Rise of the body bag: the deceased new crown, the last decent situation | epidemic


Original title: Rising Body Bag: The New Deceased Crown, The Last Decent

Two adult men, weighing more than 120 kg, lay on the body bag. Six people grabbed the handle of the body bag and walked around the house. The body bag was not damaged by the weight.

“This means that the body bag can support the weight of most Westerners.” Tong Hai took the video and sent it to the client. In the end, these lots of body bags were rented by customers and shipped urgently to the United States.

Under the new epidemic of crown pneumonia, funeral supplies have appeared in varying degrees of scarcity. According to data from the Alibaba International Station, in March the total number of orders for funeral supplies on the platform increased by 487% compared to February.

From March 20 to April 20, the volume of inquiries for body bags increased by 22100% month-to-month; The top three in the flow of funeral supplies were the United States, Mexico, and Italy.

Behind this icy data is a more icy reality.

Wrap the body in sheets

The lively and bustling New York became somber and silent, and the screams of the ambulances came from time to time.

This is the city where Eric has lived for over 30 years. He drove a trailer to Manhattan, with more than 10 bodies wrapped in sheets.

People in the car died of new coronary pneumonia.

Eric was a temporary worker at a funeral home in New York, he regretted it and accepted the job. At the beginning of the year, the factory where he worked closed, and for several months he had to do odd jobs.

Two months ago, a friend introduced him to work at a funeral home: “He said there was an urgent shortage of people and that he was willing to provide a high salary.”

Eric rushed to “high salary” and went to work the next day. In his eyes, the new crown pneumonia was just a cold and he couldn’t threaten him.

Every day, he and his colleague drove a trailer and ran back and forth in another New York hospital to move the body.

At first, he moved 50-60 bodies a day. In April, the number of confirmed cases in the United States every day, such as wild horses, is increasing.

More and more people died from new coronary pneumonia. Eric began working overtime and transported at least 200 bodies each day. The funeral home’s body was transported back, waiting in line for cremation. The cremation oven was limited, and the funeral home had to rent several freezer cars to store the remains that could not be cremated.

One morning Eric drove to the back door of the hospital. When I got out of the car, I saw a dozen bodies piled up at the door, the bodies wrapped in black bags stacked side by side like lime bags.

Eric and his colleagues carried the bodies one by one, and his heart deepened, and he was finally afraid. “They were all living people.”

What alarms Eric the most is that some hospitals do not have body bags. At the funeral home where he works, the number of body bags is almost exhausted.

Photo / Xinhua News Agency

Most of the body bags are made of PVC and PEVA materials, which have the characteristics of leakproof and waterproof. Using professional body bags to transport the remains of patients with new coronary pneumonia can prevent the spread of the virus.

After the body bags were depleted, they were only able to wrap the bodies in hospital sheets and transport them to the car. Eric and colleagues, the risk of infection has increased.

He had the last word: when he used the sheet the first day, he sent 80 bodies. Despite wearing protective clothing, masks and gloves, Eric was terrified.

The body was transported for several days with sheets. Eric and his colleagues found the chief to protest, hoping to buy professional body bags as soon as possible to ensure his safety.

A few days later, the body bag shipped from China finally arrived.

The body bag business started with Ebola

Due to the new coronavirus pandemic, there is a severe shortage of stockpiles of body bags at funeral homes in Britain and the United States. According to the BBC report, health workers at the National Medical Service in the UK even said in the report: “The body can only be wrapped in sheets.”

In the epidemic situation, the supply of body bags is difficult.

To address the shortage of body bags, William Quail, managing director of the British funeral supply company, hired a team to sew 150 to 200 body bags a day. But he said a British-made shroud bag costs around £ 57.5, while a Chinese-made shroud bag costs just £ 9.

More and more funeral homes abroad are focused on China.

Not long ago, a British funeral home finally found a supplier of body bags in China. However, it will take six weeks to send them back to the UK.

