Should Trump Be Indicted – The Pros and Cons Are Obvious and America Is Arguing From All Sides of Life | Senate | New York Times | United States_Sina Technology


Original Title: Should Trump Be Impeached – The Pros and Cons Are Obvious

According to NBC News, after supporters of outgoing US President Trump “captured” the Capitol, more than 200 members of the Senate and House of Representatives are currently supporting Trump’s impeachment. At the eighth local time, the Speaker of the United States House of Representatives, Pelosi, said that if Trump does not resign, the Democrats are ready to move forward in the impeachment process next week.

According to many US media outlets, House Democrats have drafted a new draft resolution on Trump’s impeachment, which states that “Trump deliberately incited violence against the US government.”

Outside the US Capitol, someone is holding a catchphrase with the words “Indictment.” According to the New York Times

Once impeachment begins, Trump will become the first U.S. president to be inducted twice during his term.

In December 2019, the House of Representatives voted to pass two impeachment clauses against Trump, accusing him of “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress,” but they were ultimately rejected by the Senate. Just 11 months later, with less than two weeks remaining in his presidency, Trump again faced impeachment.

The “New York Times” reported on the 9th that, unlike the impeachment trial before the current president, this is a final battle to test the boundaries of American politics, accountability, and the constitution. However, as to whether or not Trump should be charged, the parties are constantly arguing.

Whether there is a second impeachment trial or you can’t rush to resign

If Pelosi continues to advance impeachment, the House of Representatives can pass an impeachment resolution in the coming days and send it to the Senate for trial. According to the New York Times, according to regulations, passing an impeachment requires more than two-thirds of the votes in the Senate. It is generally impossible for 17 Republican senators to join the Democratic ranks.

The report also noted that this time, however, may be different from the impeachment in American history. The “capture” of the Capitol has “angered” a group of congressmen so much that Republican leaders privately asserted that this is not impossible, and the impeachment decision may be supported by some Republicans.

On January 21, 2020, the Senate heard the impeachment case against Trump for “abuse of power” and “obstruction of Congress.”

According to the New York Times, this incident has changed American politics in a way that is still incalculable. This new impeachment will not only be a repeat of last year’s failure, because this time, it is no longer a dry text recorded call log, but a live broadcast globally and under the public eye.

“Insurgents instigated by Trump attacked Congress to prevent Congress from certifying the Electoral College results,” said Liu Yunping, one of the drafters of the impeachment resolution bill and a federal representative from California. “Someone died as a result. We cannot just respond with a harshly worded press release. Unless Trump resigns, Congress must impeach him and hold him accountable.”

According to previous US media reports, Democrats are also considering withdrawing their presidency with the 25th Amendment to the US Constitution. Major Republicans reportedly discussed this as well. Under the amendment, if the vice president and cabinet members judge that the president cannot perform his duties normally, the vice president will act as president. However, according to the New York Times, Vice President Pence opposed the use of the amendment. Pelosi told a Congressional press conference on the 7th that if Pence does not take action, Congress can re-initiate impeachment proceedings.

On January 11 local time, Liu Yunping and several other editors planned to propose a draft to more than 190 co-sponsors. According to the “New York Times” report, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Pelosi, consulted with Democrats on the 9th and wrote to them telling them to prepare for possible actions to return to Washington in a few days. He did not make it clear that he would seek impeachment, but vowed to hold Trump accountable. She wrote: “It must be admitted that this blasphemy was instigated by the president.”

However, the “New York Times” noted in the report that since Trump is only 11 days away from office, impeachment may not be able to rush his resignation. Republican leader McConnell said the Senate is currently suspended and, according to regulations, the trial will not begin until January 19 at the earliest. Even if the Senate heard the House Representative’s statement on the terms of impeachment on the 19th, it still has to consider whether to accept the terms of impeachment at 1 p.m. the next day. Therefore, Trump’s quickest impeachment will only occur after Biden is sworn in. .

The draft resolution of impeachment disclosed by the media

Trump’s trial after his resignation will inevitably cast a shadow over the early days of the Biden administration. Previously, Biden stated that his top priority after taking office was dealing with crises like the new corona epidemic. This situation will become even more deadly if all the attention of the people is focused on the political struggle in Washington. The impeachment aired on national television can dominate the topic of discussion and hamper other Senate business.

“If the House of Representatives really does come up with an impeachment resolution, it will really give the Biden administration a terrible start,” Republican Senator Roy Blunt of Missouri said Nov. 9. “Whether it’s the first 10 days or the first 20 days, this is certainly not the right way for Biden to begin his presidency.”

Should I be charged?

Some people want “extreme problems”, others worry about secession

However, some critics of Trump believe that to prevent him from running for president again, even if he has lost power, it is important to hold impeachment. If the impeachment is successful, the Senate will have to decide what sanctions to impose on Trump. Under the United States Constitution, only half the vote is required to pass the Senate and prohibit the convicted person from holding federal office in the future.

“We have never considered the possibility of removing the same president twice, or in the last days of the presidency,” said Michael Gerhart, a constitutional scholar at the University of North Carolina. “But we have never seen a president like Trump encourage sedition in the last days of his term.”

At noon on January 6, Trump delivered a speech in front of the White House. After the attack on Congress, Trump was charged with “seditious rebellion.” According to the New York Times

But some of the harshest critics worry that last-minute impeachment and “overtime” could help Trump continue to attract a following, allowing him to divert attention from his actions to those of his opponents.

The New York Times cited a poll showing that the vast majority of Americans today believe Trump is responsible for the attack, and 63% believe he should be heavily condemned. But when asked if they should take steps to remove him, the gap between the parties reappeared. 48% of people thought it should be and 49% thought it shouldn’t.

There are also big differences in the attitude of the Republican Party on “impeachment.” Pennsylvania Senator Patrick Toumi told Fox News on the 9th that “the president committed an indictable crime” and he, like at least three other Senate Republicans, is open to impeachment.

But some Republicans again chose to “go to war” with the Democrats, like Republican Senator Lindsey Graham. On the 8th, Graham mentioned on Fox News that Trump called for “healing the wounds and reaching an agreement” in a video on the 7th, attacking: “Radical Democrats are not trying to imitate President Trump’s approach, but Speaking of another impeachment that will further destroy this country. “

Republican House Leader Kevin McCarthy declared on the 8th that he opposed impeachment against Trump, saying this measure would only “further divide our country.”

Jonathan Terry, a law professor at the University of Washington, also believes that the impeachment is motivated by the anger of partisans, “it will damage the Constitution like the rioters did the Capitol, and it will be completely shattered.”

However, the “New York Times” noted that once impeachment begins, Trump will face a difficult problem: finding an attorney to defend himself. The leader of last year’s Trump impeachment defense team, Jay Sekulo, said the Democrats’ idea of ​​a second impeachment was a “big mistake,” but did not participate in Trump’s legal actions to overthrow the results. of the elections, nor answer if you will return to “play” on behalf of Trump.

White House legal adviser Pat Hipporon, who partnered with Sekulo last year, is very unhappy with the attack on the Capitol and is considering resigning.

(Red Star News)
