Seven years of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region see the rapid formation of the regional industrial chain | Hebei | Mentougou | Tianjin_ Sina News


Source: Beijing Daily

Original title: Seven years of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region saw the rapid formation of the regional industrial chain, several major traffic arteries changed from blueprints to reality, and joint construction and the exchange of public services continued to accelerate

Beijing Mentougou, Hebei Langfang, Tianjin Beichen-In the mind of Wu Aijun, Party Secretary of the Beijing Jingdiao Group, the “triangle” made up of three factories has consistently supported production capacity and orders.

Seven years ago, the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei coordinated development strategy was implemented. Jingdiao Group moved its production line to Langfang and left R&D in Mentougou, becoming one of the first companies to move towards collaboration. Seven years later, Wu Aijun bluntly said: “Our manufacturing links go global and with a more spacious factory building, it is possible to quickly double the production capacity and the number of orders.”

On February 25, 7 departments in this city jointly published a 7-year coordinated development report card. Li Wenhong, deputy director of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Cooperation Office of the Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government in charge of daily work, introduced that in the past 7 years, Beijing has continued to strengthen its cooperation with Tianjin and Hebei. Active progress has been made in key areas such as transportation integration, coordinated green environmental governance, industrial docking and collaboration, and co-construction and sharing of public services. More and more people and companies have become direct beneficiaries.

  2,872 manufacturing companies and polluters in general withdrew

There are no gaps on the surface of the silver metal triangular prism, but it is actually made of two pieces. More than 30 smooth curved surfaces blend seamlessly, with a distance of just a few microns. This kind of extreme technology is made by precision CNC machine tools developed by Jingdiao Group, which is rare in the world.

Massive orders are coming in from all over the world, but there must be enough production capacity. “Ten years ago, the more than 100 acres of factory buildings in Mentougou were no longer enough, but Beijing’s land resources were too scarce.” Wu Aijun decided to build a factory in Langfang. The new site exceeded 300 acres once built. It was after the opening of the new plant in 2014 that Jingdiao Group ushered in three years of explosive growth, with an annual growth rate of 19%, and both production and order volume have doubled in the past seven. years.

In 2021, the new Jingdiao Group plant will also open in Tianjin Beichen. Wu Aijun has already planned it. Beijing has obvious advantages in talent and technology, so it will keep R&D in Beijing; Tianjin has a high level of manufacturing, and the new production line will deploy a batch of high-end equipment production; Hebei’s production line also plans to usher in a round of upgrades. “We have truly become the beneficiaries of the coordinated development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei!”

With the rapid development of the industrial dissolution and transfer of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region and docking and cooperation, the regional industrial chain has been formed at an accelerated rate. “Beijing non-capital functions relief is to strictly control the increase of non-capital functions from the source, and the second is to carry out special remediation and improvement action to promote improvement,” Li Wenhong said. According to the data, as of the end of 2020, the city has refused to manage a total of 23,400 newly established or modified registration companies. The city has pulled out of 2,872 general manufacturing and polluting companies in total and upgraded more than 980 regional wholesale markets. and logistics centers.

While the functional end result is strictly observed, the shortlist also opens up more room for building a sophisticated economic structure. The number of newly established market entities in high-precision industries has continued to rise, with the share rising from 40% in 2013 to around 60% in 2020, adding new impetus to Beijing’s development of a modern industrial system. According to Li Tao, second-level inspector of the Municipal Bureau of Economic and Information Technology, during the period of the “XIV Five-Year Plan”, the city will also improve the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei industrial coordination and docking mechanism, focusing on building an advantageous industrial chain between regions and fostering advanced manufacturing clusters. Promote the extension of the industrial chain supply chain in Tianjin and Hebei, and promote the construction of joint parks.

  Highway mileage increased by more than 25%

Off the Sixth South Ring Road, along the Xiaoqing River, square pile plugs are being erected layer by layer in the foundation pit. In the future, this will be the highway connecting Beijing and Xiong’an.

Transport integration is one of the three areas in which the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei takes the lead. In the last 7 years, the three places have come together to open the “broken path” and widen the “bottleneck path”. At present, all the “broken roads” of the national highways in the city area have been cleared, and the highway mileage in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region has increased by more than 25%., It was initially established the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei trunk road network office of “four vertical, four horizontal and one ring”; “Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei on the track” emerged. The Beijing-Tianjin interurban extension line and the Beijing-Xiong interurban line were completed and opened to traffic. The Harbin high-speed railway has been fully connected, and the construction of the Jingtang and Jingbin intercity has been accelerated.