Faced with a sudden increase in overseas orders, the Tong Hai factory production line was giving way to the production of body bags throughout April.

The Dongguan City Kaixin Toy Factory, operated by Tonghai, mainly produces inflatable pillows, inflatable cushions and other outdoor products. After the outbreak in foreign countries, orders for inflatable cushions and pillows were much lower. Every day, there are dozens of merchants who call him to check body bags.

In April, the Tonghai factory increased its power. The white night change machine continues to operate, and two assembly lines can produce 1 to 2 million body bags every day, almost all of which are exported to the United States. A

Foreign customers eagerly await the body wrap. Many merchants charter flights to ship the body wrap to the United States.

Behind the bag of debris is a sudden spike in death data. As of May 13, the cumulative number of confirmed cases worldwide exceeded 4.26 million, and the cumulative deaths exceeded 290,000. Among them, more than 1.4 million cases have been diagnosed in the United States and more than 80,000 people have died from infection with the new coronavirus.

According to the “Daily Mail” report, after the outbreak, the US Federal Emergency Management Agency. USA The usable inventory of body bags is increasing.

Throughout April, the office has purchased 100,000 body bags from merchants twice. The purchased body bags are distributed according to the infection status of each state in the United States.

This year’s epidemic reminded him of Tong Hai 6 years ago.

In the summer of 2014, Tong Hai, who was still producing inflatable pillows, received a drawing from a merchant customer. The picture shows a rectangular zippered bag. The material, size and production process are presented in detail. “The production steps are written very carefully, which requires the bag to be leak proof and able to support the weight.”

A few days later, Tong Hai learned from the client that he produced the body wraps.

These body bags are used to contain people who died of Ebola virus infection.

Because it is the first production, more than 20,000 body bags, the Tong Hai factory completed a full month.

After that, the link for the body bag has been hanging in the 1688 store in Tonghai. In recent years, the order for body bags in the store has been very stable, and the annual order volume has been maintained at 5,000-20,000.

In addition to the customers who actually placed orders, there was another person who found Tong Hai. These people opened their mouths and asked about the production and price of the cover: “Some people said they would order 1 million and 10 million covers.”

“This is too far-fetched.” Tong Hai knows that they are intermediaries who want to shoot “backpacks”, they don’t really want to order. For these people, he generally quotes a high price to discourage each other.

Chinese factory closed, Japanese coffin sold out

Cao County, Shandong, which is more than 1,500 kilometers away from Dongguan, many factories are rushing to control the last item of their lives for those who died of new pneumonia.

Half a month after Wuhan closed, the Yang Xuan wood products manufacturing plant was basically in a state of shutdown.

In the epidemic situation, the county was under martial law, and the workers who had been working at the factory were afraid to leave. The order for hundreds of wooden frames and windmill toys that Yang Xuan had accumulated years ago can only be postponed.

Around February 10, he received calls from a dozen merchants. “It’s about asking for Japanese coffins.”

Yang Xuan began to pay attention to the epidemic in Japan.

On February 13, Japan saw the first case of death from a new epidemic of coronary pneumonia. Yang Xuan’s merchant called and urged him to resume work as soon as possible and rush to make the coffin: “The Japanese coffin store has begun to run out.”

Affected by the new coronary pneumonia, some cautious Japanese have begun to treasure their coffins. After the closure of Wuhan, the Coffin Industrial Belts of Caoxian County, Shandong Province and Lankao, Henan Province have basically stopped working.

And 90% of Japanese coffins are imported from China. The closure of the Chinese factory is directly related to the last decent of the Japanese.

Cao County has delivered coffins to Japan for 30 years.

In 1989, the machine at Caoxian’s first coffin factory began to roar. In the workshop, there are lots of lids and casket bodies. The worker is responsible for putting the embroidered silk fabric in the coffin. Men are responsible for carving crested heads into wooden coffins, and others have installed plastic glass on the coffin lids.

