Rural revitalization has entered a period of important strategic opportunities. Computerization leads the development of agriculture and rural areas | Information technologies | Agriculture and rural areas | Digital Village_Sina


Original title: Rural revitalization has entered a period of important strategic opportunities. Computerization leads to agricultural and rural development

News from this newspaper (Liu Hongquan, editor-in-chief of Communication Information News) Digital Village is not only a strategic direction for rural revitalization, but also an important part of building a digital China. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the digital development of agriculture and rural areas has been one of the most important tasks in the country. The Council of State, central ministries and commissions, and local governments have issued a series of policy documents to guide the construction of rural computerization. In this context, in recent years China has explored and practiced scientific and technological support actions for rural revitalization, and has achieved remarkable results. Today, we are at an important historical node, which is an important period of strategic opportunities to advance the digitization of agriculture and rural areas.How should we accelerate the promotion and application of information technologies in agriculture and rural areas to achieve rural revitalization?

Information technology helps rural revitalization

The construction of rural computerization is the use of networks and information technology as an important means for the modernization and transformation of agriculture and rural areas, which is of great importance for the future economic development of China.

One is to reduce the “information gap” between urban and rural areas. China has a vast territory and there are obvious gaps in the degree of computerization and digitization between different regions and between urban and rural areas. Among them, the vast rural areas have problems such as weak information infrastructure, which seriously affects agricultural and rural development and “human modernization”. Through the construction of rural computerization, the urban-rural development gap is gradually closed, laying the foundations for the “modernization of the population”, the realization of rural revitalization and the establishment of a well-off society.

The second is to improve and perfect the construction of the rural governance system. Promote the construction of rural computerization and establish convenient and fluid channels for people’s interests and information feedback, such as online and offline platforms, such as the “mobile conference room”, which favors the coordination and linking of different governance entities and improves the efficiency of rural governance.

The third is to promote the modernization of agricultural production. The deep integration of information technologies such as the Internet, big data and the Internet of things with agriculture has allowed the original high intensity manual labor to be replaced by intelligent machinery and equipment. Click on the screen, the distribution of the plots, the growth of the seedlings and the humidity and temperature of the soil are under control; With the touch of your finger, you can “prescribe the right medicine” and “make up for what’s missing” for crops. Not only that, from sowing, field management to harvesting and selling, the entire process is managed by data, which fundamentally changes the way of agricultural production.

The fourth is to consolidate the fruits of victory in alleviating poverty. For a long time, an important factor affecting rural economic development and agricultural industry income has been the incomplete construction of the network of agricultural products from production to sale. The construction of rural computerization will provide a “24 hour market” that is not restricted by time and region. Online live streaming propaganda, online ordering, smart logistics and distribution, and digital technology help farmers accelerate “cloud sales”, which play an important role in revitalizing the rural economy, increasing the income of rural residents and consolidating the results of poverty alleviation.

China’s rural computerization level is relatively lagging

In recent years, central and local governments have issued a series of policy documents to promote the digital village process. After years of construction, the construction of information infrastructure in rural areas has gradually improved and the scale of netizens has continued to expand, laying the foundation for the construction of digital villages. However, there are still challenges in building digital villages in China.

First, the overall level of digitization in China’s agriculture and rural areas remains low. According to data from the “2020 National County Digital Agriculture and Rural Development Level Assessment Report”, the county’s overall county digital agriculture and rural development level nationwide reached 36% in 2019, an increase of 3 percentage points compared to the previous year. In the United States, this data exceeds 70%. 80% of American farms are computerized and each farm is connected to more than 50 IoT devices. This shows that the level of computerization in China’s agricultural and rural areas still has a large margin of development.

Second, China’s smart agriculture lacks technical reserves. Agriculture has biological characteristics. The direct application of industrial information technology to the agricultural field often cannot effectively solve agricultural problems. Special investigations should be carried out based on agricultural biological characteristics and agricultural problems. Due to the lack of basic and original research, China’s smart agricultural technology as a whole has a large gap with developed countries, especially in agricultural sensors, agricultural artificial intelligence and agricultural robots.

Third, the deep integration of modern information technology and the entire agricultural industry chain is not enough. The solution of some practical problems in the agricultural industry only lies in the “use of technology” itself. “Internet + agriculture” has not yet fully released the digital dividend. There is a certain gap between the efficiency, effects and benefits of agricultural informatization and digital transformation of industry and service industries. According to the “Digital Agricultural and Rural Development Plan (2019-2025)”, China’s agricultural digital economy accounted for only 7.3% of agricultural value added in 2018, well below the 18.3% of industrial and 35.9% of services.

In general, the current level of rural computerization and the production value of the agricultural digital economy in China do not seriously coincide with the general level of social computerization in China and the total digital economy that accounts for 34.8% of GDP.

High-quality development of agriculture and rural areas has yet to be precisely solved

At present, China’s rural revitalization strategy has entered a critical period, and the modernization and high-quality development of agriculture and rural areas with the construction of rural computerization still face “tough” project tasks of one kind or another, requiring deep and precise solutions.

The first is to promote the research and development of digital agricultural innovation technology and the transformation of results. Deeply promote investment, research and development and application of core technologies, especially investment in smart sensors and equipment in the smart supply chain system. Cloud computing, the Internet of things and another new generation of information technology innovation investment also need more support, at the same time, intensify the promotion of technological innovation and deep integration of the entire chain of the agricultural industry, to make the agricultural products industry chain system more perfect.

The second is to do a good job of data sharing, data standardization, and information security. All industries and departments must fully share existing information and avoid repeated construction and repeated data collection in the rural computerization process. This requires relevant departments to take the lead in formulating data collection and information exchange specifications, while ensuring the security of digital information.

The third is to improve the level of digital education applications. Carry out 5G remote interactive teaching on the topic of urban and rural education resource sharing. Through high-definition remote teaching, the high-definition teaching live classroom of famous teachers from famous schools is broadcast to more schools, so that children in remote mountainous areas and key famous school students can have the same class.

The fourth is to give importance to staff training. The lack of talents is a major bottleneck for the development of digital villages. It is necessary to combine the revitalization of rural talents, increase the training of composite talents in digital villages, support innovation and entrepreneurship of digital villages and promote the development of digital villages. At the same time, it will coordinate the roles of scientific research institutions, universities, companies and other parties to cultivate a pool of leading talents, engineers and senior management teams in digital agriculture and rural areas. Strengthen digital agricultural and rural business training, carry out digital agricultural and rural talents going to the countryside, popularize knowledge related to digital and rural agriculture and improve the application of digital technology and the level of management of relevant entities as new high quality commercial entities and farmers

Digitization and computerization have provided limitless possibilities for revitalization and rural development. In the era of emerging digital construction, we must follow the trend of development, seize new opportunities in information construction, and let “digital villages” better serve the revitalization of rural areas and achieve the beautiful goals of an agriculture. strong, beautiful rural areas and rich farmers.
