See how the remaining poor people in our city can get rid of poverty with the high quality expected


Original title: See how the remaining poor people in our city can get rid of poverty in high quality as scheduled

● the whole cityTotalThere are 1,330 households with 3,369 people in the remaining poor, spread across 16 counties (10 poor counties, 6 nonpoor counties), 741 villages (189 poor villages, 552 nonpoor villages)

● Before the end of June, all the remaining poor people in the city should solve the “two guarantees and three guarantees” problem constantly, and the net income per capita should be stable above 4,000 yuan.

● yesJob1,152 people with skills, increaseindustryjobTechnological poverty alleviation efforts to achieve stable incomes

● Implement the comprehensive social security policy for 2,217 people who cannot work, to guarantee and protect as much as possible.

● Centralized support is provided to eligible poor older people over 60 and to poor and partially disabled people in rural areas.

● For the 410 people whose incomes did not meet the poverty alleviation standard in the previous year, overlapping various support policies were exerted, and efforts were made through multiple channels to ensure a continued and stable increase in income .

This year is the year in which the well-to-do society is fully completed, and the year for poverty alleviation and comprehensive verification and acceptance. The remaining 3,369 poor people in our city will withdraw from poverty.

Our city is full of energy and self-pressurization, and it sets the goal of completing all poverty alleviation tasks in the first half of this year. After comprehensively organizing the basic situation, existing problems, and needs of the remaining poor, the mission’s objectives and priorities are specifically outlinedjobsIn order to ensure that the city’s remaining poor population achieves high-quality poverty alleviation as scheduled, support work is intensified.

Solve the problem of “two worry-free guarantees and three guarantees” to cover the whole, so that the basic poverty of the remaining poor can be guaranteed.

Currently, there are a total of 1,330 households with 3,369 people in the city, spread across 16 counties (10 poor counties, 6 nonpoor counties), 741 villages (189 poor villages, 552 nonpoor villages). Among the 3,369 people, there are 1,321 people with chronic and serious illnesses, 702 impoverished disabled people; 1,152 with work capacity and 2,217 without work capacity; 410 people whose income did not meet the poverty alleviation standard in the previous year.

“Most of these are necessary to get to the bottomsecurity measuresGroups with special difficulties, narrow channels to increase income, difficulty in poverty.Support forHard, it’s the hardest bite to eat. Han Zhiqiang, secretary of the Party Group of the Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office, said that all counties (cities, districts) should carry out in-depth analysis, judgment and judgment in terms of local distribution, work capacity, health status and income. Carefully review leaks and fill vacancies, and create a surplus poor population count per town and household per person.

For this reason, our city establishes and improves the long-term effect of monitoring, early warning, investigation and elimination of pending problems.mechanism, At any time to find a solution. For the remaining 630 poor people under the age of 16, strengthen specific measures to control school drop-out to ensure that the compulsory education stage has school and can afford it. For the remaining 1,321 people with long-term chronic and serious illnesses and 702 impoverished disabled people, we will seriously implement the first-pay-after-diagnosis and treatment policy and medical security poverty alleviation policies, and spend the bottom line due to diseases and disabilities. If there are still hidden dangers in home safety and drinking water safety, strengthen key monitoring and resolve issues in a timely manner.

“Make sure that by the end of June this year, all of the remaining poor people in the city will have a stable solution to the ‘two guarantees and three guarantees’ problem, and net income per capita will consistently exceed the poverty alleviation standard 4,000 yuan, achieving high-quality poverty alleviation as scheduled.

Full coverage by classification and policy, accurate assistance to help you out of poverty.

“We are over 60 years old and enjoy many benefits, such as photovoltaics. Last year, my wife was sick and was hospitalized.RefundThe ratio is high and the family cannot afford it. Now that we are receiving pensions, the government has also provided a minimum life allowance for my wife and children, and organized a charity position for firefighters for me.For realToo. Speaking about supporting the poverty alleviation policy, Pang Jinye, a firefighter in Tunyuan Village, Lincheng County, who was inspecting the mountains, smiled with a smile and expressed his gratitude.

This is a silhouette for Lincheng County to implement the “one home, one plan” and do poverty alleviation work.

In 2012, Lincheng County was identified as a national key county for poverty alleviation and development. In 2014, 74 poverty-stricken villages were identified, 15,000 cardholders were registered, and 44,000 were registered. The incidence of poverty was 30.3%. After seven years of hard work, in late 2019, 74 poverty-stricken villages in the county have been listed, and the population of poverty has dropped to 507 in 199 households, and the incidence of poverty it has been reduced to 0.35%.

