10% of the country.

“National policy is our greatest confidence. The collection rate of the value added tax was reduced from 3% to 1% and then to the gradual reduction of social security contributions. Since the resumption of work, the news has followed positive policy. At present, the company has enjoyed the value-added tax and its surcharges. The fee is 317,000 yuan, and it is expected to enjoy more than 3 million yuan in value-added tax, tax on business income, real estate taxes, land use taxes, social security, health insurance and other related taxes and fees. ” Tang Xianhong, the director of the Zhuye Green Tea Factory, is fully confident in restoring growth.

Be it from tea growers to tea plantations to tea companies, preferential tax policies play an important role.

The Sichuan tax system treats tea as a “point-to-point” service for a characteristic industry, relies on tax policies to adjust the industrial structure, and uses tax incentives to aid industrial development, and industrial development takes the masses out of it. poverty. In the first three quarters, with the help of the government’s series of assistance policies, the province’s tea production increased 4.8% and the first recovery was achieved, benefiting millions of tea growers.

As an industry that has enjoyed tax breaks for a long time, the rural plantation industry also deeply appreciates tax incentives. Faced with a severe epidemic, Sichuan’s tax system took advantage of big fiscal data, developed a “combined coup” to support development, helped improve the fruit and vegetable planting industry, and boosted Sichuan fruit production in the early three quarters to a year-on-year increase of 8.2%.

For enterprises to move forward with light equipment and promote the “industrial leader”, Sichuan’s industrial recovery has steadily improved since the beginning of this year, and tax and fee reductions have become an indispensable driving force.

In the first three quarters, the value added of local industries above the designated size increased 3.2% year-on-year, 2.0 percentage points more than the national average and 0.7 percentage points more than the first half of the year. Sichuan manufacturing industry sales revenue increased 3.2% year-on-year, and high-tech manufacturing industry sales revenue increased 15.8% year-on-year, which was 12.6% higher than that of the manufacturing industry.

Tax Dividends Help “Improve Consumption” Sichuan Catering Revenue Increases Positively for First Time in September

As a populated province, Sichuan adheres to the idea of ​​promoting improvement through consumption and adjusting the consumption structure to promote industrial transformation, adheres to both “endogenous drive” and “exogenous orientation”, and simultaneously exerts efforts from both ends of supply and demand to drive a comprehensive economic recovery. Statistics show that in the first three quarters of this year, Sichuan’s total retail sales of consumer goods totaled 1,461.93 billion yuan, and the overall consumer market showed a sustained recovery, steady recovery and functioning stable.

Lowering taxes and lowering rates have played an active role in this. During the epidemic, public transport services are exempt from VAT, cultural and sports services are exempt from VAT, educational and medical services are exempt from VAT, tourism and entertainment services are exempt from VAT, catering services and Accommodations are exempt from VAT, residents’ daily services are exempt from Value Added Taxes … Some real money tax dividends benefit the people.

Take for example the hotel industry, which is a weather vane for residents’ consumption and occupies an important position in the tertiary industry, but is also a “severe disaster zone” affected by the new corona epidemic.

The preferential fiscal policy of exemption from the value added tax has completely recovered it. It is reported that in the first three quarters, Sichuan catering service revenue reached 166.37 billion yuan, of which in September increased 1.4% year-on-year, and the monthly growth rate changed from negative to positive for the first time in the year.

Sichuan Linglu Hotel Co., Ltd. is a general value-added tax payer engaged in the catering and hotel industries, has a large scale in the local area, and the company’s sales, affected by the epidemic, have dropped significantly compared to previous years. In February 2020, the company did not enjoy the tax exemption because the company had already completed the return when the previous tax incentives were launched.

After the tax department discovered this through background data comparison, they immediately contacted the company’s CFO to publicize the policy and advised him to make corrective statements. Through the correction statement, the company’s VAT reduction and exemption exceeded 85,000 yuan in compliance with the policy. In the dividend of the policy.

Liu Jiang, director of the Revenue Planning and Accounting Division of the Sichuan Provincial Tax Office, said that in the next step, the Sichuan tax department will make greater efforts to implement the tax and fee reduction policy, and will put more effort into refining and optimizing the business environment so that the tax reduction dividend can be delivered directly to the market. The main body catalyzes the generation of new kinetic energy, stimulates a new vitality, serves to build a new development pattern, and promotes the high-quality development of the Sichuan economy.

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