Rutte does not recognize what Macron says


French President Emmanuel Macron claims that he, German Chancellor Angela Merkel and Prime Minister Mark Rutte (VVD) are reaching out for European support to address the consequences of the crown crisis. But Rutte knows nothing.

At least, that’s what the prime minister said in his weekly press conference after the council of ministers. Macron suggested in an interview with the Financial times that there is unanimity on a new aid package.

“I also read it, I don’t know exactly what he means by that.” The last time I spoke to him was last Thursday, eight days ago. Then we had a long phone call, “said Rutte.

The heads of government will meet again on April 23 in a videoconference on the European approach to the crown crisis and, in particular, its financing. They could not agree in March.

Two jobs for European leaders

Macron points out in the British business newspaper that countries like France, Germany and the Netherlands allot billions of euros to support business, but many other countries cannot afford it. There should be European support for that. By RTL News When asked about the Dutch position, Rutte gave an ambiguous answer.

“There are two odd jobs at the Eurogroup table from last week on Thursday night. One: How do we deal with the Multiannual Financial Framework for the next seven years? And the second is: What does a recovery fund look like? This guy? I think there is a fairly broad agreement that when you start the economy you also look at it from Europe: how can you help to do that? “

Rutte repeats: no eurbonds

ESM’s emergency fund is only intended to help countries that are no longer able to enter the capital market. Therefore, a new recovery fund is needed. “So of course there is an endless debate about: what do you do with that money and what are the conditions for that? And two: how is that money generated? And yes the differences of opinion are of course very high, because you can see that many countries continue to advocate for the eurobonds that we do not want. “

The masks are not black and white.

Like the day before, the prime minister was questioned in the House of Representatives about whether citizens should wear mouth masks like in other countries. According to Rutte, its usefulness “is not so black and white.” Relaxing the closure may play a role.

“Our advisers are now investigating this and we will have to discuss it politically next week. Can you help, for example, contact professions like hairdressers, where it is impossible to observe a meter and a half? Or by public transport? If you have to keep a meter and a half away, a lot of the capacity on trains, buses and trams is gone. But we really don’t know yet. “

Don’t let the reins take off

Despite the decrease in pressure on integrated circuits, Rutte still doesn’t see room for the reins to take off. “You hope there is room to apply something more flexible, but it is also uncertain if that is possible.” Let’s look at that carefully. That is why my call to the Netherlands is: wait. “

As before at Easter, Rutte drew attention to caution in the weeks of Ramadan. “Also a period when people visit each other normally, for example during the daily iftar. I ask all Muslims in the Netherlands to spend this time of day at home, with the family or anyway. It really is very important. No matter how difficult it is, you also keep the rules during Ramadan. “

According to him, mosques and other social organizations in the Muslim community are actively spreading this message. “I really appreciate that”.