“Construction began late last year and was opened to traffic late this year. I have been working on the project for 30 years. This is already the limit.” Although the pressure is high, Wang Dezhi, the project construction headquarters commander of the Beijing Office of China Railway responsible for the construction of the Beijing-Xiong Expressway, is full of confidence. He presented that after completing the preparation of the construction plan for the most difficult points of the project, the next step is the critical period for rapid work.

The total length of the Jingxiong Expressway is about 105 kilometers. The Beijing section is approximately 27 kilometers long, starting from the Fifth South Ring Road in the north and reaching the border of Beijing and Hebei in the south. Unmanned driving will be done in the future on the highway. According to the plan, the section between the sixth ring road and the city limit will be opened to traffic by the end of the year, and the section between the fifth ring road and the sixth ring road will be opened to traffic at the end of next year. Upon completion, it will only take one hour from Xiongan New District to Beijing, effectively relieving traffic pressure in the southwest direction of Beijing.

Not only the Jingxiong Expressway, but also a number of major traffic arteries in Beijing, Tianjin, and Hebei are going from flat to reality. Zhao Yang, Director of the Municipal Transportation Committee Coordination Division, said comprehensive transportation hubs such as the attached central station and urban green heart, and the reconstruction of Songyan Road, the G110 (Jingyin Road) revision are being stepped up. and Beijing-Lijiang Expressway Banquan Service Area and Other Winter Olympic Games Areas Off-site road construction proceeds in an orderly manner. The new G109 express line, the western extension of the new airport north line expressway and the reconstruction of the eastern Sixth Ring will be completed as soon as possible. “The three locations will make Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei a model area for building a strong transportation country, a pilot area to comprehensively deepen transportation reform, a demonstration area for regional transportation integration, and a pioneer area in transportation modernization. “

  Eight colleges and universities design and build new campuses

22 municipal hospitals in Beijing are actively developing medical cooperation with Tianjin and Hebei. 43 clinical test results are mutually recognized in 485 medical institutions in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei, and 21 medical imaging test data is shared on a trial basis in 176 medical institutions in three provinces and cities … Behind these figures is the continued acceleration of joint construction and distribution of public services in Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei.

In Beisan County, which is only separated by a river from Tongzhou, medical services are a deficiency. Many local residents can only go to Beijing to see a doctor. “To solve the difficulty of ordinary people to see a doctor, Beijing actively coordinated high-quality resources, such as central and municipal governments, and supported the improvement of existing medical institutions in Beisan County through various ways, such as technical assistance, remote diagnosis and treatment, nearby medical consortia, cooperative fiduciary management and staff training. Capacity level. ”Gao Lu, director of the Development Planning Division of the Municipal Health Commission, gave an example. Four hospitals Municipalities, including Chaoyang Hospital and Tiantan Hospital, supported Yanda Hospital in Yanjiao, have helped it become a tertiary general hospital, the number is 95,000, 24 times more than the 3,900 before cooperation.

In terms of education, Beijing Jingshan School, Beijing No. 5 Middle School, Bayi School, Beijing No. 8 Middle School and Beijing Quality School have established branch schools in many Hebei cities. According to the plan, the city will unswervingly alleviate some of the educational functions, complete the construction of the new campuses of the Beijing Film Academy, Beijing University of Information Technology and Beijing University of Technology and Business, and promote the planning and construction of the new campuses. of Capital Medical University and Capital Institute of Physical Education, and promote Shahe and Liangxiang Transform the higher education park into a university city, build a new city that integrates science and education, and accelerate the construction of the Tongzhou campus of the University of Renmin of China, the Changping campus of the Beijing University of Chemical Technology and the Fengtai campus of the Minzu University of China.

In the future, Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei will continue with the planning of “an image” and the construction of “a game of chess.” Li Wenhong introduced that the city will firmly grasp the “niubi nose” of dissolving non-capital functions, force intensive and efficient development by reducing the quantity, and actively strengthen the link with Tianjin and Hebei to build a “Beijing-Tianjin-” Hebei in tracking ”and strengthen the joint prevention and control of the ecological environment, promote the co-construction and exchange of public services, continuously improve the level of collaboration between innovation chains, industrial chains and supply chains, accelerate the construction of a modern metropolitan area, and promote the formation of a group of world-class cities with the capital as the nucleus. (Cao Zheng)
