Service pension industry graduates will receive entry rewards


Original Title: Senior Services Industry Graduates Will Be Rewarded For Entering

Recently, the Beijing Municipal Office of Civil Affairs and the Beijing Municipal Office of Finance jointly issued a new policy to provideServiceFor industries, an entry bonus of 60,000 yuan will be distributed for three years. Currently, the new policy has not been published in its entirety.

In recent years, the use of “money” to attract and retain high-quality, highly educated talent has become a means of “blood transfusion” for the elderly care industry in many places. Liuzhou in Guangxi has issued such policies as early as 2016. According to incompleteStatisticsSince 2018, some provinces and cities such as Anhui, Hubei, Guangdong, Zhejiang, Sichuan, Fujian, Shandong, and Jiangsu have introduced similar policies. In 2020, Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu have also introduced provincial (regional) level elderly care talent award policies.

The Beijing Municipal Office of Civil Affairs and the Beijing Municipal Office of Finance recently jointly issued the “Beijing Implementation Measures for the Training and Empowerment of Service Talents for the Elderly,” announcing incentive policies to attract and retain people with “money”.

For the corresponding year graduates entering the elderly care services industry, they will be awarded three-year post-employment awards, 60,000 yuan for undergraduate students and above, 50,000 yuan for high school (higher vocational) and 40,000 yuan yuan for secondary vocational education.

Nurse careSendThe incumbents, based on their professional skill levels, will be distributed directly to them in five positions ranging from 500 yuan to 1,500 yuan.tolerance

In parallel, training is provided for the staff of the elderly care services. The training time is not less than 40 hours. Those who pass the exam will receive a grant of 1,500 yuan per person to the training institution. Every year, no less than 10,000 elderly care workers, 500 agency heads and 500 seniors will be trained.societyjobsPerson.

At present, the full text of the “Measures” has not yet been published. In July this year, the Beijing Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau publicly requested the “Measures”opinion. Compared to the comment draft, the above policies have been significantly adjusted.

Reward and subsidy for elderly care positions are reduced from 1,000 yuan per person per month in the five-standard consultation draft from 500 yuan to 1,500 yuan; the duration of the training for the elderly service staff is adjusted from no less than 24 hours in the consultation draft to no less than In 40 hours, the grant for training institutions was increased from 900 yuan per person in the project to 1,500 yuan per person.

At the same time, the draft has clear requirements for the beneficiaries of the policy. For example, recent graduates who enjoy the entry incentive policy must “work full time in nursing home services”, and those who enjoy nursing work incentives in nursing homes require that they ” dedicate yourself to front-line nursing work. “

 ■ Extension

There are precedents for using “money” to retain people. Some areas have professional requirements

The journalist combed his hair and found that as early as 2016, Liuzhou, Guangxi introduced the “Liuzhou PensionInstitutional pensionImplementation measures for the reward of the employment of caregivers “.

The “Measures” stipulate that for those who have obtained the National Certificates of Professional Qualification for Young, Intermediate, Senior and Technical Elderly Care Workers and have worked in nursing positions for more than two years, they will be awarded 500 yuan, 1,000 yuan, 2,000 yuan, and 2,000 yuan per person, respectively. A one-time employment reward of 3,000 yuan.

After 2018, the regions that have introduced relevant incentive policies have increased significantly, including Hefei in Anhui, Wuhan in Hubei, Hangzhou in Zhejiang, Guangzhou in Guangdong, Nanjing in Jiangsu, and Jiangsu.Lianyungang, Yixing, Jiangsu and other places.

This year, Shenzhen in Guangdong, Quanzhou in Fujian, Fuzhou in Fujian, Luzhou in Sichuan, Qingdao in Shandong, Wuxi in Jiangsu, as well as the provinces of Beijing, Shanghai and Jiangsu have introduced incentives to attract and retain talent in the care industry. of older people.

After sorting, the academic requirements are found to appear in local policies. Recent graduates entering the retirement industry may receive varying amounts of one-time entry awards based on their academic qualifications; “Highly educated” talents who have been employed for many years can also receive corresponding awards.

Nanjing, Jiangsu has awarded 50,000 yuan, 40,000 yuan and 30,000 yuan rewards and supplements based on three types of education for the service personnel who “have been in nursing for 5 years.”

On this basis, some regions have adjustedcousinThe distribution method and other measures have raised the threshold for “highly educated” older people to receive bonuses.

In Yixing, Jiangsu, graduates of the above three types of academic qualifications will receive 60,000 yuan, 48,000 yuan and 36,000 yuan respectively as entrance rewards if they enter nursing care positions. However, the rewards must be “retired” in five years.

Some regions have proposed requirements on careers studied by “highly educated” older people.

For example, Fuzhou, Fujian requires relevant talents to belong to the elderly care, health care, rehabilitation andsocial workFor other specialties, the one-time entry voucher must be “completed” in 3 years.

Zhejiang Hangzhou has relaxed the professional restrictions on the entry bonus and adjusted the “requirement of academic qualifications and professional equivalency” to “compliance with the main professional categories”.administrationInternal cleaningAnd management, nursing, rehabilitation treatment, Chinese medicine nursing, Chinese medicine rehabilitation and health care, rehabilitation technology, etc. are in scope, and the grant will be distributed twice when graduates have been employed for 3 years and 5 years.

  ■ Expert

Talent retention in the elderly care industry requires comprehensive measures

China’s elderly care services industry is faced with a talent dilemma: there is a shortage of relevant majors at universities; In practice, there is still a large gap in professionals with high professional quality, which restricts the development of the elderly care industry.

Liu Weilin, President of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatricsto acceptThe reporter said in an interview that with the continued development of the aging trend, the demand for elderly care services has increased. However, on the contrary, the training of China’s elderly care personnel is seriously insufficient from number to system. Increased income can meet the needs of physicians to some extent, but more comprehensive measures are needed to accelerate professionalization and systematic talent training and enhance the sense of honor and social status of older people.

According to data from the office fabric for the elderly in Beijing, as of the end of 2019, based on the age of 15-59workCalculated by the population with registered permanent residence aged 60 and over, the dependency ratio of the elderly in Beijing is 44.3%, an increase of 2.1% from the previous year, which means that every 2 , 3 residents in BeijingworkforceRaising an older person. Liu Weilin said that the increase in the size of the elderly population means an increase in the demand for services for the elderly.

Among service needs, the most typical include rigid care needs such as the disabled and semi-disabled elderly, the insane elderly, and the disabled elderly. At the same time, the content of the service also ranges from the basic necessities of life to thecultureDemands, health and medical needs, and many other issues continue to grow, and meeting these needs depends on more professional and diversified senior service talents.

“At present, our talents in senior care service are very scarce and the total number of talents in senior care at various levels is seriously insufficient,” said Liu Weilin.

Liu Weilin believes that in order to solve the multi-level elderly care talent shortage, the government,market, Society, family and individual comprehensive policies.

In terms of the educational system, universities, colleges and technical high schools must strengthen professional environments accordingly to achieve the cultivation of a talent system from theory to skills; at the service of talentsjobTo start a businessMarket environment, Talent management, etc. require policy guarantees from relevant departments;to get betterCognition and evaluation, etc.

Increasing income can meet the needs of professionals to some extent, but more comprehensive measures are needed to accelerate professionalization and systematic talent training, and improve the sense of honor and social status of the elderly. -Liu Weilin (President of the Chinese Society of Gerontology and Geriatrics)

(Source: Beijing News)

(Responsible editor: DF524)

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