The coffin formed was hauled to the ports of Qingdao and Dalian by large trucks, and then a freighter was set up to be shipped to Japan.

Yang Xuan’s childhood was spent in this coffin factory. During the day, his parents worked in the workshop, he and a dozen children played in the yard.

After more than 20 years, this coffin factory experienced a prosperous period, the factory expanded, and the number of workers expanded to more than 300. Eventually, it was forced to close due to mismanagement.

Many workers who left the factory took their skills and became bosses. By making Japanese coffins, wooden crafts, pencil holders, and other crafts are processed.

In recent years, Caoxian County has assembled tens of thousands of wood products factories. These factories are more or less doing coffin business.

Yang Xuan, who grew up, has his own factory. Five years ago, he started taking orders for some handmade wood products. Occasionally, orders will be received from Coffin Merchants.

For many years, casket orders in Yang Xuan’s business did not account for the majority. “There are only 4-5 orders a year, and a list can have up to 1,000 coffins.”

This new epidemic of crown pneumonia was the time when the Yang Xuan factory and many Caoxian carpentry shops made the most caskets.

The last decent of the deceased.

In mid-February, Yang Xuan called the workers at his home to return to the factory and began producing Japanese coffins in full swing. Many paulownia planks remain in the factory many years ago, which have been cooked and dried, and the first batch of coffins will be produced in just a week.

Thursday was Yang Xuan’s busiest time. This afternoon, all coffins are to be fully assembled and shipped to Qingdao and Dalian ports overnight.

“The port trip is once a week, and all goods must be delivered to the port by 10am on Friday, otherwise it will wait until the next trip.”

March-April, the Yang Xuan factory basically produces coffins. In two months, it exported tens of thousands of Japanese coffins.

In Yokohama, a coffin store cooperated by Yang Xuan merchants is already in a state of “I can’t buy coffins with money.” The merchant anxiously told Yang Xuan, “The store sold out and the four guests insisted on paying, waiting for the coffin to return.”

Funeral supplies, Yang Xuan is not happy due to the large number of orders. Tong Hai does not believe that the body bag is a merchandise that can be promoted.

Compared to other company products, the production of body bags gives you a “heavy” feeling.

The Tonghai factory has never made money from body bags. The stable monthly export volume of protective bags only contributed less than 1% of the company’s performance.

“The fluctuating monthly export volume, to some extent, also means that nothing important is happening.”

In April this year, the production of single-day covers at the factory reached the usual year. “These orders were not well received, demonstrating that many people died from new coronary pneumonia.”

Tonghai expects the body bag order to return to the stable state sooner.

Mentioning death is taboo in the Asian subconscious mind. At first, Tong Hai’s heart was not without strange feelings, but this feeling was quickly suppressed by himself.

He saw on the news that the boy who was killed by the Ebola virus and was detained by medical workers. On the streets of New York, there are heaps of dead bodies that are not wrapped in body bags, and the sadness in my heart is far greater than taboo.

“The body bag is the last decent of the dead.” Each bag represents the end of life. Every time a protective bag is sold, it means that one more person has left the world. Tong Hai, who produces body bags, knows that this kind of thing always needs someone to do it.

And all you can do is do your best to make the best quality of the body bag.

“If the thickness of the body bag is less than 0.3mm, it cannot support the weight, causing blood and other liquids to leak, which is disrespectful to the dead.” Tong Hai and staff will test each batch of body bags. The 120-kilogram employee was lying in the body bag. Several people stood at all four corners and lifted the body bag for a few rounds. The bag was not damaged due to its weight.

Tong Heite especially found a person whose weight and height were similar to that of Westerners to test: “Make sure the shroud can support the weight of foreigners.”

Tong Hai will observe the progress of the epidemic every day. Faced with the increasing number of deaths every day, Tong Hai knows that this heavy business must continue.

Massive information, accurate interpretation, all in the Sina Finance app

Editor in charge: Huo Qi
