Shanghai launches new rules for listing of brokerage houses and must submit and submit for verification before publishing houses_Sina


Original Caption: Buying a Home Meets a Fake Home? Shanghai Releases New Rules for Trading Homes, Which Must Be Verified Before Listing

Want to attract customers with fake ad lists? Does the court seal the houses on the list? In the future, none of this will work.

On November 16, the Shanghai Real Estate Trade Center issued the “Notice on Additional Regulation of Verification and Information Disclosure of Stock Housing Listings” and at the same time issued the “Operational Specifications of Shanghai Stock Housing Information Verification and Disclosure (Test) “Hereinafter referred to as the” Specifications “), real estate agencies must submit and submit listings for verification before listing brokerage houses. The “Specifications” will be implemented on December 15, 2020.

The “Specifications” clarify that the verification of the lists of housing in shares means that before the owner of the real estate rights entrusts the sale of the properties in shares to the real estate brokerage agency, the brokerage agency in charge logs into the online housing stock transaction contract filing system and submits the quote verification request. The real estate registration system shares information with the filing system to verify housing information.

The brokerage agency publishes the listing information for the brokerage houses to be sold through various channels such as stores and websites, and will clearly identify the listing verification number and QR code.

  The verified home must meet the conditions of not being closed by the judicial authority

According to the “Specifications”, when the right holder entrusts a brokerage agency to request the verification of the home through the filing system, the following conditions will be met: The right holder intends to sell housing in stock; the right holder promises that the property requested for verification has not signed a transaction contract with others and has not been judicially The authorities and administrative agencies have ruled and decided to seal or restrict real estate rights in accordance with the law, and there is no property dispute; Rights holders provide verification materials in accordance with regulations and are responsible for their authenticity and validity.

If the right holder entrusts a brokerage institution to request verification, the commissioning brokerage institution must verify the home and materials submitted for verification. If the conditions are met, the brokerage institution signs a real estate brokerage contract with the client through the filing system and prints the “Real estate brokerage agency” for the client. The “Verification Request Engagement Letter and proprietary information “of the Order Contract will be sent to the verification request through the filing system after it has been signed and confirmed by the right holder.

Once the housing verification request is accepted, the filing system will complete the verification in real time based on the real estate registration information and the housing stock transaction contract registration information. The content of the housing verification includes: feedback the basic information of the certificate number of the house, location, construction area, etc., verify if the information of the right holder is consistent with the information in the real estate registry; check if the house has mortgage record, lease record and objection record (including temporary objection record)), record of advance notice of both parties, record of documents (confirmation of damaged housing load structure, identification of attached illegal building), seizure record and other real estate record information; other matters to be verified

Once the home verification is completed, the right holder can view the verification results through the filing system of the commissioned brokerage institution and print the “Inventory Home Verification and Release Results Sheet” as per be necessary.

If the home verification fails and the right holder has objections to the verification results, they can request a review of the results. The commissioning brokerage institution submits the review request online and submits the relevant certification materials. Once the request for review is accepted, the Municipal Exchange Center will complete the review and review within 1 business day from the date of acceptance. After completion of the review, the right holder can request information on the results of the review in the filing system through the responsible brokerage institution.

  Illegal operations can be entered into integrity records and online signing keys can be suspended

The “Code” requires the online real estate website ( to promptly publish the housing information of the housing in stock that has passed the housing verification or review, including: name of the community, housing area, construction area, purpose, mortgage status, proposed home Sale price, trusted intermediary institution, verification number, etc.

For a set of listings entrusted to multiple brokerage agencies, the online real estate website will display the listing information for all trust agencies that have passed listing verification.

When the commissioned brokerage agency discloses the housing inventory information in stock, it will maintain the housing information from its stores, websites and other channels consistent with the information published on the online real estate website, and will indicate clearly the QR code of verification of the apartment. Buyers can scan the QR code on the home information issued by the brokerage agency with their mobile phones to get the verification number and go to the online real estate website to verify the home information. If the home verification fails, the system will not generate a QR code and the commissioned brokerage agency will not release the home information.

The “Specifications” also clarified the mechanism for checking and sanctioning the lists. According to the requirements, the brokerage agency shall perform the verification and release of the home as required. The personnel of the intermediation agency will be obliged to maintain the confidentiality of the specific information provided by the owner of the right, not by the requirements of the laws, regulations or the needs of the national security organs, public security organs, organs prosecutors, judicial bodies and inspection and disciplinary supervision departments to carry out official functions without the written consent of the holder, will not disclose the information of the holder of the right abroad, nor will it use the information of the holder of the right for other purposes.

If it is not implemented in accordance with the regulations or if there are any of the following illegal operations, the Municipal Real Estate Trade Center will take regulatory action such as cancellation of commissioned presentation, interviews, written warnings, exposure of real estate websites online, inclusion of integrity records and suspension of signature keys online to urge rectification. : Enter the phone number of the fake owner and the price of the house for sale without filling in the truth; the application commitment is not signed and filed as required; the cumulative number of complaints exceeds a certain percentage; the two-dimensional code is not displayed in accordance with the regulations;
