Senate Finance Committee Chairman: The Biden family has been under investigation for over a year. Left-wing media deliberately did not report | The Biden Family | Biden scandal | Hunter | Son of Biden | Senate Investigation | Senate Finance Committee | Grassley | Justice Department


[Voice of Hope 11 de diciembre de 2020](compiled by our reporter Zhou Zhen)On December 10 (Thursday), the chairman of the Senate Finance Committee, Chuck Grassley, stated that the committee has been investigating the financial transactions of the Biden family for more than a year, but the so-called “liberal” media have not stopped. affect Biden’s election for president, he deliberately failed to report the investigation and related evidence.

Grassley is a Republican federal senator from Iowa. He said that with the help of Ron Johnson, chairman of the Senate Committee on Government Affairs, he has been investigating financial transactions between Biden’s son Hunter and the Biden family for more than a year. On December 9, Hunter issued a statement confirming that he was being investigated by the United States Attorney’s Office in Delaware.

According to people familiar with the matter, in fact, because the Justice Department opposed Biden’s public investigation before the election, investigators did not begin contacting Hunter until recently.

Grassley said: “We found that they (Biden) were involved in alleged criminal financial transactions around the world, including with China, raising concerns about their alleged counterintelligence activities. We went public with our investigation. But the liberal media chose to ignore our work … To protect their leaders, (they) even misleadingly claimed that our work was false information from Russia. “

Grassley believes that, like the “fourth estate” media, it is truly “egregious” behavior to ignore the facts. He added: “I will not take it lightly (due to deliberate media ignorance). This is a very serious matter. (The media) does not need Hunter to confirm anything in person or if he has received a subpoena. This (the incident itself) has been enough to attract media attention. “

Senator Johnson declared that the influence and intervention of the so-called mainstream media in the elections has been far greater than “any Russian intervention.” He said: “A McClatchy poll showed that 36% of Biden voters had never heard of Hunter Biden due to censorship and (news) repression. Of these, 13% said If they only knew, it would be impossible to vote for Biden. “

Media critic of the “federalist” website Mollie Hemingway (Mollie Hemingway) said on the Fox News program “Ingraham Angle” on Thursday (December 10): “Nobody intervenes in the 2020 elections like the big media and the big Tech companies. You can see how they reacted (and handled) the Biden incident. “

According to the English Epoch Times, the “mainstream media” have been silent on the Hunter “Computer Gate” incident that was revealed in the New York Post in October and his overseas business involving Joe Biden, China and Ukraine . , And even be blocked. Many “mainstream media” even labeled the reports on the Biden family scandal as “unfounded conspiracy theory”, “smear campaign” and “Russian false information.”

For the Hunter “Computer Gate” incident, the executive editor of National Public Radio (NPR)Terence samuelHe states, “We don’t want to waste our time on false stories and we don’t want to waste listeners and readers’ time on purely distracting stories.”

Additionally, Twitter and Facebook have also taken various actions to block or slow the spread of reports about Hunter’s “Computer Gate.” Many websites also blocked reports about Hunter’s former business partner Tony Bobulinski. Boblinsky once rose publicly to testify in October, sharing what he knew about Biden’s experience in dealing with China and related evidence.

An email exposed from Hunter’s computer hard drive mentioned that China Huaxin Company and Hunter have a temporary agreement that states that 80% of the assets of their joint venture are divided equally between Hunter and several others, and the The remaining 20% ​​is divided between “Jim” and a “Big Guy” (big boss) are equally divided, and Hunter has 10% of the shares of the latter. Pobrinsky testified that the “big boss” here refers to Joe Biden. “Hunter often asks the ‘big boss’ to help him make business decisions,” he also said, “the Biden family receives many benefits from the CCP and commits to the CCP.”

Recently, the left-wing media began reporting the Hunter “rumors” as if they were “spoiled.” Commentators pointed out that perhaps the left-wing media believes that at least Biden is now “president-elect,” so reporting is not a big deal.

Related Posts:

US Senate: Hunter Was Investigated Two Years Ago In Connection With CCP Financial Crimes

Biden’s son Hunter under Delaware investigation: involved in transactions with the CCP

Host of Fox’s Name Details Three Reasons The Democratic Party Hided The Hunter Scandal

Editor in charge: Zhang Lili

This article or program has been edited and produced by Voice of Hope. Please indicate Voice of Hope and include title and link to original text.
