Ruben Nicolai: LEGO Masters fits perfectly into the crown era | Entertainment


LEGO Masters it is recorded anyway without audience. “Except for the final, there was no audience. It turns out that it fits perfectly into the era. It is strange to see an old soccer game with an audience, for example. So you think: what are all those people doing there? It’s crazy how quickly you get used to a situation, “he says Nicolai to Buzz.

Not only an empty studio, but also LEGO fits well with the time of the crown. “LEGO is a very nice and obvious hobby for now,” says the presenter, who also made many creations during the recordings. “Until you stand on a block of six with a sleepy head, cup of coffee in hand, and bare feet. That’s also LEGO.”

Exciting turn

People who expect to see a smart program in which participants are relaxing can adjust their expectations. “The twist makes it exciting. In the first episode, the eight duos have fifteen hours to make a man-sized building and immediately afterward they have to do something completely different with it. That’s extreme.”

The duos receive another impressive task each week that they have to complete without a construction drawing. The Brickmaster, LEGO’s senior designer, determines which two have best completed the task. Nicolai and co-host Fleming Kürt Rogiers Talk about the program together and help the participants.


But although it is an abandonment race, there was almost no competition between them. “If the candidates were ready before, you saw that they would help each other and give suggestions, such as: maybe you can use this block there? It was not jealousy. It is still a useless race, but even if a duo had to leave, there was understanding and they even said: yes, but look what beautiful creations we lose ”.

A feeling of togetherness that, as Nicolai learned, is characteristic of avid builders. “When I started studying it, I discovered that there really is a whole LEGO community. People online exchange blocks and exchange tips and when a store opened a few months ago in Kalverstraat, there were lines of fans waiting. Really a world unto itself, amazing right?