How to ensure that the remaining poor people get rid of poverty, consolidate the results of poverty alleviation and avoid the risk of returning to poverty, Lincheng County carried out “three one” in depth, established “one home, a list “and formulated” a home, a plan “,ReconciliationNo. It helps to the point, to the root, to ensure that the remaining poor people get rid of poverty.

Based on the per capita income that reaches 4,000 yuan by the end of June 2020 and the basic indicators of “two guarantees without worries and three guarantees”, according to the attributes of poverty, the causes of poverty and the need to assistance, and in accordance with the principle of “what is missing, what is supplemented”, the relevant counties help each household Measures to achieve accurate and complete measures.

– For 1,152 people with the ability to work, continue to increase industrial employment technology for poverty alleviation, encourage workshops on poverty alleviation and public welfare.SendOther measures focus on tilting the bracket and improvingProduction and operationSex andsalarySexual income, to achieve a constant increase in income.

——For 2,217 people without labor capacity, especially the poor who cannot work and cannot depend on industrial employment to help alleviate poverty, coordinate the implementation of subsistence subsidies, health insurance and pensionsinsurance, Comprehensive social security policies, such as special assistance for difficulties, support, temporary assistance, etc., to increase income from transfers and to achieve the guarantee and aid.

—— Concentrated support should be provided to qualified older people over 60 and poor, disabled and partially disabled people in rural areas.

—— For the 410 people whose incomes did not meet the poverty alleviation standard in the previous year, various support policies were superimposed, and efforts were made through multiple channels to ensure a continuous and stable increase in income.

Comprehensive account management to ensure the remaining poor are truly out of poverty

“Thanks to government assistance, I was freed from poverty and did not forget to dig wells to drink water. I want to pay society with a grateful heart.” Wei Huiwu, a poor home in Weizhuang Village, Fengzhou City, Pingxiang County, said.

Weihuiwu’s family of four, father of the 70s, did notworkforceThere are also two children who go to school. I am suffering from bilateral necrosis of the femoral head, tertiary disability, and a weak workforce. In recent years, I have no ability to work and no income to see my legs. Live and maintain a livelihood.

The village cadres found out about their situation and provided them with a minimal living allowance and included them in the archived poor households. To help him out of poverty, combined with his own wishes, the county poverty alleviation office helped him open a roast duck restaurant. ByborrowWith excellent technology and hardworking spirit, the roast duck restaurant business is getting better and better, and it has become a poor home into a wealthy leader. To pay the society, the Jingxian Federation of Disabled People led Weihui Wu to organize a snack training course, whichEntrepreneurshipFriends with heart disabilities are encouraged to start their own businesses and live a good life with their own hands.

Pingxiang County focused on the remaining 233 households and 601 poor households.Featured industriesTo lead, implement six measures to fight poverty and ensure that all remaining poor people will be released from poverty in late June.

In order to ensure stable and high quality poverty alleviation for the remaining poor people, our city establishes a poverty alleviation account for the remaining poor people by county, county, town by household, and person by country, in function of different attributes such as poverty attributes and causes of poverty. Measures, the path to poverty alleviation and responsibility towards people. Pay close attention to the implementation of responsibilities, policies and work, promote the constant progress of key tasks, key projects and key tasks, and implement inventory management of key tasks.

“The Municipal Poverty Alleviation Office implements oversight of the remaining 3,369 poor people in the city to ensure that there is no home or person left,” said Han Zhiqiang.

Compensation work responsibilities, party committees, and governments at all levels implement primary responsibility, carry out regular scheduling, timely investigations, and solve problems, and ensure high-quality progress. In accordance with the key tasks of this system, all sectors of the industry at all levels have strengthened job orientation to ensure that policies and measures are implemented. Fully play the role of the team of village residents and the person in charge of assistance, encourage “more help one” on the basis of maintaining stability of the original person in charge of assistance, formulate an assistance plan, implement assistance projects and improve the relevance and effectiveness of assistance. Sex.

At the same time, increasing the inclination of politics. Encourage newCapital increaseFunds, new projects, new measures, key support, capital investment guide, industrial projects, jobs, science and technology poverty alleviation, photovoltaic poverty alleviation, small amountCreditPolicies and measures like social security etc. lean towards the focus of the remaining poor, and the “thousand companies help the thousand villages”ConsumptionPoverty alleviation and other social assistance measures have focused on supporting the remaining poor in high-quality poverty alleviation as scheduled for the end of June this year.

(Editor in charge: DF515)

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